GDM Predictions

Run predictions from the GDMs in order to visualise the results (analogously to the effects package for mixed effects models).


From the file analysis_nonpublic.R.

sections_to_be_loaded <- c("gdminput", "gdmoutput")
funs <- "EFdistance"
compon_lui <- "LUI"


exSplines <- gdm::isplineExtract(gdmoutput)
maxsplines <- apply(exSplines$y, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
gdminput$predicted.distance<- predict(gdmoutput, gdminput) # is actually the same as gdmoutput$predicted

dtgdminput <- data.table::data.table(gdminput)

# check : plot pred vs. obs
plot(gdminput$predicted.distance, gdminput$distance)

# visualise results
ggplot2::ggplot(gdminput, aes( x = s1.LUI, y = s2.LUI, col = predicted.distance)) +
# still quite messy. Try to clean out before plotting

# selecting ecologically interesting pairs of LUI dissim :
# - low-low
# - medium- medium
# - high-high
lowlui <- dtgdminput[s1.LUI < 1 & s2.LUI < 1 | s1.LUI > 1 & s2.LUI < 1, ]
ggplot2::ggplot(dtgdminput, aes( x = s1.LUI, y = s2.LUI, col = predicted.distance)) +

plot(abs(gdminput$s1.LUI - gdminput$s2.LUI), gdminput$predicted.distance)

# just checking how it's in linear model.
# we need to plot the residuals of LUI in order to get the exact model values...
mod <- lm(distance ~ s1.LUI + s2.LUI, data = gdminput)
plot(predict(mod), gdminput$distance)
plot(predict(mod), gdminput$s2.LUI)

# maybe need to work with the partial effects? Yes, probably!
plot(exSplines[[1]][,"LUI"], exSplines[[2]][,"LUI"]) # second item : partial ecological distance
length(exSplines[[1]][,"LUI"]) # why just 200 values? either too much or too few... ??
# don't forget the intercept!

# what is a rug plot in gdm.plot() ?

From Vignette

# As in Section 1, we first fit a gdm using raster layers as predictors
# Load data from the gdm package
gdmExpData <- southwest
rastFile <- system.file("./extdata/swBioclims.grd", package="gdm")
# create a raster stack
envRast <- stack(rastFile)
# Create a 'species list' data input using the gdm package data
sppTab <- gdmExpData[, c("species", "site", "Lat", "Long")]
# prepare the gdm input table, using rasters as predictors
sitePairRast <- formatsitepair(bioData=sppTab, bioFormat=2, XColumn="Long", YColumn="Lat", sppColumn="species", siteColumn="site", predData=envRast)

# Remove any site-pairs containing NAs for the extracted raster-based predictors
sitePairRast <- na.omit(sitePairRast)
# fit the GDM
gdmRastMod <- gdm(data=sitePairRast,geo=TRUE)
# Generate transformed predictor rasters, based on the raw raster predictor layers
# and the fitted gdm
transRasts <- gdm.transform(model=gdmRastMod, data=envRast)

# Get the data from the gdm transformed rasters as a table
rastDat <- na.omit(getValues(transRasts))
# The PCA can be fit on a sample of grid cells if the rasters are large
rastDat <- sampleRandom(transRasts, 50000)
# perform the principle components analysis
pcaSamp <- prcomp(rastDat)
# Predict the first three principle components for every cell in the rasters
# note the use of the 'index' argument
pcaRast <- predict(transRasts, pcaSamp, index=1:3)
# scale the PCA rasters to make full use of the colour spectrum
pcaRast[[1]] <- (pcaRast[[1]]-pcaRast[[1]]@data@min) /
pcaRast[[2]] <- (pcaRast[[2]]-pcaRast[[2]]@data@min) /
pcaRast[[3]] <- (pcaRast[[3]]-pcaRast[[3]]@data@min) /
# Plot the three PCA rasters simultaneously, each representing a different colour
# (red, green, blue)
plotRGB(pcaRast, r=1, g=2, b=3)

What does the transform function do?

# use predictors
test <- merge(LUI[, 1:2], predictors[, 1:2], by = "Plotn")

gdm.transform(gdmoutput, test)

allanecology/BetaDivMultifun documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 8:47 p.m.