
## Simple kernel canonical corelation analysis
## author: alexandros karatzoglou

kcca = function(Kx, Ky, kpar=list(sigma=0.1), gamma=0.1, ncomps =10, ...)
  Kx <- as.matrix(Kx)
  Ky <- as.matrix(Ky)
    stop("Number of rows in Kx, Ky matrixes is not equal")
  n <- dim(Kx)[1]
  m <- 2
  ## Generate LH
  VK <- matrix(0,n*2,n);
  VK[0:n,] <- Kx
  VK[(n+1):(2*n),] <- Ky
  LH <- tcrossprod(VK, VK)
  for (i in 1:m)
    LH[((i-1)*n+1):(i*n),((i-1)*n+1):(i*n)] <- 0
  ## Generate RH
  RH <- matrix(0,n*m,n*m)
  RH[1:n,1:n] <- (Kx + diag(rep(gamma,n)))%*%Kx + diag(rep(1e-6,n))
  RH[(n+1):(2*n),(n+1):(2*n)] <- (Ky + diag(rep(gamma,n)))%*%Ky + diag(rep((1e-6),n))
  RH <- (RH+t(RH))/2
  ei <- .gevd(LH,RH)
  ret <- list()
  kcor <- as.double(ei$gvalues[1:ncomps])
  xcoef <- matrix(as.double(ei$gvectors[1:n,1:ncomps]),n)
  ycoef <- matrix(as.double(ei$gvectors[(n+1):(2*n),1:ncomps]),n)
  ## xvar(ret) <- rotated(xpca) %*% cca$xcoef
  ## yvar(ret) <- rotated(ypca) %*% cca$ycoef
  return(list(kcor=kcor, xcoef=xcoef, ycoef=ycoef))

## gevd compute the generalized eigenvalue 
## decomposition for (a,b)
.gevd<-function(a,b=diag(nrow(a))) {
  bs<-.mfunc(b,function(x) .ginvx(sqrt(x)))

## mfunc is a helper to compute matrix functions
.mfunc<-function(a,fn=sqrt) {
  e<-eigen(a); y<-e$vectors; v<-e$values

center.kernel <- function(K) {
  n <- nrow(K)
  return(K - 2 * diag(n) %*% K + diag(n) %*% K %*% diag(n))

## ginvx is a helper to compute reciprocals
.ginvx<-function(x) {ifelse(x==0,0,1/x)}
amirms/GeLaToLab documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:36 a.m.