
#' R6 Class that helps visualizing an ALASCA model
#' @description
#' The class contains plot options and the functions for plotting themselves. It can be accessed as `obj$splot` where `obj` is an ALASCA object.
#' Note: The object is typically accessed by `plot(obj, ...)` where the arguments are passed to the class. The arguments can also be set when the ALASCA model is created by providing arguments with prefix `plot.` (e.g., `plot.my_theme = ...`)
AlascaPlot <- R6::R6Class("AlascaPlot",
  class = FALSE,
  public = list(
    #' @field model ALASCA model
    model = NULL,
    #' @field my_theme Theme for ggplot2 plots
    my_theme = ggplot2::theme_classic() +
        legend.position = "bottom"
    #' @field variable_label Text label for the y axis
    variable_label = "Variable",
    #' @field variable Selected variables to plot
    variable = NULL,
    #' @field x_label Text label for the x axis
    x_label = NULL,
    #' @field group_label Legend title
    group_label = "Group",
    #' @field n_bins Number of bins for histograms
    n_bins = NULL,
    #' @field sort_loadings String: loading, alpha, vector
    sort_loadings = "loading",
    group = NULL,
    #' @field ribbon Boolean. Plot ribbons for uncertainties
    ribbon = TRUE,
    waterfall = FALSE,
    #' @field bw Boolean. Plot in gray scale
    grayscale = FALSE,
    #' @field bw Boolean. Same as `grayscale`
    greyscale = FALSE,
    #' @field bw Boolean. Same as `grayscale`
    bw = FALSE,
    #' @field dodgewidth Validated figures have dodged points to avoid overlap
    dodgewidth = 0.5,
    height = NULL,
    width = NULL,
    dheight = NULL,
    dwidth = NULL,
    #' @field dpi Resolution when saving figures. See [ggplot2::ggsave()]
    dpi = 300,
    #' @field units Units for figure sizes. See [ggplot2::ggsave()]
    units = "mm",
    #' @field filetype File type for saved plots. See [ggplot2::ggsave()]
    filetype = "png",
    make_group_column = FALSE,
    palette = NULL,
    file_counter = 1,
    linetypes = NULL,
    shapes = NULL,
    #' @field loading_group_column Column for variable groups
    loading_group_column = NULL,
    #' @field loading_group_label Legend table for variable groups
    loading_group_label = "Variable group",
    #' @field sort_by_loading_group Boolean. Sort loadings within loading group
    sort_by_loading_group = TRUE,
    #' @field palette_end Improve contrast by not using the full color space. See [scales::viridis_pal()]
    palette_end = 0.8,
    #' @field effect_i Effect(s) to plot
    effect_i = 1,
    #' @field component Component(s) to plot
    component = 1,
    n_col = 1,
    #' @field facet_ncol Number of facet columns. See [ggplot2::facet_wrap()]
    facet_ncol = NULL,
    #' @field facet_nrow Number of facet rows. See [ggplot2::facet_wrap()]
    facet_nrow = NULL,
    #' @field save Boolean. Whether to save plots
    save = FALSE,
    #' @field flip_axis Boolean. If `TRUE`, variabels are plotted along the y axis
    flip_axis = TRUE,
    #' @field x_angle Angle for the x labels
    x_angle = 45,
    x_v_just = 1,
    x_h_just = 1,
    n_limit = 12,
    #' @field labels Figure labels, see [ggpubr::ggarrange()]
    labels = "AUTO",
    #' @field type Plot type
    type = "effect",
    initialize = function(model) {
      self$model <- model
    call_plot = function(...) {
      inputs <- list(...)
      for (i in seq_along(inputs)) {
        self[[names(inputs)[i]]] <- inputs[[i]]


        paste0(self$capitalize(self$type), " plot. Selected effect (nr ", paste0(self$effect_i, collapse = " and "), "): `", paste0(unlist(lapply(self$effect_i, function(i) self$model$effect_list$expr[[i]])), collapse = "` and `"), "`. Component: ", paste(self$component, collapse = " and "), ".")

      if (self$type == "effect") {
        self$dheight <- 120 * length(self$effect_i) * length(self$component)
        self$dwidth <- 180
        g <- self$plot_effect()
      } else if (self$type == "score") {
        self$dheight <- 90
        self$dwidth <- 90
        g <- self$plot_effect_score(effect_i = self$effect_i, component = self$component)
      } else if (self$type == "loading") {
        self$dheight <- 120 * length(self$effect_i) * length(self$component)
        self$dwidth <- 90
        g <- self$plot_effect_loading(effect_i = self$effect_i, component = self$component)
      } else if (self$type == "validation") {
        self$dheight <- 120 * length(self$effect_i) * length(self$component)
        self$dwidth <- 180
        g <- self$plot_effect_validation()
      } else if (self$type == "2D") {
        self$dheight <- 240
        self$dwidth <- 240
        g <- self$plot_2D()
      } else if (self$type == "2D_advanced") {
        self$dheight <- 240
        self$dwidth <- 240
        g <- self$plot_2D_advanced()
      } else if (self$type == "histogram") {
        self$dheight <- 180
        self$dwidth <- 180
        if (is.null(self$n_bins)) {
          self$n_bins <- self$model$n_validation_runs / 5
        g <- self$plot_histogram()
      } else if (self$type == "scree") {
        self$dheight <- 60
        self$dwidth <- 60
        g <- self$plot_scree()
      } else if (self$type == "covars") {
        self$dheight <- 90
        self$dwidth <- 90
        g <- self$plot_covars()
      } else if (self$type == "residuals") {
        self$dheight <- 180
        self$dwidth <- 180
        g <- self$plot_residuals()
      } else if (self$type == "prediction") {
        self$dheight <- 160
        self$dwidth <- 180
        g <- self$plot_prediction()
      } else if (self$type == "participants") {
        self$dheight <- 160
        self$dwidth <- 180
        g <- self$plot_participants()
      } else {
        self$model$log(paste("Unkown plot type:", self$type), level = "ERROR")

