
Defines functions plot_binned_fitted LBN_bin_plot ISD_bin_plot_nonoverlapping ISD_bin_plot species_bins_plots timeSerPlot.eight timeSerPlot MLEmid.MLEbin.table MLEmid.MLEbin.conf MLEmid.MLEbin.hist eight.methods.plot MLE.plots.recommend MLE.plot legJust logTicks histAxes2 histAxes confPlot qqtab lm.line

Documented in confPlot eight.methods.plot histAxes histAxes2 ISD_bin_plot ISD_bin_plot_nonoverlapping LBN_bin_plot legJust lm.line logTicks MLEmid.MLEbin.conf MLEmid.MLEbin.hist MLEmid.MLEbin.table MLE.plot MLE.plots.recommend plot_binned_fitted qqtab species_bins_plots timeSerPlot timeSerPlot.eight

# Functions for plotting and customised functions for output for latex and
#  Rmarkdown tables

# lm.line - plot straight line of lm fit but restricted to the x values
# gap.barplot.cust - customised version of Jim Lemon's gap.barplot for
#  histograms with a break in an axis
# qqtab - constructs automated row of LaTeX or Rmarkdown code for tables of
#  quantiles
# confPlot - plotting of the confidence intervals for Figure 4
# histAxes - histogram axes for histogram plots of estimated b values
#  (Figure 3 and others)
# histAxes2 - histAxes adapted for fitting3rep-n10000.r, for n=10,000 sample size
# logTicks - add axes and tick marks to a log-log plot to represent
#  unlogged values (e.g. Figures 2(h) and 6(b) of MEE paper)
# legJust - add legend to a plot
# MLE.plot - recommended plot of MLE results and ISD (Figure 2h and 6b)
# MLE.plots.recommended - recommended two-panel plot of MLE results and LBN plot
#  (MEE Figure 6)
# eight.methods.plot - panel plot of eight methods fitted to one data set (MEE
#  Figure 2).
# MLEmid.MLEbin.hist - one figure with eight histograms for each of MLEmid and
#  MLEbin methods and four binning types
# MLEmid.MLEbin.conf - one figure with eight confidence interval plots for each
#  of MLEmid and MLEbin methods and four binning types
# MLEmid.MLEbin.table - make dataframe of results from MLEmid and MLEbin methods
#  and four binning types
# timeSerPlot - plot time series of estimated *b* with confidence intervals
# species_bins_plot - plot the species-specific body mass bins for each species
#  (MEPS Figures 6, S.1, S.2 and S.3).
# ISD_bin_plot - recommended plotting for binned data (MEPS Figures 7 and
#  S.5-S.34).
# ISD_bin_plot_nonoverlapping - recommend plotting for binned data with
#  non-overlapping bins, which is the usual case.

##' Plot bounded straight line of results of `lm()` fit
##' Plot a straight line between lowest and highest values of `x.vector`
##'  based on `lm()` results, to use instead of `abline(lm.output)`
##'  which extends beyond the fitted data.
##' @param x.vector values of x (that have been fitted to), fitted line will be
##'   bound by the range of `x.vector`
##' @param lm.results output from an `lm()` fit, with intercept `lm.results$coeff[1]`
  #     and gradient `lm.results$coeff[2]`
##' @param ... arguments to lines
##' @return Adds a line to an existing plot
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
lm.line = function(x.vector, lm.results, ...)
     intercept = lm.results$coeff[1]
     grad = lm.results$coeff[2]
     lines(c( min(x.vector), max(x.vector)), c(grad * min(x.vector) + intercept,
      grad * max(x.vector) + intercept), ...)

