#' Generate a reproducible R script to make the diagram.
#' @description
#' `write_diagram()` generates code in the form of a stand-alone R script to
#' produce a diagram. By editing the generated code, the user can
#' make manual adjustments to the diagram.
#' @param diagram_list A **flowdiagramr** input structure, resulting from
#' a call to \code{\link{prepare_diagram}}. See `Details` below.
#' @param directory File directory in which to save the produced R file.
#' Default location is the current working directory.
#' @param filename Name of the file, must end in '.R'. Default name is
#' 'diagram_code.R'.
#' @param always_overwrite A logical indicating if you want to skip being asked
#' if you want to overwrite an already existing file.
#' Default is FALSE. Change to TRUE at own risk.
#' @return R code written to a file as specified by settings.
#' Also, a message is returned telling the user where the file is.
#' @details You need to supply at least one of `model_list`
#' or `diagram_list`. If you supply both, `model_list` is included in the
#' resulting R file, but it is not used. Including it can be good just so
#' you have the complete model specification in one script.
#' @import fs
#' @importFrom utils menu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' varlabels <- c("S","I","R")
#' varnames <- c("Susceptible","Infected","Recovered") # optional
#' flows <- list(S_flows = c("-b*S*I"),
#' I_flows = c("b*S*I","-g*I"),
#' R_flows = c("g*I"))
#' varlocations <- matrix(data = c("S", "", "R", "", "I", "" ),
#' nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' model_list <- list(varlabels = varlabels, varnames = varnames,
#' flows = flows, varlocations = varlocations)
#' diagram_list <- prepare_diagram(model_list = model_list)
#' # generate R code from model_list
#' write_diagram(model_list = model_list)
#' # generate R code from diagram_list
#' write_diagram(diagram_list = diagram_list)
#' #' # generate R code from both
#' write_diagram(model_list = model_list, diagram_list = diagram_list)
#' }
write_diagram <- function(diagram_list = NULL,
directory = "./",
filename = "diagram_code.R",
always_overwrite = FALSE
# make sure at least one of model_list or diagram_list is provided
if(is.null(diagram_list)) {
stop("The diagram list is a required input and was not provided.")
# create a text block that loads libraries
lib_block <- paste("## load libraries ----",
sep = "\n")
# create a text block that makes the data frames from diagram_list
df_block <- 2 # this is always 2, one for variables and one for flows
for(i in 1:2) {
dfname <- names(diagram_list)[i]
start <- paste(dfname, "<- data.frame(")
end <- ")"
tmp <- diagram_list[[i]]
dtmp <- character(length(ncol(tmp)))
for(j in 1:ncol(tmp)) {
cname <- colnames(tmp)[j]
dtmp[j] <- paste(cname, "=", deparse1(tmp[ , j]))
dftmp <- paste0(start, "\n ", paste(dtmp, collapse = ",\n "), "\n", end)
df_block[i] <- dftmp
df_block <- paste(df_block, collapse = "\n\n")
# create a text block of the ggplot2 code
gg_block <- ' ## ggplot2 code ----
# make the diagram with ggplot2
# Start with an empty ggplot2 canvas. The coord_equal function ensures
# that the x and y coordinates are displayed in equal proportions to
# on another (that is, it makes sure that the squares look like squares).
# All layers are added sequentially onto this blank canvas.
diagram_plot <- ggplot() +
coord_equal(clip = "off")
# plot the states variable nodes as rectangles
# The variables data frame is used to create rectangles, with size determined
# by the xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax values in the nodes data frame. The
# outline color of the rectangles is defined by var_outline_color; the
# inside color (fill) of the rectangles is defined by var_fill_color.
# The color variables can be a single value or a vector, giving different
# colors to different rectangles/nodes/state variables. If a vector, the
# color and fill vectors must have a length that is equal to the number
# of rows in the nodes data frame (one value for each row).
# create the nodes/boxes/variables
# these are just empty rectangles with no text
for(i in 1:nrow(variables)) {
diagram_plot <- diagram_plot + # add new stuff to blank canvas
data = variables[i, ], # one row of the data frame
aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), # location information
color = variables[i, "outline_color"], # border color
fill = variables[i, "fill_color"] # internal, fill color
# add label text, which goes on top of boxes based on location information
for(i in 1:nrow(variables)) {
diagram_plot <- diagram_plot + # add text to boxes
data = variables[i, ],
aes(x = xlabel, y = ylabel, label = label_text),
size = variables[i, "label_size"],
color = variables[i, "label_color"]
## add in all the flows
# start with the lines/arrows
for(i in 1:nrow(flows)) {
if(flows[i, "show_arrow"] == TRUE) {
diagram_plot <- diagram_plot + # add the lines to the plot with boxes
geom_curve( # always use geom_curve, which is straight when cuvature = 1
data = flows[i, ],
aes(x = xstart,
y = ystart,
xend = xend,
yend = yend),
linetype = flows[i, "line_type"],
arrow = arrow(length = unit(flows[i, "arrow_size"],"cm"), type = "closed"),
color = flows[i, "line_color"],
arrow.fill = flows[i, "line_color"],
lineend = "round",
size = flows[i, "line_size"],
curvature = flows[i, "curvature"],
ncp = 1000 # controls smoothness of curve, larger number = more smooth
for(i in 1:nrow(flows)) {
if(flows[i, "show_label"] == TRUE) {
diagram_plot <- diagram_plot + # now add the flow labels to the canvas
data = flows[i, ],
aes(x = xlabel, y = ylabel, label = label_text),
size = flows[i, "label_size"],
color = flows[i, "label_color"])
# If with_grid == FALSE (default) then void out the theme
# otherwise keep the grey background with grid
# the grid can be useful for updating positions of items
with_grid <- FALSE # default is false
if(with_grid == FALSE) {
diagram_plot <- diagram_plot +
theme_void() # makes an empty plot theme with no axes, grids, or ticks
} else {
# The else here may seem silly, but otherwise the returned plot is NULL
diagram_plot <- diagram_plot # just returns default ggplot2 theme
# Plotting and saving block ---
plot_save_block <- "# These lines plot or save the generated diagram. \n# Uncomment them if you want to perform either action. \n# plot(diagram_plot) \n# ggsave('diagram_plot.png',diagram_plot)"
# Concatenate all blocks to generate a stand-alone script
outcode <- paste(
sep = "\n\n\n"
# create the full path output directory
outfile <- paste0(directory, "/", filename)
# check if file exists, if so, ask user whether to overwrite or not
# if user set always_overwrite to TRUE, ignore the check
check <- file.exists(outfile)
if(check == TRUE & always_overwrite != TRUE) {
ans <- menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = "Specified file already exists. Do you want to overwrite?")
if(ans == 1) {
# write the code to file
cat(outcode, file = outfile)
} else {
return("Code not written to file.")
} else {
# write the code to file
cat(outcode, file = outfile)
# report the file location on return
message <- paste("Your file was saved here:", fs::path_real(outfile))
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