
Defines functions tam_stud_prior

## File Name: tam_stud_prior.R
## File Version: 9.26

tam_stud_prior <-  function(theta, Y, beta, variance, nstud,
            nnodes, ndim, YSD, unidim_simplify, snodes=0,
            normalize=FALSE )
    # a0 <- Sys.time()
    if(ndim==1) {
        if ( ! unidim_simplify  ){
            theta_rep <- rep(theta, each=nstud)
            M_gwt <- Y %*% beta
            gwt <- matrix( stats::dnorm( theta_rep, mean=M_gwt, sd=sqrt(variance)),
        } else {
            TP <- nrow(theta)
            M_gwt <- as.numeric( Y[1,] %*% beta )
            gwt <- matrix( stats::dnorm(theta[,1], mean=M_gwt, sd=sqrt(variance[1,1])),
                                nrow=nstud, ncol=TP, byrow=TRUE)

    if(ndim > 1){
        mu <- Y %*% beta     #mean vector for each student: dimensions nstud by ndim
        eps <- 1E-7

        # Stabilization of the covariance matrix
        variance <- tam_ginv(x=variance, eps=.05)
        # compute density
        varInverse <- solve(variance)
        detvar <- det(variance)
        coeff <- 1/sqrt( (2*pi)^ndim * detvar )
        gwt <- matrix( 0, nrow=nstud, ncol=nnodes )

        #*** SD(Y)=0
        if ( YSD ){
            gwt <- tam_rcpp_prior_normal_density_unequal_means( theta=theta, mu=mu,
                     varInverse=varInverse, COEFF=coeff)
        if ( ! YSD){
            gwt <- tam_rcpp_prior_normal_density_equal_means( theta=theta, mu=mu,
                           varInverse=varInverse, COEFF=coeff)
            gwt <- matrix( gwt, nrow=nstud, ncol=nnodes, byrow=TRUE)
    #---- normalization
    if (normalize){
        gwt <- tam_normalize_matrix_rows(gwt)
    #--- output

stud_prior.v2 <- tam_stud_prior

#  cat(" * prior Ysd") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
alexanderrobitzsch/TAM documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:04 a.m.