    plot_effect = plot_effect,
    plot_effect_score = plot_effect_score,
    plot_effect_loading = plot_effect_loading,
    plot_effect_validation = plot_effect_validation,
    plot_effect_validation_score = plot_effect_validation_score,
    plot_effect_validation_loading = plot_effect_validation_loading,
    plot_histogram = plot_histogram,
    plot_participants = plot_participants,
    plot_histogram_score = plot_histogram_score,
    plot_histogram_loading = plot_histogram_loading,
    plot_2D = plot_2D,
    plot_2D_advanced = plot_2D_advanced,
    plot_2D_score = plot_2D_score,
    plot_2D_loading_1 = plot_2D_loading_1,
    plot_2D_loading_2 = plot_2D_loading_2,
    plot_scree = function() {
      if (length(self$effects) > 1) {
        g_list <- lapply(self$effects, function(i) {
          data_to_plot <- data.table(explained = self$model$ALASCA$explained[[i]])
          data_to_plot$PC <- seq_len(nrow(data_to_plot))
          data_to_plot <- data_to_plot[PC <= max(self$component)]
          g <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_to_plot, ggplot2::aes(x = factor(PC), y = explained, group = NA)) +
            ggplot2::geom_point() +
            ggplot2::geom_line() +
            ggplot2::labs(x = "Principal component", y = "Variance explained") +
        do.call(ggpubr::ggarrange, list(plotlist = g_list, labels = self$labels))
      } else {
        data_to_plot <- data.table(explained = self$model$ALASCA$explained[[self$effects]])
        data_to_plot$PC <- seq_len(nrow(data_to_plot))
        data_to_plot <- data_to_plot[PC <= max(self$component)]
        ggplot2::ggplot(data_to_plot, ggplot2::aes(x = factor(PC), y = explained, group = NA)) +
          ggplot2::geom_point() +
          ggplot2::geom_line() +
          ggplot2::labs(x = "Principal component", y = "Variance explained") +
    plot_residuals = function() {
      data_to_plot <- self$model$get_residuals(variable = self$variable)
      if (length(unique(data_to_plot$variable)) > 20) {
        self$model$log("Trying to plot too many variables. Please provide a list with < 20 elements as `variable`", level = "ERROR")
        ggplot2::aes(sample = residuals)
      ) +
        ggplot2::stat_qq() +
        ggplot2::stat_qq_line() +
        ggplot2::facet_wrap(~variable, nrow = self$facet_nrow, ncol = self$facet_ncol) +
        ggplot2::labs(x = "Theoretical", y = "Sample") +
    plot_prediction = plot_prediction,
    plot_covars = function() {

      # Note: Here `variable` refers to the regression term and `covar` to the variable/marker/...

      if (self$n_limit > 0) {
        self$model$log(paste("Showing", self$n_limit * 2, "of", length(self$model$get_levels("variable")), "variables. Adjust the number with `n_limit`"), level = "WARN")
      data_to_plot <- self$model$get_covars(n_limit = self$n_limit)
      if (length(self$sort_loadings) > 1) {
        data_to_plot <- data_to_plot[covar %in% self$sort_loadings, ]
        data_to_plot[, covars := factor(covar, levels = rev(self$sort_loadings))]
        self$model$log(paste("Note the above warning; some of the selected variables may not be shown. Adjust the number with `n_limit`"), level = "WARN")
      } else if (self$sort_loadings == "alpha") {
        data_to_plot[, covars := factor(covar)][, covars := factor(covar, levels = rev(levels(covar)))]
      } else {
        data_to_plot[, covars := factor(covar, levels = data_to_plot[order(estimate), covar])]

      # Prettify terms
      all_variables <- unique(data_to_plot[, variable])
      for (i in self$model$formula$covars) {
        term_to_look_at <- all_variables[substr(all_variables, 1, nchar(i)) == i]
        for (j in term_to_look_at) {
          if (nchar(j) > nchar(i)) {
            # This term needs some processing (probably a factor)
            data_to_plot[variable == j, variable := self$prettify_covar(effect = i, txt = j)]

