MLEbin.MEPS.default: Default simulation results of multiple data sets binned using...

MLEbin.MEPS.defaultR Documentation

Default simulation results of multiple data sets binned using four binning types and fit using MLEmid and MLEbin methods.


Simulation results from generating 10,000 data sets from the PLB distribution with default parameter values, binning each data set using linear bins of width 1, 5 and 10, and also bins that progressively double in width, and then fitting each data set using the MLEmid and MLEbin likelihood methods. As in Figures 4 and 5 and Table S.3 of MEPS paper. See 'MEPS_reproduce_2.Rmd' vignette for code for those figures and tables, and All simulated data sets have the same parameters for PLB and the same sample size 'n'. Individual data sets are not saved as they quickly take up a lot of memory (would be 'num.reps' \times 'n' random numbers, which for the default values is 10^7).




List containing two arrays and a list of parameters. See ?sizeSpectra::MLEbin.simulate for details.


From running MLEbin.simulate() in data-raw/simulate-data2.R.

andrew-edwards/sizeSpectra documentation built on June 28, 2023, 7:09 p.m.