#' @title Lineup Optimizer Get Input FIle
#' @description gets input file for optimizer
#' @param input
#' @return datatable
#' @examples optimize_lineup_get_input_file(input)
#' @export
optimize_lineup_get_input_file <- function(input){
filter <- dplyr::filter
select <- dplyr::select
summarize <- dplyr::summarize
summarise_all <- dplyr::summarize
count <-dplyr::count
gather <- tidyr::gather
tryCatch({df <- clean_names(read.csv(input$file1$datapath))},
error = function(e) {
names_to_check <- c("position", "player", "cost", "projected_points", "keep")
missing_names <- setdiff(names_to_check, names(df))
if(length(missing_names)> 0){
stop(paste0("You're' missing these columns in the uploaded file: " ,
paste(missing_names, collapse = ', ')))
df <- df %>% filter(keep == 1)
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