##' Customising `plotrix::gap.barplot` for a histogram with a gap in y-axis
##'  For Figure 1 of MEE paper, to make a histogram (barplot) with a gap in the y-axis.
##'   Customising `gap.barplot()` from the package plotrix by Jim Lemon and others
##'   Several default options here are customised for the particular plot (and to
##'   change a few of the defaults in gap.barplot) so the code would
##'   require some modifiying to use more generally.
##' This function modifies `plotrix::gap.barplot()`, between 2nd Sept 2014 and
##' finalised here in October 2019. `plotrix` was written by Jim Lemon and
##' others and is available from CRAN at https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plotrix/index.html.
##' @param y vector of data values
##' @param gap range of values to be left out
##' @param xaxlab labels for the x axis ticks
##' @param xtics position of the x axis ticks
##' @param yaxlab labels for the y axis ticks
##' @param ytics position of the y axis ticks
##' @param midpoints midpoints of the bins
##' @param breakpoints breaks of the bins
##' @param xlim optional x limits for the plot
##' @param ylim optional y limits for the plot
##' @param xlab label for the x axis
##' @param ylab label for the y axis
##' @param horiz whether to have vertical or horizontal bars
##' @param col color(s) in which to plot the values
##' @param N value of highest top short tickmark
##' @param ... arguments passed to 'barplot'.
##' @return Barplot with a gap in the y-axis
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
gap.barplot.cust = function (y,
                             gap = c(9,980),
                             ytics = c(seq(0, 8, by=4), seq(980, 988, by=4)),
                             ylim = c(0, 17),  # max = max(y) - gap[2] + gap[1]
                                               # + some space
                             xlab = expression(paste("Values, ", italic(x))),
                             ylab = "Count in each bin",
                             horiz = FALSE,
                             col = NULL,
                             N = 1000,
    if (missing(y))
        stop("y values required")
    x <- midpoints
    # if (missing(gap))
    #    stop("gap must be specified")
    if (is.null(ylab))
        ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))
    if (is.null(col))
        col <- color.gradient(c(0, 1), c(0, 1, 0), c(1, 0), length(y))
    else if (length(col) < length(y))
        rep(col, length.out = length(y))
    littleones <- which(y <= gap[1])
    bigones <- which(y >= gap[2])
    if (any(y > gap[1] & y < gap[2]))
        warning("gap includes some values of y")
    gapsize <- gap[2] - gap[1]
    if (missing(xaxlab))
        xaxlab <- as.character(x)
    # xlim <- c(min(x) - 0.4, max(x) + 0.4)    # Original
    xlim <- xlim
    if (is.na(ylim[1]))
        ylim <- c(min(y), max(y) - gapsize)
    # if (missing(ytics))
    #    ytics <- pretty(y)
    if (missing(yaxlab))
        yaxlab <- ytics
    littletics <- which(ytics < gap[1])
    bigtics <- which(ytics >= gap[2])
    halfwidth <- min(diff(x))/2
    if (horiz) {                   # AE not editing anything for horizontal
        if (!is.null(xlab)) {
            tmplab <- xlab
            xlab <- ylab
            ylab <- tmplab
        plot(0, xlim = ylim, ylim = xlim, ylab = ylab, axes = FALSE,
            type = "n", ...)
        plot.lim <- par("usr")
        botgap <- ifelse(gap[1] < 0, gap[1], plot.lim[1])
        axis(2, at = x, labels = xaxlab)
        axis(1, at = c(ytics[littletics], ytics[bigtics] - gapsize),
            labels = c(ytics[littletics], ytics[bigtics]))
        rect(botgap, x[y < gap[1]] - halfwidth, y[y < gap[1]],
            x[y < gap[1]] + halfwidth, col = col[y < gap[1]])
        rect(botgap, x[bigones] - halfwidth, y[bigones] - gapsize,
            x[bigones] + halfwidth, col = col[bigones])
        plotrix::axis.break(1, gap[1], style = "gap")
    else {                        # AE editing here for vertical bars
        plot(0, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, axes = FALSE, xlab=xlab,
            type = "n", ...)               # AE added xlab=xlab
        plot.lim <- par("usr")
        botgap <- ifelse(gap[1] < 0, gap[1], plot.lim[3])
        # axis(1, at = x, labels = xaxlab)  # - original was x=1,2,3,...,58, is
                                            #  now the midpoints, but I want
                                            #  ticks at breakpoints,
                                            #  hmadeup$breaks
        axis(1, breakpoints, tcl=-0.2, labels=rep("", length(breakpoints)))
                                                # short ones at breaks
        # axis(1, at=seq(0, 600, 50), labels = rep("", 13), mgp=c(1.7,0.6,0))
                                             # long ticks where I want
        axis(1, at=seq(0, 1000, 100),
             labels = seq(0, 1000, 100), mgp=c(1.7,0.6,0))
                  # long ticks labelled where I want, not automated though
        axis(2, at = c(ytics[littletics], ytics[bigtics] - gapsize),
            labels = c(ytics[littletics], ytics[bigtics]), mgp=c(1.7,0.6,0))
                       # AE adding mgp, these are the ones with numbers on
        # Short tics:
        bottomShortTics = seq(0, gap[1], 2)        # below gap
        axis(2, bottomShortTics, tcl=-0.2,
             labels=rep("", length(bottomShortTics)))
        topShortTics = seq(gap[2], N, 2)-(gap[2]-gap[1])  # above gap
        axis(2, topShortTics, tcl=-0.2,
             labels=rep("", length(topShortTics)))
        rect(x[y < gap[1]] - halfwidth, botgap, x[y < gap[1]] +
            halfwidth, y[y < gap[1]], col = col[y < gap[1]])
        rect(x[bigones] - halfwidth, botgap, x[bigones] + halfwidth,
            y[bigones] - gapsize, col = col[bigones])
        plotrix::axis.break(2, gap[1], style = "gap")

