recTests-HDSS: Check pre-processed HDSS data

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References See Also


These functions test and report which records of a pre-processed HDSS data have valid and consistent values


coreRecordTests(x, maxAge = 105, studyPeriod, observationLag = 0.5)




The data frame to be validated


A maximum age for checking the valid range of birth dates


A vector of length two, either of dates indicating the beginning and end of the study period, or of characters expressing dates that can be passed to 'as.Date'. If not specified, the stuyd period is inferred from the data, see Details.


A grace period (in years) after the end of the study period: observation dates are still accepted as prima facie valid if the fall not more than observationLag years after the end of study.


These functions report on the content of a pre-processed HDSS data set (as opposed to coreVariableTests and vaVariableTests, which check the formal requirements for a raw HDSS data set).

coreRecordTests checks for valid codes, missing values introduced by pre-processing, proper sequence of events, reasonable ranges of dates and ages, proper counting of events and female mothers. This is done for the same set of core variables as in coreVariableTests.
If no study period is specified by the user, it is inferred from the data as follows: start of study is the earliest non-missing event date for all starting events, i.e. 'ENU', 'BTH' and 'IMG' (enumeration, birth and immigration); end of study is the latest non-missing event data for closing events (coded as 'OBE').

vaRecordTests checks again for valid codes, agreement between event coding and verbal autopsy coding, as well as agreement within verbal autopsy variables (the same set as in vaVariableTests).


Each test returns a list with two entries:


Osman Sankoh and Peter Byass. The INDEPTH Network: filling vital gaps in global epidemiology. Int J Epi 2012; 41:579-588, Tables 1 and 2.

See Also

var-check-tools readRawHDSS preprocHDSS coreVariableTests

alexploner/R.HDSS documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:32 a.m.