## File Name: frm_fb.R
## File Version: 0.826
### Factored regression model
### Fully Bayesian estimation
frm_fb <- function(dat, dep, ind, weights=NULL, verbose=TRUE,
data_init=NULL, iter=500, burnin=100, Nimp=10,
Nsave=3000, refresh=25, acc_bounds=c(.45,.50),
print_iter=10, use_gibbs=TRUE, aggregation=TRUE )
CALL <- match.call()
s1 <- zz0 <- Sys.time()
# adaptation of function for including new model classes
# @ frm_prepare_models()
# * subfunction frm_define_model_R_function()
# - define sampling functions for parameters and evaluation
# function for density in Metropolis-Hastings step
# o R_fct <- stats::lm
# o R_fct_name <- 'stats::lm'
# o R_density_fct <- 'frm_linreg_density'
# o R_sampling_fct <- 'frm_linreg_sample_parameters'
# @ frm_prepare_data_fb()
# * no adaptation necessary, these are just processing functions
# for missing dat
# @ frm_fb_initial_parameters()
# * definition of standard deviations for proposal distribution
# * definition of coef of sampled parameters
# o ind_mm$coef <- coef(mod)
# o ind_mm$coef_sd_proposal <- se_mod
# o ind_mm$coef_parnames <- ...
# * in this step, the model is estimated. R_args for function arguments
# R_args <- list( formula=ind_mm$formula, data=dat, weights=weights)
# R_args <- frm_append_list(list1=R_args, list2=ind_mm$R_args)
# mod <- do.call( what=ind_mm$R_fct, args=R_args )
# * parms and parms_index contain parameter names and parameter indices
# @ frm_fb_init_matrices_saved_parameters()
# * no adaptation is necessary, matrices are created based on
# parms and parms_index
# @ frm_fb_init_imputations()
# * no adaptations are needed
#*** prepare models
res <- frm_prepare_models(dep=dep, ind=ind, dat0=dat, nodes_weights=FALSE,
use_gibbs=use_gibbs, weights=weights)
dep <- res$dep
ind <- res$ind
predictorMatrix <- res$predictorMatrix
variablesMatrix <- res$variablesMatrix
weights0 <- weights
N <- nrow(dat)
if ( is.null(weights0)){
weights0 <- rep(1,N)
dat0 <- dat
#*** prepare data
res2 <- frm_prepare_data_fb(dat=dat, dep=dep, ind=ind, weights0=weights0,
dat0=dat0, data_init=data_init )
dat <- res2$dat
dat_resp <- res2$dat_resp
dv_vars <- res2$dv_vars
ind_resp <- res2$ind_resp
ind_miss <- res2$ind_miss
freq_miss_values <- res2$freq_miss_values
impute_vars <- res2$impute_vars
impute_vars_index <- res2$impute_vars_index
N2 <- nrow(dat)
#*** prepare list of models
NM <- attr(ind,'NM')
ind0 <- ind
ind0[[ dep$dv_vars ]] <- dep
#*** fixed standard deviations
ind0 <- frm_prepare_models_sigma_fixed( ind0=ind0, NM=NM, dat0=dat0, dat=dat )
#*** initial estimation of models
res3 <- frm_fb_initial_parameters(dat=dat, ind0=ind0, data_init=data_init,
ind0 <- res3$ind0
parms <- res3$parms
parms_index <- res3$parms_index
model_results <- res3$model_results
npars <- res3$npars
dat <- res3$dat
#**** allocate matrices with sampled values for parameters
parms_mcmc <- frm_fb_init_matrices_saved_parameters( iter=iter, burnin=burnin,
Nsave=Nsave, Nimp=Nimp, npars=npars, parms=parms,
parms_index=parms_index, predictorMatrix=predictorMatrix )
iter <- parms_mcmc$iter
burnin <- parms_mcmc$burnin
#**** inits objects for imputations
imputations_mcmc <- frm_fb_init_imputations( Nimp=Nimp, model_results=model_results,
iter=iter, burnin=burnin, impute_vars=impute_vars,
impute_vars_index=impute_vars_index, ind_miss=ind_miss,
dv_vars=dv_vars, ind0=ind0, variablesMatrix=variablesMatrix,
#*** add additional arguments for regression functions
# ind0 <- frm_prepare_models_design_matrices( ind0=ind0, dat=dat, NM=NM)
maxiter <- iter
iter <- 1
iterate <- TRUE
mcmc_start_time <- Sys.time()
zz0 <- Sys.time()
#**** MCMC algorithm
while( iterate ){
#*** sample model parameters
res <- frm_fb_sample_parameters( dat=dat, ind0=ind0, NM=NM, iter=iter,
weights0=weights0, dat_resp=dat_resp, ind_resp=ind_resp,
ind_miss=ind_miss, model_results=model_results,
parms_mcmc=parms_mcmc )
ind0 <- res$ind0
model_results <- res$model_results
parms_mcmc <- res$parms_mcmc
# cat('\n -- i200') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1
#*** imputation of missing values
res <- frm_fb_sample_imputed_values( imputations_mcmc=imputations_mcmc,
model_results=model_results, ind0=ind0, iter=iter, dat=dat,
aggregation=aggregation )
imputations_mcmc <- res$imputations_mcmc
dat <- res$dat
#*** refreshing proposal SD for parameters and imputed values
if ( ( iter %% refresh==0 ) & ( iter <=burnin ) ){
ind0 <- frm_fb_mh_refresh_parameters( ind0=ind0, acc_bounds=acc_bounds )
imputations_mcmc <- frm_fb_mh_refresh_imputed_values(
acc_bounds=acc_bounds, ind0=ind0 )
res4 <- frm_fb_verbose_mh_refresh( verbose=verbose, iter=iter )
#**** print progress
res4 <- frm_fb_verbose_iterations( verbose=verbose, iter=iter,
print_iter=print_iter, maxiter=maxiter,
mcmc_start_time=mcmc_start_time )
if (iter >=maxiter){ iterate <- FALSE }
iter <- iter + 1
# cat('\n* MCMC algorithm ') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1
if (verbose){
#--- create parameter table
res <- frm_fb_partable( ind0=ind0, parms_mcmc=parms_mcmc )
partable <- res$partable
tech_summary <- res$tech_summary
coefs <- res$coef
vcovs <- res$vcov
values_coda <- res$values_coda
#--- information criteria
ic <- list()
ic$N <- nrow(dat0)
ic$np <- nrow(partable)
#--- descriptive statistics
desc_vars <- frm_fb_descriptives_variables(dat=dat, predictorMatrix=predictorMatrix,
dat0=dat0, parms_mcmc=parms_mcmc )
#--- output
s2 <- Sys.time()
res <- list( coef=coefs, vcov=vcovs, partable=partable, tech_summary=tech_summary,
values_coda=values_coda, ic=ic, ind0=ind0, parms_mcmc=parms_mcmc,
imputations_mcmc=imputations_mcmc, predictorMatrix=predictorMatrix,
variablesMatrix=variablesMatrix, desc_vars=desc_vars,
model_results=model_results, ind0=ind0, dat=dat0,
freq_miss_values=freq_miss_values, iter=maxiter, burnin=burnin,
CALL=CALL, s1=s1, s2=s2, diff_time=s2-s1 )
class(res) <- 'frm_fb'
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