##' Produce row for a dataframe, LaTeX or Rmarkdown table code for quantiles of results.
##'  Quantile table function, to construct row for a dataframe or a line of quantiles to copy
##'   into either LaTeX or render directly in an Rmarkdown document. Does `quants[1]`,
##'   50\% (median), mean, `quants[2]` quantiles,
##'   and the \%age of values < the true value.
##' @param xx vector of values to give quantiles for
##' @param dig number of decimal places to give
##' @param true the true value of the quantity being estimated, will
##'     depend on method
##' @param quants quantiles to use, with defaults of 0.25 and 0.75 (25\% and
##'   75\%).
##' @param type `data.frame` produces a row to put into a dataframe,
##'   `latex` gives output to copy into a `.tex` file, `Rmd` gives Rmarkdown
##'    output (see vignette `MEE_reproduce_2`).
##' @return row of a data.frame, line of LaTeX output for table to copy into a
##'   .tex file, or line of Rmarkdown to copy into an Rmarkdown document
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
qqtab = function(xx,
                 dig = 2,
                 true = NA,
                 quants = c(0.25, 0.75),
                 type = "Rmd")
  if (!(type %in% c("data.frame", "latex", "Rmd"))) stop("Invalid type in qqtab().")

  if(type == "latex"){
       paste( c( prettyNum(round(quantile(xx, quants[1]),
                                  digits=dig), big.mark=","),
             " & ", prettyNum(round(quantile(xx, 0.50), digits=dig),
             " & ", prettyNum(round(mean(xx), digits=dig),
             " & ", prettyNum(round(quantile(xx, quants[2]), digits=dig),
             " & ", prettyNum(round(sum(xx < true)/length(xx)*100, digits=0),
             sep="", collapse=""))             # , "\\%"),
  } else if(type == "Rmd") {
      paste( c( prettyNum(round(quantile(xx, quants[1]),
                                  digits=dig), big.mark=","),
             " | ", prettyNum(round(quantile(xx, 0.50), digits=dig),
             " | ", prettyNum(round(mean(xx), digits=dig),
             " | ", prettyNum(round(quantile(xx, quants[2]), digits=dig),
             " | ", prettyNum(round(sum(xx < true)/length(xx)*100, digits=0),
               sep=" ", collapse=" "))
  } else if(type == "data.frame")
    return(c( prettyNum(round(quantile(xx, quants[1]),
           prettyNum(round(quantile(xx, 0.50),
           prettyNum(round(mean(xx), digits=dig),
           prettyNum(round(quantile(xx, quants[2]),
           prettyNum(round(sum(xx < true)/length(xx)*100,
               # sep=" ", collapse=" "))

##' Plot confidence intervals of repeated estimates for one method
##' Plot confidence intervals of the repeated estimates of `b` for one
##' method. Gets called eight times to produce Figure 4 of MEE paper and Figure 5 of
##' MEPS paper. Plots
##' horizontal lines for the intervals, colour coded as to whether or not they
##' include the true value of b.
##' @param repConf data frame with columns `confMin` and `confMax`, the
##'   minimum and maximum of the 95\% confidence interval for b, and rows
##'   corresponding to each simulated data set. When `confPlot` is called, for
##'   some methods `b = slope - 1` or `b = slope - 2`, which gets done in the
##'   call.
##' @param legName legend name for that panel
##' @param b.true true known value of b (as used for simulating the data)
##' @param inCol colour for intervals that `b.true` is inside
##' @param outCol colour for intervals that `b.true` is outside
##' @param vertCol colour of vertical line for `b.true`
##' @param pchVal `pch` for points at endpoints of intervals
##' @param cexVal size of points (default of 0 does not plot them)
##' @param xLim x-axis range
##' @param colourCode colour code the figure
##' @param vertThick thickness of vertical line for `b.true`
##' @param horizThick thickness of horizontal lines
##' @param thin number of values to thin the values for plotting. Only works for
##'      33 or 99 for now (since they are factors of 9999, the value used in simulations).
##' @param horizLines whether to plot horizontal grey lines or not as example
##'        (not needed now since doing lines for intervals)
##' @param horizLinesOut whether to plot horizontal lines for
##'      intervals for which true value is outside the interval
##' @param horizLinesIn whether to plot horizontal lines for
##'      intervals for which true value is inside the interval
##' @param yLab label for y-axis
##' @param yTicks where to have tickmarks on y-axis
##' @param yLabels whether or not to label tickmarks on y-axis
##' @param vertFirst whether or not to plot vertical line first in order to see
##'      the horizontal lines better (for LCD plot)
##' @param insetVal inset shift for naming the panel
##' @param insetVal2 inset shift for printing observed coverage percentage
##' @param xsmallticks where to put unlabelled small tick marks on x-axis
##' @param legLoc where to put the legend, as the first argument in `legend()`
##' @return plots a panel and returns what is plotted as a sorted data frame
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
confPlot = function(repConf,
                    b.true = b.known,
                    pchVal = 20,
                    cexVal = 0.0,
                    xLim = NULL,
                    colourCode = TRUE,
                    vertThick = 1,
                    horizThick = 0.3,
                    thin = 33,
                    horizLines = FALSE,
                    horizLinesOut = TRUE,
                    horizLinesIn = TRUE,
                    yLab = "Sample number",
                    yTicks = seq(0, 300, 50),
                    yLabels = TRUE,
                    vertFirst = FALSE,
                    insetVal = c(-0.08, -0.06),
                    insetVal2 = c(-0.08, 0.07),
                    legLoc = "topleft")
    if(!colourCode) outCol = inCol
    if(!(thin %in% c(33,99))) stop("Need to edit confPlot if thin not 33 or 99")
            rangeVal = range(repConf)
            xLim = c(floor(rangeVal[1]), ceiling(rangeVal[2]))
                  # min(repConf[,1])), ceiling(max(repConf[,2])))
    repConf = dplyr::mutate(repConf,
      inConf = (b.true > confMin & b.true < confMax))  # does CI cover b.true?

