
Defines functions textAreaInputWithButtons textInputWithButtons textInputWithValidation

Documented in textAreaInputWithButtons textInputWithButtons textInputWithValidation

#' textInput with validation
#' @inheritParams shiny::textInput
#' @inheritParams selectizeInputWithButtons
#' @export
textInputWithValidation <- function(inputId, label, value = '', container_id = NULL, help_id = NULL) {
  markup <- div(class = 'form-group selectize-fh validate-wrapper', id = container_id,
                tags$label(class = 'control-label', `for` = inputId, label),
                tags$input(id = inputId, type = 'text', class = 'form-control', value = value, placeholder = ''),
                tags$span(class='help-block', id = help_id)

#' textInput with buttons and validation
#' @inheritParams shiny::textInput
#' @inheritParams selectizeInputWithButtons
#' @export
textInputWithButtons <- function(inputId, label, ..., value = '', container_id = NULL, help_id = NULL, label_title = NULL, btn_titletips = TRUE, placeholder = '', width = NULL) {

  buttons <- list(...)
  buttons <- buttons[!sapply(buttons, is.null)]

  # generate tooltips
  button_tooltips <- NULL
  if (btn_titletips) {
    button_tooltips <- tags$div(
      lapply(buttons, function(btn)
        shinyBS::bsTooltip(id = btn$attribs$id, title = btn$attribs$title, options = list(container = 'body')))

  # add info icon to label with tooltip
  label_tooltip <- NULL
  if (!is.null(label_title)) {
    label_id <- paste0(inputId, '-label-info')
    label_tooltip <- shinyBS::bsTooltip(label_id, title = label_title, placement = 'top', options = list(container = 'body'))
    label <- tags$span(label, span(class='hover-info', span(id = label_id, icon('info', 'fa-fw'))))

  if (!is.null(width)) width <- paste0('width: ', width, ';')
  markup <- div(class = 'form-group selectize-fh validate-wrapper', id = container_id, style = width,
                tags$label(class = 'control-label', `for` = inputId, label),
                div(class = 'input-group',
                    tags$input(id = inputId, type = 'text', class = 'form-control', value = value, placeholder = placeholder),
                    tags$span(class = 'input-group-btn',
                              lapply(buttons, function(btn) {
                                if (btn_titletips) btn$attribs$title <- NULL
                tags$span(class = 'help-block', id = help_id),

#' textAreaInput with buttons and validation
#' @inheritParams shiny::textAreaInput
#' @inheritParams selectizeInputWithButtons
#' @export
textAreaInputWithButtons <- function(inputId, label, ..., container_id = NULL, help_id = NULL, label_title = NULL, btn_titletips = TRUE, placeholder = '') {

  buttons <- list(...)
  buttons <- buttons[!sapply(buttons, is.null)]

  # generate tooltips
  button_tooltips <- NULL
  if (btn_titletips) {
    button_tooltips <- tags$div(
      lapply(buttons, function(btn)
        shinyBS::bsTooltip(id = btn$attribs$id, title = btn$attribs$title, options = list(container = 'body')))

  # add info icon to label with tooltip
  label_tooltip <- NULL
  if (!is.null(label_title)) {
    label_id <- paste0(inputId, '-label-info')
    label_tooltip <- shinyBS::bsTooltip(label_id, title = label_title, placement = 'top', options = list(container = 'body'))
    label <- tags$span(label, span(class='hover-info', span(id = label_id, icon('info', 'fa-fw'))))

  markup <- div(class = 'form-group selectize-fh validate-wrapper', id = container_id,
                tags$label(class = 'control-label', `for` = inputId, label),
                div(class = 'input-group full-height-btn',
                    tags$textarea(id = inputId,
                                  class = 'form-control',
                                  value = '',
                                  style = 'resize: vertical; min-height: 34px;',
                                  placeholder = placeholder),
                    tags$span(class = 'input-group-btn',
                              lapply(buttons, function(btn) {
                                if (btn_titletips) btn$attribs$title <- NULL
                tags$span(class = 'help-block', id = help_id),

alexvpickering/shinypanel documentation built on April 1, 2022, 10:52 p.m.