
The first practical advantage to using a package is that it’s easy to re-load your code. # You can either run devtools::load_all()

' @importFrom stats dnorm pnorm runif



use_vignette('hist_with_fit') ✔ Adding 'knitr' to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION ✔ Setting VignetteBuilder field in DESCRIPTION to 'knitr' ✔ Adding 'rmarkdown' to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION ✔ Creating 'vignettes/' ✔ Adding '.html', '.R' to 'vignettes/.gitignore' ✔ Adding 'inst/doc' to './.gitignore' ✔ Creating 'vignettes/hist_with_fit.Rmd' ● Modify 'vignettes/hist_with_fit.Rmd'

adding importFrom("methods", "show") importFrom("methods", "show") and ensure that your DESCRIPTION Imports field contains 'methods'). Did that, as explained here to avoid error

alexholcombe/mixRSVP documentation built on June 7, 2019, 3:50 p.m.