
#' An R6 Class to download, view, and save a map based on desired coordinates.
#' @docType class
#' @name MapStamen
#' @usage MapStamen(left, bottom, right, top, mapType, Zoom)
#' @description MapStamen is an object generator as R6 class. The returnd object is a map
#'    which has been downloaded from mapStamen API. 
#' @details MapStamen generates an object as R6 class. The returnd object is a map
#'    which has been downloaded from mapStamen API. The object
#'    will be constructed by passing the lower left and upperright coordinates of the 
#'    area of interest. Type of map and the requiered zoom can
#'     also be specified as the arguments.#'     
#' @section Public Methods:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{initializ(left, bottom, right, top =, mapType, Zoom)}}{This method will be initialized the class generator as the costructor is called. A new object will be generated.}
#'    \item{\code{showMap()}}{This method displays the downloaded map.}
#'    \item{\code{saveMap()}}{This method saves a png file in the working directory.}
#'    \item{\code{ClGoodday()}}{This method display the No. of healthy days in California in 2019.}
#'    \item{\code{ClModday()}}{This method display the No. of moderate days in California in 2019.}
#'    \item{\code{ClUnhealthyDay()}}{This method display the No. of unhealthy days in California in 2019.}      
#'      }
#' @section Private Methods:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{getMap()}}{This method dowloads the map from Stamen API and will be implemented in initialize method.}
#'    }
#' @seealso http://maps.stamen.com
#' @return A MapStamen class object generated by R6 class "MapStamen".
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @examples myMap = MapStamen$new(left = 86.05, bottom = 27.21,
#'                                right = 87.81, top = 28.76, mapType = "toner-lite", Zoom = 5 )
#' @import R6 
#' @import ggmap
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
MapStamen <- R6Class("MapStamen",
                     public = list(
                       #' @param left The lowerleft longitude of the area-box to be downloaded.
                       #' @param bottom The lowerleft latitude of the area-box to be downloaded.
                       #' @param right The upperright longitude of the area-box to be downloaded.
                       #' @param top The upperright latitude of the area-box to be downloaded.
                       #' @param mapType A string indicating the type of map("terrain", "toner",...)
                       #' @param Zoom zoom level 
                       initialize = function(left = -124.409591, bottom = 32.534156,
                                             right = -114.131211, top = 	42.009518,
                                             mapType = "terrain", Zoom = 9){
                         #Returning error and stop executing as the arguments are not the correct type.
                         stopifnot(is.numeric(left), length(left) == 1)
                         stopifnot(is.numeric(bottom), length(bottom) == 1)
                         stopifnot(is.numeric(right), length(right) == 1)
                         stopifnot(is.numeric(top), length(top) == 1)
                         stopifnot(is.numeric(Zoom), length(Zoom) == 1)
                         # Assigning the arguments to the private fields 
                         private$.left <- left
                         private$.bottom <- bottom
                         private$.right <- right
                         private$.top <- top
                         private$.mapType <- mapType
                         private$.zoom <- Zoom
                         # Downloading the map
                       # Method to display the downloaded map
                       showMap = function(){
                         longitude = c(private$.left, private$.right)
                         latitude = c(private$.bottom, private$.top)
                         sites = data.frame(Longitude = longitude, Latitude = latitude)
                         ggmap(private$.myMap, extent = "device") +
                           geom_point(data = sites, aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude),
                                      size = 1, shape=19)
                       #Method to save the downloaded map as a png file.
                       saveMap = function(){
                                width=6, height=6, units = "in")
                       ClGoodday = function() {
                         ggmap(private$.myMap, extent = "device") +
                           geom_point(aes(x = longi, y = latit, size = GoodDays), 
                                      data = Ca_2019, color = "gray", fill = "Green", stroke = 1, alpha = 0.75, shape = 21) + 
                           scale_size(range = c(2,18)) +
                       ClModday = function(){
                         ggmap(private$.myMap, extent = "device") +
                           geom_point(aes(x = longi, y = latit, size = ModerateDays), 
                                      data = Ca_2019, color = "gray", fill = "Orange", stroke = 1, alpha = 0.75, shape = 21) + 
                           scale_size(range = c(2,18)) +
                       ClUnhealthyDay = function(){
                         ggmap(private$.myMap, extent = "device") +
                           geom_point(aes(x = longi, y = latit, size = UnhealthyDays), 
                                      data = Ca_2019, color = "gray", fill = "Red", stroke = 1, alpha = 0.75, shape = 21) + 
                           scale_size(range = c(2,18)) +
                     private = list(
                       .left = NA,
                       .bottom = NA,
                       .right = NA,
                       .top = NA,
                       .zoom = NA,
                       .mapType = NA,
                       .myMap = NA,
                       # Get method to download the map from mapStamen API.
                       getMap = function(){
                         private$.myMap <- get_stamenmap(c(private$.left, private$.bottom,
                                                           private$.right , private$.top ),
                                                         maptype = private$.mapType,
                                                         crop = TRUE, zoom = private$.zoom)
alieti/myMap documentation built on Nov. 2, 2019, 1:40 p.m.