    repConf = dplyr::mutate(repConf, confCol = NA)
    # Couldn't figure this out in dplyr:
    repConf[which(repConf$inConf), "confCol"] = inCol
    repConf[which(!repConf$inConf), "confCol"] = outCol
    repConf[, "num.rep"] = as.numeric(row.names(repConf))
              # To preserve the iteration number in case needed later

    repConf.sort.full = dplyr::arrange(repConf, confMin)   # arranged by min of CI
    sum.inConf = sum(repConf.sort.full$inConf, na.rm=TRUE) /
        dim(repConf.sort.full)[1]      # get NA's for Llin, LT with xmax=10000
    # subset for better plotting:
    if(thin == 33)
        { repConf.sort = repConf.sort.full[c(1, 1+thin*(1:303)), ] }else
        { repConf.sort = repConf.sort.full[c(1, 1+thin*(1:101)), ] }
    # print(head(repConf.sort))
    # repConf.sort[, "num.sorted"] = as.numeric(row.names(repConf.sort))
    #  That doesn't work since it preserves the repConf.sort.full row names
    repConf.sort[, "num.sorted"] = 1:(dim(repConf.sort)[1])
              # To preserve the new row number since needed later
    plot(repConf.sort$confMin, repConf.sort$num.sorted, col=repConf.sort$confCol,
     xlim = xLim, ylim = c(0, 1.02*dim(repConf.sort)[1]),
     pch=pchVal, cex=cexVal,
     xlab = "",
     ylab = yLab, yaxt="n")
    if(vertFirst) {abline(v=b.true, lwd=vertThick, col=vertCol)}
    axis(2, at = yTicks, labels = yLabels, tck=-0.04)
        { axis(1, at=xsmallticks, labels=rep("",length(xsmallticks)), tcl=-0.2)}
    # xlab = expression(paste("Estimate of slope (or ", italic(b), ")")),
    points(repConf.sort$confMax, repConf.sort$num.sorted,
           col=repConf.sort$confCol, pch=pchVal, cex=cexVal)
    legend(legLoc, legName, bty="n", inset=insetVal)
    legend(legLoc, paste(round(sum.inConf*100, digits = 0), "%", sep=""),
           bty="n", inset=insetVal2)
    # legend("topleft", "hello", bty="n", inset=c(-0.08, -0.2))

    # Plot just the rows for which true value lie outside CI
        outConf = dplyr::filter(repConf.sort, (!inConf))
        for(jj in 1:(dim(outConf)[1]))

            lines(c(outConf$confMin[jj], outConf$confMax[jj]),
              c(outConf$num.sorted[jj], outConf$num.sorted[jj]),
              col=outCol, lwd=horizThick)

    # Plot just the rows for which true value lie inside CI
        in.Conf = dplyr::filter(repConf.sort, (inConf))
        for(jj in 1:(dim(in.Conf)[1]))

            lines(c(in.Conf$confMin[jj], in.Conf$confMax[jj]),
              c(in.Conf$num.sorted[jj], in.Conf$num.sorted[jj]),
              col=inCol, lwd=horizThick)

