Man pages for almeidasilvaf/tfhunter
Identification and classification of plant transcription factors

annotate_pfamAnnotate proteins sequences with PFAM domains
classification_schemeData frame of TF family classification scheme
classify_tfsIdentify TFs and classify them in families
get_tf_countsGet TF frequencies for each species as a SummarizedExperiment...
gsuProtein sequences of the algae species Galdieria sulphuraria
gsu_annotationDomain annotation for the algae species Galdieria sulphuraria...
gsu_familiesTFs families of the algae species Galdieria sulphuraria The...
hmmer_is_installedCheck if HMMER is installed
planttfhunter-packageplanttfhunter: Identification and classification of plant...
tf_countsTF counts per family in 4 simulated species
almeidasilvaf/tfhunter documentation built on March 19, 2023, 8:53 p.m.