


#No, unfortunately stat_summary only gets the numbers, this is the way to do it Have to create separate dataset and geom_text call to add the annotations


For comparing models, for the AB case of having two episodes, Pat used Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) for the single- and dual-episode models, based on the combined T1 and T2 distribution, to determine when there is evidence of a second attentional episode. in AB_compare_models.m

For comparing guessing only to mixture, Pat did:

% % Test for a significant difference in log likelihoods % [h,pValue,stat,cValue] = lratiotest(-minNegLogLikelihood,-uniformNegLogLikelihood,nFreeParameters,pCrit);

The mixture model has 3 degrees of freedom I think (e, u, sigma) and the guessing distrbiutino zero.


insanely, format.p cannot be found by annotate_fit call from top environment even when it's within the function defined


Use RStudio->Build->Test or

Damn you can't see the vignettes unless you install the proper package from tgz etc or

This can be investigated in test_analyzeOneCondition's test "can combine results of analyzeOneConditionDf into dataframe"

analyzeOneConditionDF turned warnings into a string.

Column warnings can't be converted from character to list. Fixed

inside calc_curves_dataframe in test-calc_curves_dataframe in bind_rows_(x, .id) : Column warnings can't be converted from character to list

Still getting this error e.g. in inspectHistograms.Rmd in jackie project. Do I have the latest version? Because what is the relationship to the message given by analyze_experiment.Rmd: " Unequal factor levels: coercing to characterbinding ". I dimly remember that "binding character and factor vector, coercing into character vector"

"call" in simplewarning sometimes has two fucking parts!


For a long time the vignettes were lost no matter which RStudio build thing I ran. Until I did devtools::build_vignettes() devtools::load_all(".")

Then I build source package in case that's needed to install from GitHub, but it doesn't work. Turns out a further complication is that build_vignettes is no longer an option in install_github, instead you have to do: devtools::install_github('alexholcombe/mixRSVP', build = TRUE, build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual")) This does not include the option of not building the vignettes, so it results in building the vignettes.

For adding an image for a vignette, it should also be in the vignette source directory

alexholcombe/mixRSVP documentation built on June 7, 2019, 3:50 p.m.