    # Plot equally spaced horizontal lines between 2.5 and 97.5 values
    #  (though even from the likelihood ratio test for MLE a 95% CI
    #  isn't actually the 2.5-97.5 range, it's a 95% interval).
        # row numbers to use to plot equally spaced horizontal lines
        horLineInd = round(c(2.5, 21.5, 40.5, 59.5, 78.5, 97.5) * 0.01 *
        horiz.lines = repConf.sort[horLineInd,]
        for(jj in 1:length(horLineInd))
              lines(c(horiz.lines$confMin[jj], horiz.lines$confMax[jj]),
              c(horiz.lines$num.sorted[jj], horiz.lines$num.sorted[jj] ),
              col="grey", lwd=horizThick)
    if(!vertFirst) {abline(v=b.true, lwd=vertThick, col=vertCol)}
    return(repConf.sort.full)     # repConf.sort is what's plotted though

##' Histogram axes for figures as in Figure 3 of MEE paper
##' Do the histogram axes in vignette `MEE_reproduce_2.Rmd` and later, since almost all
##' panels will have same axes. Not very flexible, so may need `histAxes2()`
##' to plot up to 10,000 (though that needs working on, or adapt this one).
##' @param yBigTickLab y-axis big ticks to label
##' @param yBigTickNoLab y-axis big ticks to not label
##' @param ySmallTick y-axis small ticks (unlabelled)
##' @param cexAxis font size for axis labels, defaults are for
##'   `MEE_reproduce_2.Rmd`.
##' @param xsmallticks where to put unlabelled small tick marks on x-axis
##' @param xbigticks where to put big tick marks on x-axis
##' @param vertCol vertCol colour of vertical line for `b.known`
##' @param vertThick thickness of vertical line for `b.known`
##' @param b.known known value of $b$
##' @return Adds axes to existing histogram
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
histAxes = function(yBigTickLab = c(0, 2000, 4000),
                    yBigTickNoLab = seq(0, 6500, 1000),
                    ySmallTick = seq(0, 6500, 500),
                    cexAxis = 0.9,
                    xsmallticks = seq(-3.5, 0.5, 0.1),
                    xbigticks = seq(-3.5, 0.5, 0.5),
                    vertCol = "red",
                    vertThick = 1,
                    b.known = -2
    axis(1, at=xbigticks, labels = xbigticks, mgp=c(1.7,0.7,0), cex.axis=cexAxis)  # big ticks
    axis(1, at=xsmallticks, labels=rep("",length(xsmallticks)), tcl=-0.2)
    axis(2, at=yBigTickLab,
         labels = yBigTickLab,
         mgp=c(1.7,0.7,0), cex.axis=cexAxis)  # big ticks labelled
      axis(2, at=yBigTickNoLab,
         labels = rep("", length(yBigTickNoLab)),
         mgp=c(1.7,0.7,0))  # big ticks unlabelled
      axis(2, at=ySmallTick,
         labels = rep("", length(ySmallTick)), mgp=c(1.7,0.7,0), tcl=-0.2)
                           # small ticks
      abline(v=b.known, col=vertCol, lwd=vertThick)

##' Do histogram axes for Figure  - not used, but may need to generalise axes
##' from what `histAxes()` can do (?)
##' Do the histogram axes for, in particular, old code `fitting3rep-n10000.r`,
##' for `n=1000` sample size,
##' since the larger sample size means affects the resulting histograms
##' of estimated `b`. Not very flexible, just doing for the one figure.
##' Copying what is used for Llin method (so could go back and use this function
##'   throughout earlier code).
##' @return Adds axes to existing histogram, but not very general
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
histAxes2 = function()
      axis(1, at=xbigticks, labels = xbigticks, mgp=c(1.7,0.7,0),
           cex.axis=cexAxis)  # big ticks
      axis(1, at=xsmallticks, labels=rep("",length(xsmallticks)),
      axis(2, at=c(0, 5000, 10000),
         labels = c(0, 5000, 10000),
         mgp=c(1.7,0.7,0), cex.axis=cexAxis)  # big ticks labelled
      axis(2, at=seq(0, 10000, 1000),
         labels = rep("", 11),
         mgp=c(1.7,0.7,0))  # big ticks unlabelled
      abline(v=b.known, col=vertCol, lwd=vertThick)

