
Defines functions CNV_infer

Documented in CNV_infer

#' CNV_infer function
#' @description To infer copy number variation (sciCNV) at single-cell resolution
#' @note Please see the reference and supplmental materials described in the README file for additional information.
#' @param ss.expr scRNA-seq based expression for each test/control cell
#' @param mean.ctrl The average gene expression of control cells
#' @param chr.n List of chromosome numbers associated with the list of genes
#' @param resolution Adjusts the resolution, nrow(MSC)/(50*sharpness), used for the sciCNV-curve calculation. Default sharpness is =1.0 (best sharpnesses range between 0.6-1.4).
#' @param baseline An optional correction to adjust the CNV zero setpoint (copy number gain =0) which is otherwise the median CNV of all genes.
#           Default = 0 and typical range is between -0.5 and 0.5.
#' @param baseline_adj The baseline adjustment is only applied to test cells if it is TRUE. Default is FALSE.
#' @param P12 The variable which is associated to resolution, is automatically calculated and is used for CNV calling.
#' @param mat.fab is a merged matrix of FF, AW, BD vectors per cell. These vectors are used to calculate the relative expression of test to control.
#' @author Ali Mahdipour-Shirayeh, Princess Margaret Cancer centre, University of Toronto
#' @return The output is the sciCNV curve of each single-cell across entire genome
#' @examples
#' iCNV_percell <- CNV_infer(ss.expr=norm_expr_percell, mean.ctrl, gen.Loc, resolution=50, chr.n, P12, mat.fab)
#' @import stats
#' @export

CNV_infer  <- function( ss.expr,
                        gen.Loc ,
                        baseline_adj = FALSE,
                        baseline = 0,

  ## argument value/validation
  if (is.na(baseline)){
    baseline <- 0

  if (is.na(baseline_adj)){
    baseline_adj = FALSE

  # argument correction for Baseline Correction (BLC)
  if ( baseline_adj == "TRUE" ){
    BLC <- baseline          # Baseline Correction value
  } else {
    BLC <- 0

  ## defining parameters
  P31 <- P12/2;      E22 <- 1
  E23 <- 1;          O51 <- 0.985
  O52 <- 1 - O51;    P31 <- P12/2
  E22 <- 1;          E23 <- 1
  O25 <- 0.78;       O26 <- 0.2
  C297 <- resolution/10
  C298 <- 2;         J311 <- 1
  m <- 1.0001
  t <-  0.0002
  Lambda <- 0.00001
  row_n <- nrow(ss.expr)

  ## Recalling FF, AW, BD vectors and defining G matrix to start with average relative expression of test to control
  G <- as.matrix(seq(1,row_n,1))
  FF <- mat.fab[,1]
  AW <- mat.fab[,2]
  BD <- mat.fab[,3]

  #---------------  T: moving average of gene expression in control cells & U: moving average of expression in test cell
  TT <- rep(0, row_n); U <- rep(0, row_n)
  max_1 <- pmax( as.matrix(AW - P12), matrix(-floor(P12/C297), row_n) )
  min_1 <- pmin( as.matrix(P12 - BD), matrix(floor(P12/C297), row_n) )

  for( i in 1:row_n ){
    bb <- seq(i + max_1[i], i + min_1[i] , 1)
    bb <- bb[! is.na(ss.expr[bb])]
    TT[i] <- mean( ss.expr[bb] )
    U[i] <- mean( mean.ctrl[bb] )


  #---------------------- V: ma-Wratio (weighted disparity score comparing gene expression in test and control cells within the chromosome segment defined by the moving averages)
  V <- (TT - U)/(TT + U + Lambda )

  P100 <- stats::quantile( as.matrix(V)[seq(1,row_n,1)], 0.5 - BLC )
  WW <- V - P100

  #---------------  X: moving average of test cell, before weighting. & Y: moving average of control cells, before weighting
  X <- rep(0, row_n); Y <- rep(0, row_n)
  max_2 <- pmax( as.matrix(AW - P12), matrix(-floor(P12/C298), row_n) )
  min_2 <- pmin( as.matrix(P12 - BD), matrix(floor(P12/C298), row_n) )

  for(i in 1:row_n){
    bb <- seq(i + max_2[i], i + min_2[i], 1)
    bb <- bb[! is.na(ss.expr[bb])]
    X[i] <- mean( ss.expr[bb] )
    Y[i] <- mean( mean.ctrl[bb] )

  #---------------------- Z: ma-Wratio (weighted expression disparity score comparing gene expression in test and control cells within the chromosome segment defined by the moving averages)
  #-----------------------AA: median normalized Z. AB: Linearized solution of AA from quadratic equation (aka W-lin)
  Z <- (X - Y)/(X + Y + Lambda)

  P101 <- stats::median( Z[seq(1,row_n,1) ])
  AA <- Z - P101
  AB <- 3.3222*(AA)^4 + 5.6399*(AA)^3 + 4.2189*(AA)^2 + 3.8956*(AA)

  #---------------------- ACC: ma-DMS ("Demoncratic moving score" [1 CNV vote per gene]- calculated on post moving average post median normalized data)

  ACC <- rep(0, row_n)

