Man pages for andreamrau/padma
Individualized Multi-Omic Pathway Deviation Scores Using Multiple Factor Analysis

factorMapPlot an MFA factor map for individuals or partial factor map...
LUAD_subsetSubset of batch-corrected multi-omic TCGA data in lung...
mirtarbaseCurated miR-target interaction predictions from miRTarBase
msigdbMSigDB canonical pathways and corresponding gene lists
omicsContribPlot the omics contribution per MFA axis and the overall...
padmaCalculate individualized deviation scores from multi-omic...
padmaHelpersAccessors for a padmaResults object.
padmaResultspadmaResults object and constructor
padmaRunCalculate individualized deviation scores from multi-omic...
summarySummarize results from padma
andreamrau/padma documentation built on Oct. 8, 2022, 9 a.m.