##' Add axes and tick marks to a log-log plot to represent unlogged values
##' Useful because you can then interpret the unlogged values, e.g. Figures 2(h)
##' and 6(b) of MEE paper and Figure 7 of MEPS paper.
##' @param xLim the x limits for the plot (unlogged scale); if NULL then do not
##'   add anything to x-axis
##' @param yLim  the y limits for the plot (unlogged scale); if NULL then
##'   do not add anything to y-axis
##' @param tclSmall size of small tick marks
##' @param xLabelSmall which small tick marks on x-axis to label
##' @param yLabelSmall which small tick marks on y-axis to label
##' @param xLabelBig which big tick marks on the x-axis to label
##'   (when automated they can overlap, so may need to specify)
##' @param mgpVal `mgp` values for axes. See `?par`
##' @return Adds axes and big and small tick marks to the plot. Returns NULL
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' # Adapt the following (could make an explicit example):
##'   plot(..., log="xy", xlab=..., ylab=..., xlim=..., ylim=..., axes=FALSE)
##'   xLim = 10^par("usr")[1:2]
##'   yLim = 10^par("usr")[3:4]
##'   logTicks(xLim, yLim, xLabelSmall = c(5, 50, 500))
##' }
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
logTicks = function(xLim,
                    yLim = NULL,
                    tclSmall = -0.2,
                    xLabelSmall = NULL,
                    yLabelSmall = NULL,
                    xLabelBig = NULL,
    ll = 1:9
    log10ll = log10(ll)
    # x axis
    if(!is.null(xLim))               # if NULL then ignore
      # Do enough tick marks to encompass axes:
      xEncompassLog = c(floor(log10(xLim[1])), ceiling(log10(xLim[2])))
      xBig = 10^c(xEncompassLog[1]:xEncompassLog[2])
      # Big unlabelled, always want these:
      axis(1, at= xBig, labels = rep("", length(xBig)), mgp = mgpVal)
      # Big labelled:
      if(is.null(xLabelBig)) { xLabelBig = xBig }
      axis(1, at= xLabelBig, labels = xLabelBig, mgp = mgpVal)
      # axis(1, at=c(1, 10, 100), labels = c(1, 10, 100), mgp=c(1.7,0.7,0))
      # Small unlabelled:
      axis(1, xBig %x% ll, labels=rep("", length(xBig %x% ll)), tcl=tclSmall)
      # Small labelled:
          axis(1, at=xLabelSmall, labels=xLabelSmall, mgp=mgpVal, tcl=tclSmall)
    # Repeat for y axis:
    if(!is.null(yLim))               # if NULL then ignore
      # Do enough tick marks to encompass axes:
      yEncompassLog = c(floor(log10(yLim[1])), ceiling(log10(yLim[2])))
      yBig = 10^c(yEncompassLog[1]:yEncompassLog[2])
      # Big labelled:
      axis(2, at= yBig, labels = yBig, mgp = mgpVal)
      # Small unlabelled:
      axis(2, yBig %x% ll, labels=rep("", length(yBig %x% ll)), tcl=tclSmall)
      # Small labelled:
          axis(2, at=yLabelSmall, labels=yLabelSmall, mgp=mgpVal, tcl=tclSmall)
##' Add legend with right-justification
##' Add legend with right-justification, functionalising Uwe Ligges'
##'   example in `?legend`. Really a way of adding text automatically in
##'   the corner (which `legend()` works out the positioning for).
##' @param textVec text for the legend, one element for each row
##' @param pos position of the legend (not tested for all positions)
##' @param textWidth width to make the text
##' @param inset inset distance
##' @param logxy TRUE if axes are logarithmic
##' @return Adds legend to exiting plot. Returns NULL.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'  plot(10:1)
##'  legJust(c("Method", paste("value=", mean(1:10), sep=""), "x=7.0"))
##' }
##' @author Andrew Edwards
legJust = function(textVec,
                   textWidth = "slope=-*.**",
      leg = legend(pos,
                   legend = rep(" ", length(textVec)),
                   text.width = strwidth(textWidth),
    { text(10^(leg$rect$left + leg$rect$w),
           pos = 2) } else
    { text(leg$rect$left + leg$rect$w,
           pos = 2) }

##' Recommended single plot of ISD and MLE results
##' Gives Figure 2h and 6b of MEE.
##' @param x Vector of data values
##' @param b Estimate of b
##' @param confVals Confidence interval for estimate of b (two-component vector
##'   for bounds of confidence interval)
##' @param panel Which panel number for multi-panel plots. `"h"` gives the
##'   method and MLE estimate (as in MEE Figure 2(h)), `"b"` gives just (b) as
##'   in Figure 6(b) and plots confidence interval curves, and NULL gives nothing.
##' @param log.xy Which axes to log, for `plot(..., log = log.xy)`. So "xy" for
##'   log-log axes, "x" for only x-axis logged.
##' @param mgpVals mgp values to use, as in `plot(..., mgp = mgpVals)`.
##' @param inset Inset distance for legend
##' @param xlim_global Define global x-axis limits
##' @param ylim_global Define global y-axis limits
##' @param ... Further arguments for `plot()`
##' @return Single figure of ISD on log-log plot (or log-linear depending on the
##'   options given).
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
MLE.plot <- function(x,
                     confVals = NULL,
                     panel = FALSE,
                     log.xy = "xy",
                     mgpVals = c(1.6, 0.5, 0),
                     inset = c(0, -0.04),
                     xlim_global = NA,
                     ylim_global = NA,
  # MLE (maximum likelihood method) plot.

    xlim_global = c(min(x),
    ylim_global = c(1, length(x))

