ISD_bin_plot | R Documentation |
year = NA,
xlim = NA,
xmin = NA,
xmax = NA,
yScaling = 0.75,
MLE.round = 2,
xLabel.small = c(5, 50, 500, 5000), = 1000,
yBig.max = 10, = NA,
ySmall.tcl = -0.2,
xLab = expression(paste("Body mass (", italic(x), "), g")),
yLab = expression(paste("Number of ", values >= italic(x))),
inset.a = c(0, 0),
inset.year = c(0, 0.04),
seg.col = "green",
rect.col = "grey",
fit.col = "red",
fit.lwd = 2,
conf.lty = 2,
par.mfrow = c(2, 1),
par.mai = c(0.4, 0.5, 0.05, 0.3),
par.cex = 0.7,
mgp.vals = c(1.6, 0.5, 0),
x.PLB = NA
data.year |
tibble containing columns Year, wmin, wmax, Number, countGTEwmin, lowCount, highCount, for a single year (or instance) to show; Year not used, but no need to remove (it is in the results for the IBTS data). , countGTEwmin is, for a given bin, the total counts greater than that bin's wmin. |
b.MLE |
maximum likelihood estimate of b (ideally from the MLEbins method) |
b.confMin |
lower 95\ \itemb.confMaxupper 95\ \itemyearyear of data to go into legend (use NA if not applicable) \itemxlim(soft) limits of x-axis. If NA then automatically uses the minimum
xmin, xmax:values of yScalingScaling of y-minimum of y-axis. Axis can't go to zero on
log-log plot, but goes to the proportion MLE.roundnumber of decimal places to show MLE of b on the top plot \itemxLabel.smallwhich small tickmarks to label on the x-axis \itemyBig.incincrement for labelled big tickmarks on the unlogged y-axis \itemyBig.maxmaximum number of desired labelled big tickmarks on the unlogged y-axis \itemySmall.incincrement for small unlabelled tickmarks on the y-axis (if NA then is set to \itemySmall.tcllength of small y-axis tick marks - only for (a) maybe \itemxLablabel for x-axis \itemyLablabel for y-axis \iteminset.ahow far to inset (a) and (b) \iteminset.yearhow far to inset the year \itemseg.colcolour for horizontal green lines showing range of body sizes for each bin \itemrect.colcolour to fill in the rectangles for each bin \itemfit.colcolour to plot the MLE curve, and those for the confidence intervals \itemfit.lwdline weight for MLE curve \itemconf.ltyline type for two curves for the MLE confidence intervals \itempar.mfrowvector giving the layout of the figures (number of rows, number of columns) \itempar.maimargin size in inches \itempar.cexmagnification of plotting text and symbols relative to default \itemmgp.valsmargin line for axis title, axis labels and axis line \itemIBTS_MEPS_figslogical, TRUE for exactly reproducing the original MEPS Figures 7 and S.5-S.34 (which were done before some improvements to this function) \itemx.PLBvector of values to use to plot the fitted PLB curve; if NA then
automatically calculated
two-panel figure of the recommended plot of binned data and the
fitted individual size distribution, like Figures 7 and S.5-S.34 of the
MEPS paper. See the vignette |
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