
context("Coding country names")

test_that("coding countries works", {
    test_countries <- c("Taiwan", "South Korea", "Uruguay")
    expect_equal(as_country_code(test_countries, from = "en"),
                 c("TW", "KR", "UY"))
    expect_equal(as_country_code(test_countries, from = "en", to = "stanag"),
                 c("TWN", "KOR", "URY"))
    expect_s3_class(as_country_code(test_countries, from = "en", factor = TRUE),
    expect_warning(as_country_code("foo", from = "en"),
                   "NAs created: foo")
    expect_error(as_country_code(list(), "en"),
                 "Input is not an atomic vector")
    expect_error(as_country_code("US", from = "foo"),
                 "not in available formats")
    expect_error(as_country_code("US", from = "iso2c", to = "foo"),
                 "not in available formats")
alistaire47/passport documentation built on Dec. 7, 2020, 8:43 a.m.