
context("combine_runs tests")


test_list <- list(ref_nums, ref_n, ref_structn)

test <- list(test_list, test_list, test_list)
test_error <- list(test_list, test_list[1:2])

out <- combine_runs(outs = test, runs = c("run1", "run2", "run3"))

# Some simple calculations!
test1 <- out[[1]] %>%
  group_by_(.dots = names(.)[!names(.) %in% c("run", "atoutput")]) %>%
  summarise(atoutput = mean(atoutput)) %>%
  left_join(test_list[[1]], by = names(.)[!names(.) %in% c("atoutput")])

test3 <- out[[3]] %>%
  group_by_(.dots = names(.)[!names(.) %in% c("run", "atoutput")]) %>%
  summarise(atoutput = mean(atoutput)) %>%
  left_join(test_list[[3]], by = names(.)[!names(.) %in% c("atoutput")])

test_that("test combine_runs", {
  expect_error(combine_runs(test, runs = c("a", "b")), "Number of outs and runs does not match.")
  expect_equal(sapply(out, dim)[1,], sapply(test_list, dim)[1,] * 3)
  expect_true(all(test1$atoutput.x == test1$atoutput.y))
  expect_true(all(test3$atoutput.x == test3$atoutput.y))
  expect_error(combine_runs(outs = test_error, runs = c("a", "b")), "Different number of dataframes")
alketh/atlantistools documentation built on Oct. 30, 2021, 5:46 a.m.