      # Sort terms
      data_order_by <- data_to_plot[!duplicated(covar)]
      data_to_plot[, covar := factor(covar, levels = data_order_by$covar[order(data_order_by$estimate, decreasing = TRUE)])]

      if (is.null(self$loading_group_column)) {
        if (self$model$validate) {
          g <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_to_plot, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "covar", y = "estimate", ymin = "low", ymax = "high")) +
        } else {
          g <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_to_plot, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "covar", y = "estimate")) +
      } else {
        data_to_plot <- merge(data_to_plot, self$model$variable_labels, by.x = "covar", by.y = "covars")
        if (self$sort_by_loading_group) {
          data_to_plot[, covar := factor(covar, levels = covar[order(covargroup, estimate, decreasing = TRUE)])]
        if (self$model$validate) {
          if (self$black_and_white) {
            g <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_to_plot, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "covar", y = "estimate", ymin = "low", ymax = "high", shape = "covargroup"))
          } else {
            g <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_to_plot, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "covar", y = "estimate", ymin = "low", ymax = "high", shape = "covargroup", color = "covargroup"))
          g <- g + ggplot2::geom_pointrange()
        } else {
          if (self$black_and_white) {
            g <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_to_plot, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "covar", y = "estimate", shape = "covargroup"))
          } else {
            g <- ggplot2::ggplot(data_to_plot, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "covar", y = "estimate", shape = "covargroup", color = "covargroup"))
          g <- g + ggplot2::geom_point()

      if (!is.null(self$loading_group_column)) {
        if (self$black_and_white) {
          g <- g +
            ggplot2::labs(shape = self$loading_group_label)
        } else {
          g <- g + ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_d(option = "A", end = 0.85) +
            ggplot2::labs(color = self$loading_group_label, shape = self$loading_group_label)

      g <- g + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
        ggplot2::labs(x = "Covariate", y = "Coefficient") +
        ggplot2::facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y", nrow = self$facet_nrow, ncol = self$facet_ncol) +
        self$my_theme + self$xflip()

    capitalize = function(txt) {
      paste0(toupper(substr(txt, 1, 1)), substr(txt, 2, nchar(txt)))
    prettify_covar = function(effect, txt) {
      partA <- substr(txt, 1, nchar(effect))
      partB <- substr(txt, 1 + nchar(effect), nchar(txt))
      paste0(self$capitalize(partA), ": ", self$capitalize(partB))
    get_plot_linetypes = function() {
      if (is.null(self$linetypes)) {
        self$linetypes <- scales::linetype_pal()(length(self$get_levels(self$get_plot_group)))
        names(self$linetypes) <- self$get_levels(self$get_plot_group)
    get_plot_shapes = function() {
      if (is.null(self$shapes)) {
        self$shapes <- scales::shape_pal()(length(self$get_levels(self$get_plot_group)))
        names(self$shapes) <- self$get_levels(self$get_plot_group)
    get_plot_palette = function() {
      if (is.null(self$palette)) {
        self$palette <- scales::viridis_pal(end = self$palette_end)(length(self$get_levels(self$get_plot_group)))
        names(self$palette) <- self$get_levels(self$get_plot_group)
    get_explained_label = function(effect_i = 1, component = 1, type = "Score") {
      paste0(type, " PC", component, " (", round(100 * self$model$ALASCA$explained[[effect_i]][[component]], 2), "%)")
    get_levels = function(x) self$model$get_levels(x),
    get_ref = function(x) self$model$get_ref(x),
    xflip = function(flip = TRUE) {
      if (flip && self$flip_axis) {
      } else {
        ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = self$x_angle, vjust = self$x_v_just, hjust = self$x_h_just))
  active = list(
    validate = function() self$model$validate,
    h = function() ifelse(is.null(self$height), self$dheight, self$height),
    w = function() ifelse(is.null(self$width), self$dwidth, self$width),
    black_and_white = function() self$bw || self$greyscale || self$grayscale,
    effects = function() {
      if (length(self$effect_i) == 1 && self$effect_i == 0) {
        self$effect_i <- seq_along(self$model$ALASCA$loading)
    get_plot_group = function() self$model$get_plot_group
  private = list(
    check_call = function() {
      if (max(self$effect_i) > length(self$model$ALASCA$loading)) {
        self$model$log("The effect you wanted to plot does not exist!", level = "ERROR")
      self$n_limit <- min(self$n_limit, length(self$model$get_levels("variable")) / 2)
    post_process = function(g) {
      if (self$save || self$model$save) {
        fname <- paste0(ifelse(is.null(self$model$filepath), "", self$model$filepath), "plot/", sprintf("%02d", self$file_counter), "-", self$model$filename, "_", self$type, ".", self$filetype)
          plot = g,
          filename = fname,
          height = self$h,
          width = self$w,
          dpi = self$dpi,
          units = self$units
        self$model$log(paste("Plot saved:", fname))
        self$file_counter <- self$file_counter + 1
andjar/ALASCA documentation built on March 2, 2024, 12:55 p.m.