
utils::globalVariables(c("counter", "Prediction", "input.data", "old.d",
                         "plotlyOutput", "renderPlotly","Lower.bound", "Upper.bound"))

DynNom <- function(model, data, clevel = 0.95, m.summary = c("raw", "formatted"),
                   covariate = c("slider", "numeric"), ptype = c("st", "1-st")) {

  data <- data.frame(data)

  if (length(dim(data)) > 2)
    stop("Error in data format: dataframe format required")

  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "lm"|
      attr(model, "class")[1] == "glm"|
      attr(model, "class")[1] == "coxph") {

    if (attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[[1]] == "logical")
      stop("Error in model syntax: logical form for response not supported")

    if (tail(names(attr(model$terms,"dataClasses")),n=1)=="(weights)") {
      n.terms <- length(attr(model$terms,"dataClasses"))
      attr(model$terms,"dataClasses") <- attr(model$terms,"dataClasses")[1:n.terms - 1]

  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "ols"|
      attr(model, "class")[1] == "Glm"|
      attr(model, "class")[1] == "lrm") {
    model <- update(model,x=T,y=T)
      if (class(model$y)[1] == "logical")  stop("Error in model syntax: logical form for response not supported")} else{
        if (class(model$y)[2] == "logical")  stop("Error in model syntax: logical form for response not supported")

  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "lm"|
      attr(model, "class")[1] == "glm") {
    for(i in 1:length(names(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")))) {
      com1 = numeric(length(names(data)))
      for(j in 1:length(names(data))) {
        if (names(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses"))[i] == names(data)[j]) com1[j] = 1
      if (sum(com1) == 0)
        stop("Error in model syntax: some of model's terms do not match to variables' name in dataset")

  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "coxph.null") {
    stop("Error in model syntax: the model is null")

  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "coxph") {
    n.strata <- length(attr(model$terms, "specials")$strata)
    dim.terms <- length(names(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")))

    for (i in 2:dim.terms) {
      if (substr(names(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses"))[i], 1, 6) == "strata") {
        nch <- nchar(names(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses"))[i])
        names(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses"))[i] <- substr(names(attr(model$terms,
                                                                        "dataClasses"))[i], 8, (nch - 1))

    if (!is.null(attr(model$terms, "specials")$tt)) {
      stop("Error in model syntax: coxph models with a time dependent covariate is not supported")

    for(i in 2:length(names(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")))) {
      for(j in 1:length(names(data))) {
        if (names(attr(model$terms, "dataClasses"))[i]==names(data)[j]) com1[j]=1
      if (sum(com1)==0)
        stop("Error in model syntax: some of model's terms do not match to variables' name in dataset")

  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "cph") {
    model <- update(model,x=T, y=T, surv=T)

      if (class(model$y)[1] == "logical")  stop("Error in model syntax: logical form for response not supported")} else{
        if (class(model$y)[2] == "logical")  stop("Error in model syntax: logical form for response not supported")

     stop("Error in model syntax: models with start-stop time is not supported")

    if (model$call[[2]][[3]]==1) {
      stop("Error in model syntax: the model is null")

  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "lm") {
    DynNom.lm(model, data, clevel, m.summary, covariate)
  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "glm") {
    DynNom.glm(model, data, clevel, m.summary, covariate)
  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "coxph") {
    if (attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[[1]] == "nmatrix.3")
      stop("Error in model syntax: start/stop notation not supported")

    if (attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[[1]] == "nmatrix.2") {
      DynNom.coxph(model, data, clevel, m.summary, covariate, ptype)

  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "ols") {
    DynNom.ols(model, data, clevel, m.summary, covariate)
  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "Glm") {
    DynNom.Glm(model, data, clevel, m.summary, covariate)
  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "lrm") {
    DynNom.lrm(model, data, clevel, m.summary, covariate)
  if (attr(model, "class")[1] == "cph") {
    DynNom.cph(model, data, clevel, m.summary, covariate, ptype)
amirjll/DynNom-V4.1.1 documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:17 a.m.