## File Version: 0.281

SRM_MAKE_DATA_MATRIX_DYAD <- function(data = NULL,
                dyad_names = c("DyadNo_SRM","DyadNo_SRM_type"),
                rrgroup_name = NULL, use_rcpp=TRUE )


     ## IMPORTANT: the function presumes that dyads
     ## --- hier wird angenommen, dass pro Mass jeweils erst ij, dann ji, dann ij...

     ##-- how many round-robin groups
     rrgroups = unique(data[,rrgroup_name])
     nrr = length( rrgroups )

     ##-- how many variables?
     no_vars = length(unique(data$no_vars))
     res1 = NULL
     res2 = NULL

     for ( rr in 1:nrr ) {

         ##-- get numbers
         idx = which( data[,rrgroup_name] == rrgroups[rr] )
         tmp.data = data[ idx, ]

         ##-- how many dyads?
         no_dyads =  length(unique(tmp.data[,dyad_names[1]]))
         dyads = unique(tmp.data[,dyad_names[1]])

        if (!use_rcpp){
             ##-- now we generate a list of data frame containing the position of
             ##   the elements in the design matrix for each dyad
             tmp1 <- tmp.data[,dyad_names[2]]==1
             tmp2 <- tmp.data[,dyad_names[2]]==2
             # ind_dyads <- match(dyads, tmp.data[,dyad_names[1]])

            no_vars_ind <- list()
            for (m in 1:no_vars){
                no_vars_ind[[m]] <- (tmp.data[,"no_vars"]==m)

             dyad_matrix_list = lapply(1:no_dyads, function(x) {
                                  idx.rows = numeric()
                                  idx.cols = numeric()

                                  pos.cols = c(1,2)   # new: 17122018
                                  index1 <- (tmp.data[,dyad_names[1]]==dyads[x])
                                  for (m in 1:no_vars) {
                                      # index <- (tmp.data[,dyad_names[1]]==dyads[x]) & (tmp.data[,"no_vars"]==m)
                                      index <- index1 & no_vars_ind[[m]]

                                      tmp_ij <- which(index & tmp1)
                                      tmp_ji <- which(index & tmp2)
                                      idx.rows <- c(idx.rows, tmp_ij, tmp_ji)
                                      # idx.cols <- c(idx.cols, pos.cols)   # new: 17122018
                                      # pos.cols <- pos.cols + no_vars    # new: 17122018
                                      if (tmp_ij>0){
                                        idx.cols <- c(idx.cols, pos.cols[1])
                                      if (tmp_ji>0){
                                        idx.cols <- c(idx.cols, pos.cols[2])
                                      pos.cols <- pos.cols + 2  # change ARb 2019-01-02

                                  out <- data.frame(rrgroup = rr, did = x, rows=idx.rows,cols=idx.cols)
            out1 <- as.matrix( do.call(rbind, dyad_matrix_list ))
        } else {  # use Rcpp
            tmp_data3 <- as.matrix(tmp.data[ , c(dyad_names[1:2], "no_vars") ])
            out1 <- SRM_RCPP_SRM_MAKE_DATA_MATRIX_DYAD( tmp_data3=tmp_data3,
                        no_vars=no_vars, rr=rr, no_dyads=no_dyads, dyads=dyads )
            colnames(out1) <- c("rrgroup", "did", "rows", "cols")
        res1 <- rbind(res1, out1)
        res2 = rbind(res2, as.matrix( data.frame( rrgroup = rr, ND = no_dyads )) )

    return( list( res1 = res1, res2 = res2 ))
alexanderrobitzsch/srm documentation built on Nov. 5, 2022, 4:47 p.m.