  ACC[1] <- 0
  for(i in 2:row_n){
    if( WW[i] > 0){
      ACC[i] <-  ACC[i-1] + 1
    } else if(WW[i] < 0){
      ACC[i] <-  ACC[i-1] - 1
    } else
      ACC[i] <- ACC[i-1]

  #---------------  NEW: AC: ma-DMS (on post MovAve median)  &  DA: ma-Wratio  non-Moving Ave. +/-
  AC <- ACC + ( BLC * G )
  DA <- (ss.expr - mean.ctrl) %/% (ss.expr + mean.ctrl + Lambda)

  #---------------------- AC: non-ma DMS
  V56 <- length( DA[ DA > 0 ] )
  V57 <- length( DA[ DA < 0 ] )
  V60 <- (V56-V57)/row_n
  DD <-  rep(0, row_n)

  DD[1] <- 0
  for(i in 2:row_n){
    if( DA[i] > 0){
      DD[i] <-  DD[i-1] + 1 - V60
    } else if(DA[i] < 0){
      DD[i] <-  DD[i-1] - 1 - V60
    } else
      DD[i] <- DD[i-1] - V60

  SCALER <- (max(DD)-min(DD))/(max(ACC)-min(ACC))      # Scaling non-ma to ma-DMS
  DG3 <- baseline
  DG <- DE + ( baseline * G)
  DH <- (AC*0.66) + (DG*0.34)

  #---------------------- AD: V7alt[ma- and non-ma] Centrograde : Slope of AC (DMS)
  DI <- rep(0, row_n)

  for(i in 1:row_n){
    if( (BD[i] < P31) && (AW[i] < P31) ){
      aaa <- seq(i - P31 ,i + P31,1)
      aaa <- aaa[! is.na(DH[aaa])]
      Ya <- as.matrix(DH[aaa])
      summary(lmResult <- stats::lm(Ya~aaa))
      DI[i] <- as.matrix(stats::coef(lmResult)["aaa"][[1]])

    } else if( (BD[i] < P31) && (AW[i] >= P31) ){
      if(  (AW[i] - P12) < P31 ){
        aaa <- seq(i + AW[i] - P12, i + P31 , 1)
        aaa <- aaa[! is.na(DH[aaa])]
        Ya <- as.matrix(DH[aaa])
        summary(lmResult <- stats::lm(Ya~aaa))
        DI[i] <- as.matrix(stats::coef(lmResult)["aaa"][[1]])

      } else
        aaa <- seq(i + AW[i] - P12, i + P31 , -1)
      aaa <- aaa[! is.na(DH[aaa])]
      Ya <- as.matrix(DH[aaa])
      summary(lmResult <- stats::lm(Ya~aaa))
      DI[i] <- as.matrix(stats::coef(lmResult)["aaa"][[1]])

    } else if( (BD[i] >= P31) && (AW[i] < P31)  ){
      if( ( - P31) < ( P12 - BD[i]) ){
        aaa <- seq(i - P31, i + P12 - BD[i] , 1)
        aaa <- aaa[! is.na(DH[aaa])]
        Ya <- as.matrix(DH[aaa])
        summary(lmResult <- stats::lm(Ya~aaa))
        DI[i] <- as.matrix(stats::coef(lmResult)["aaa"][[1]])

      } else
        aaa <- seq(i - P31, i + P12 - BD[i] , -1)
      aaa <- aaa[! is.na(DH[aaa])]
      Ya <- as.matrix(DH[aaa])
      summary(lmResult <- stats::lm(Ya~aaa))
      DI[i] <- as.matrix(stats::coef(lmResult)["aaa"][[1]])

    } else if( (BD[i] >= P31) && (AW[i] >= P31)  ){
      if( (P12 - BD[i]) < (AW[i] -P12) ){
        aaa <- seq(i + P12 - BD[i], i + AW[i] -P12 , 1)
        aaa <- aaa[! is.na(DH[aaa])]
        Ya <- as.matrix(DH[aaa])
        summary(lmResult <- stats::lm(Ya~aaa))
        DI[i] <- as.matrix(stats::coef(lmResult)["aaa"][[1]])

      } else if( (P12 - BD[i]) == (AW[i] - P12) ){
        DI[i] <- 0
      } else{
        aaa <- seq(i + P12 - BD[i], i + AW[i] - P12 , -1)
        aaa <- aaa[! is.na(DH[aaa])]
        Ya <- as.matrix(DH[aaa])
        summary(lmResult <- stats::lm(Ya~aaa))
        DI[i] <- as.matrix(stats::coef(lmResult)["aaa"][[1]])

  #---------------------- AF: maV7-alt x maW-lin curve & AG: maV7-alt x maW-lin curve with Manual Scale
  AF <- rep(0, row_n)

  for(i in 1:row_n){
    if( (! is.na(DI[i]*AB[i])) && (DI[i]*AB[i] > 0) ){
      AF[i] <- DI[i]*abs(AB[i])
    } else
      AF[i] <- 0

  AG <- AF/J311

  #### returns the square of the single cell inferred CNV profile matrix ('squared' estimate of CNV; requires square root)


alimahdipour/sciCNV documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 12:56 p.m.