  # To plot rank/frequency style plot:
  plot(sort(x, decreasing=TRUE),
       log = log.xy,
       xlab = expression(paste("Values, ", italic(x))),
       ylab = expression( paste("Number of ", values >= x), sep=""),
       mgp = mgpVals,
       xlim = xlim_global,
       ylim = ylim_global,
       axes = FALSE,
  xLim = 10^par("usr")[1:2]
  yLim = 10^par("usr")[3:4]

  if(log.xy == "xy"){
             xLabelSmall = c(5, 50, 500))   # Tick marks.

  if(log.xy == "x"){
    mgpVal = c(2, 0.5, 0)
         yLim = NULL,
         xLabelSmall = c(5, 50, 500),
         mgpVal = mgpVal)
    yBig = c(0, 500, 1000)
    # Big labelled:
         at = yBig,
         labels = yBig,
         mgp = mgpVal)
    # Small unlabelled:
             by = 100),
     labels = rep("", 11),
     tcl = -0.2,
     mgp = mgpVal)

  x.PLB = seq(min(x),
              length=1000)     # x values to plot PLB
  y.PLB = (1 - pPLB(x = x.PLB,
                    b = b,
                    xmin = min(x.PLB),
                    xmax = max(x.PLB))) * length(x)
  if(panel == "b"){
    for(i in c(1, length(confVals)))
            (1 - pPLB(x = x.PLB,
                      b = confVals[i],
                      xmin = min(x.PLB),
                      xmax = max(x.PLB))) * length(x),
           bty = "n",
           inset = inset)
  if(panel == "h"){
    legJust(c("(h) MLE",
            paste("b=", signif(b, 3), sep="")),

##' Recommended LBN-type plot with ISD for fitted MLE (MEE Figure 6)
##' Only valid when `x` is biomass, since LBN plot calculates the biomass.
##' @param x Raw data, must be body-mass values (else LBN plot is meaningless).
##' @param b.MLE MLE estimate of $b$
##' @param confVals.MLE Confidence interval for estimate of b (two-component vector
##'   for bounds of confidence interval)
##' @param inset Inset distance for legend
##' @param mgpVals mpg values
##' @param xLim x-axis limits
##' @param yLim y-axis limits
##' @param yBigTicks Large tick marks for y-axis
##' @param ySmallTicks Small tick marks for y-axis
##' @param hLBNbiom.list Results from LBNbiom.method(x). If NULL then calculate
##'   them here.
##' @return Panel plot with LBN plot at top and ISD with fitted MLE and
##'   confidence intervals at the bottom.
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
MLE.plots.recommend <- function(x,
                                hLBNbiom.list = NULL,
                                inset = c(0, -0.04),
                                mgpVals = c(1.6, 0.5, 0),
                                xLim = c(0, 2.7),
                                yLim = c(0, 3),
                                yBigTicks = 0:3,
                                ySmallTicks = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5)
  par(mai=c(0.6, 0.5, 0.05, 0.3),
      mfrow = c(2,1),
      mgp = mgpVals)

    hLBNbiom.list = LBNbiom.method(x)

       xlab = expression(paste("Log10 (bin midpoints for data ", italic(x), ")")),
       ylab = "Log10 (normalised biomass)",
       mgp = mgpVals,
       xlim = xLim,
       ylim = yLim,

  if(min(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10binMid) < par("usr")[1]
     | max(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10binMid) > par("usr")[2])
     { stop("fix xLim in MLE.plots.recommend() for LBNbiom plot")}
  if(min(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10totalBiomNorm) < par("usr")[3]
     | max(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10totalBiomNorm) > par("usr")[4])
     { stop("fix yLim in MLE.plots.recommend() for LBNbiom plot")}

  axis(2, at = yBigTicks,
       mgp = mgpVals)
  axis(2, at = ySmallTicks,
       mgp = mgpVals,
       tcl = -0.2,
       labels = rep("", length(ySmallTicks)))

  x.PLB = seq(min(x), max(x), length=1000)     # x values to plot PLB. Note
                             # that these encompass the data, and are not based
                             # on the binning (in MEE Figure 6 the line starts as
                             # min(x), not the first bin.

  B.PLB = dPLB(x.PLB,
               b = b.MLE,
               xmax=max(x.PLB)) * length(x) * x.PLB
         # The biomass density, from MEE equation (4), using the MLE for b.


