Man pages for andreaskapou/mpgex
Methylation Profiles predict Gene Expression

blmFitting linear models using Basis Functions
bpr_control_dataSynthetic control data for mpgex package
bpr_dataSynthetic data for mpgex package
bpr_EMEM algorithm for BPR mixture model
bpr_fdmmGibbs sampling algorithm for BPR mixture model
bpr_gibbsGeneric function for performing Gibbs sampling on BPR model
bpr_gibbs.listGibbs sampling for the BPR model using list x
bpr_gibbs.matrixGibbs sampling for the BPR model using list x
bpr_gradientGradient of the BPR log likelihood function
bpr_likelihoodBPR log likelihood function
bpr_optimGeneric function for optimizing BPR negative log likelihood...
bpr_optim.listOptimization method for the BPR NLL function using list x
bpr_optim.matrixOptimization method for the BPR NLL using matrix x
bpr_treatment_dataSynthetic treatment data for mpgex package
calculate_errorsCalculate error metrics
design_matrixGeneric function for creating a design matrix H
design_matrix.polynomialCreate polynomial design matrix H
design_matrix.rbfCreates an RBF design matrix H
eval_functionGeneric function for evaluating basis functions
eval_function.polynomialEvaluate polynomial function
eval_function.rbfEvaluate rbf function
eval_probit_functionGeneric function for evaluating probit basis functions
gex_control_dataSynthetic control data for mpgex package
gex_dataSynthetic data for mpgex package
gex_treatment_dataSynthetic treatment data for mpgex package
learn_diff_methLearn differential methylation profiles using BLM
log_sum_expCompute stable Log-Sum-Exp
minmax_scalingCompute the min-max scaling
mpgex'mpgex': Package for predicting gene expression from...
mpgex_clusterCluster similar methylation profiles
mpgex_cluster_bayesCluster similar methylation profiles using Gibbs smapling
mpgex_differential_regrPredict simple differntial gene expression from differential...
mpgex_diff_regrPredict differntial gene expression from differential...
mpgex_regrPredict gene expression from methylation profiles
mpgex_regr_bayesPredict gene expression from methylation profiles using Gibbs...
partition_dataPartition data in train and test set
plot_diff_mpgexPlot method for differential methylation
plot_fitted_profilesPlot fit of methylation profiles across a region
plot.mpgex_diff_regrPlot method for differential methylation
plot.polynomialS3 plot method for polynomial objects
plot.rbfS3 plot method for rbf objects
polynomial_basisApply polynomial basis function.
polynomial.objectCreates a polynomial object
predict.blmMake predictions using the Basis Linear Model
predict_model_gexPredict gene expression data from methylation profiles
print.blmPrint the output of the Basis Linear Model
print.summary.blmPrint summary output of the Basis Linear Model
rbf_basisApply radial basis function
rbf.objectCreates an RBF object
summary.blmSummary output of the Basis Linear Model
sum_weighted_bpr_gradSum of weighted gradients of the BPR log likelihood
sum_weighted_bpr_likSum of weighted BPR log likelihoods
train_model_gexTrain model for gene expression data from methylation...
andreaskapou/mpgex documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:33 a.m.