An R package to (pre-) process HDSS demographic data from the INDEPTH network

This is a collection of R functions to work with demographic datasets curated by the INDEPTH network and available from the INDEPTH data repository. HDSS (health and demographic surveillance system) data files can be read into R and pre-processed, their content can be checked for quality issues, and events, event patterns and transitions can be extracted and summarised before further processing.

Getting started

To install R.HDSS from github, you need the devtools package in your R environment. If you have not done so yet, start a fresh R session and run


This will install the developer tools and their dependencies. Now you can easily install R.HDSS via:


Load the package and open its vignette to get an overview and demonstration of the basic use of R.HDSS:



I am not affiliated with the INDEPTH network.

alexploner/R.HDSS documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:32 a.m.