Man pages for aliaksah/EMJMCMC2016
EMJMCMC help function used by parall.gmj to run parallel chains of...
EMJMCMCMode jumping MJMCMC or Genetically Modified Mode jumping MCMC...
erferf activation function
estimate.bas.glmObtaining Bayesian estimators of interest from a GLM model
estimate.bas.lmObtaining Bayesian estimators of interest from a LM model
estimate.bigmObtaining Bayesian estimators of interest from a GLM model
estimate.elnetA test function to work with elastic networks in future, be...
estimate.glmObtaining Bayesian estimators of interest from a GLM model
estimate.inlaObtaining Bayesian estimators of interest from a GLM model
estimate.logic.glmObtaining Bayesian estimators of interest from a GLM model in...
estimate.logic.lmObtaining Bayesian estimators of interest from an LM model...
estimate.speedglmObtaining Bayesian estimators of interest from a GLM model
factorialtruncated factorial to avoid stack overflow for huge values
LogicRegrA wrapper for running the Bayesian logic regression based...
mproduct function used in the deep regression context
parallelizeAn example of user defined parallelization (cluster based)...
parall.gmjA function to run parallel chains of (R)(G)MJMCMC algorithms
pinferunemjmcmcA wrapper for running the GLMM, BLR, or DBRM based inference...
sigmoidsigmoid activation function
simplify.formulaA function parsing the formula into the vectors of charactor...
simplifyposteriorsA function that ads up posteriors for the same expression...
aliaksah/EMJMCMC2016 documentation built on July 27, 2023, 5:48 a.m.