
Defines functions Turbo

#' Turbo
#' @description Google AI's Turbo color palette
#' @param out.colors number of colors to generate
#' @param pal.min minimum
#' @param pal.max maximum
#' @param pal palette
#' @param reverse direction
#' @noRd
#' @return list

turbo_colormap_data <- cbind(A,B,C) 
turbo_colormap_data_sRGB <- colorspace::sRGB(turbo_colormap_data)
turbo_colormap_data_HEX <- colorspace::hex(turbo_colormap_data_sRGB)

TurboPalette <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors = turbo_colormap_data_HEX,
                                            space="rgb", interpolate = "spline")

Turbo <- function(pal.min = 0,
                  pal.max = 1,
                  out.colors = NULL,
                  pal = turbo_colormap_data_HEX,
                  reverse = FALSE) {
 # pal.min = lower bound of the palette to use [0,1]
 # pal.max = upper bound of the palette [0,1]
 # out.colors = specify the number of colors to return if out.colors = 1, will return pal.min color. 
 #              if unspecified, will return all the colors in the original palette that fall within the min/max boundaries
 # pal = vector of colors (HEX) in palette
 # reverse = flip palette T/F - performed as last step
  if(pal.min == 0){pal.start = 1}
  if(pal.min > 0){pal.start = round(length(pal)*pal.min) }
  pal.end = round(length(pal)*pal.max )
  out = pal[pal.start:pal.end]
   pal2 <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors = out ,space="rgb", interpolate = "linear")
   out <- pal2(out.colors)
  if(reverse == TRUE){out = rev(out)}
anastasia-lucas/hudson documentation built on Nov. 18, 2021, 5:16 p.m.