  # To see all curves for b within the confidence interval:
  #for(i in 1:length(bIn95))
  #    {
  #        lines(log10(x.PLB), log10( dPLB(x.PLB, b = bIn95[i], xmin=min(x.PLB),
  #            xmax=max(x.PLB)) * length(x) * x.PLB), col="blue", lty=2)
  #    }

  # To add just the curves at the limits of the 95% confidence interval of b:
  for(i in c(1, length(confVals.MLE)))
              log10( dPLB(x.PLB,
                          b = confVals.MLE[i],
                          xmin = min(x.PLB),
                          xmax=max(x.PLB)) * length(x) * x.PLB),

  legend("topright", "(a)", bty="n", inset = inset)

           b = b.MLE,
           confVals = confVals.MLE,
           panel = "b",
           mgpVals = mgpVals,
           inset = inset)

##' Plotting fits of eight methods for a single data set (MEE Figure 2)
##' Panel plot of all eight methods in MEE paper, showing fit of each one.
##'  Function may need editing to make more general.
##' @param eight.results Output list from `eightMethodsMEE()`
##' @return Figure of eight panels, one for each method
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
eight.methods.plot <- function(eight.results = eight.results
  par(mfrow = c(4,2),
      mai = c(0.4, 0.5, 0.05, 0.3))
  mgpVals = c(1.6,0.5,0)

  # Notation:
  # hAAA - h(istrogram) for method AAA.

  # Llin method
  hLlin.list = eight.results$hLlin.list

       xlim=c(0, max(hLlin.list$breaks)),
       xlab=expression(paste("Bin midpoints for data ", italic(x))),
       ylab = "Log (count)", mgp=mgpVals)

  lm.line(hLlin.list$mids, hLlin.list$lm)
  inset = c(0, -0.04)     # inset distance of legend

  legJust(c("(a) Llin",
                  signif(hLlin.list$slope, 3),

  # LT method - plotting binned data on log-log axes then fitting regression,
  #  as done by Boldt et al. 2005, natural log of counts plotted against natural
  #  log of size-class midpoints.
  hLT.list = eight.results$hLT.list

       xlab=expression(paste("Log (bin midpoints for data ", italic(x), ")")),
       ylab = "Log (count)",

  lm.line(hLT.list$log.mids, hLT.list$lm)

  legJust(c("(b) LT",
            paste("slope=", signif(hLT.list$slope, 3), sep=""),
            paste("b=", signif(hLT.list$slope, 3), sep="")),

  # LTplus1 method - plotting linearly binned data on log-log axes then fitting
  #  regression of log10(counts+1) vs log10(midpoint of bins), as done by
  #  Dulvy et al. (2004).

  hLTplus1.list = eight.results$hLTplus1.list

       xlab=expression(paste("Log10 (bin midpoints for data ", italic(x), ")")),
       ylab = "Log10 (count+1)",

  if(min(hLTplus1.list$log10.counts) < par("usr")[3]
        | max(hLTplus1.list$log10.counts) > par("usr")[4])
     { stop("fix ylim for LTplus1 method")}

       at = 0:3,
       at = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5),
       labels=rep("", 3))

  lm.line(hLTplus1.list$log10.mids, hLTplus1.list$lm)
  legJust(c("(c) LTplus1",
            paste("slope=", signif(hLTplus1.list$slope, 3), sep=""),
            paste("b=", signif(hLTplus1.list$slope, 3), sep="")),

  # LBmiz method - binning data using log10 bins, plotting results on natural
  #  log axes (as in mizer). Mizer does abundance size spectrum or biomass
  #  size spectrum - the latter multiplies abundance by the min of each bin.

  hLBmiz.list = eight.results$hLBmiz.list

       xlab=expression(paste("Log (minima of bins for data ", italic(x), ")")),
       ylab = "Log (count)", mgp=mgpVals)

  lm.line(hLBmiz.list$log.min.of.bins, hLBmiz.list$lm)
  legJust(c("(d) LBmiz",
            paste("slope=", signif(hLBmiz.list$slope, 3), sep=""),
            paste("b=", signif(hLBmiz.list$slope - 1, 3), sep="")),

  # LBbiom method - binning data using log2 bins, calculating biomass (not counts)
  #  in each bin, plotting log10(biomass in bin) vs log10(midpoint of bin)
  #  as done by Jennings et al. (2007), who used bins defined by a log2 scale.

  hLBNbiom.list = eight.results$hLBNbiom.list  # This does LBbiom and LBNbiom methods.

       xlab=expression(paste("Log10 (bin midpoints for data ", italic(x), ")")),
       ylab = "Log10 (biomass)",
       xlim=c(0, 2.7),
       ylim=c(2.5, 3.0),

  if(min(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10binMid) < par("usr")[1]
     | max(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10binMid) > par("usr")[2])
     { stop("fix xlim for LBbiom method")}

  if(min(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10totalBiom) < par("usr")[3]
     | max(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10totalBiom) > par("usr")[4])
     { stop("fix ylim for LBbiom method")}

  axis(2, at = seq(2.5, 3, 0.25), mgp=mgpVals)
  axis(2, at = seq(2.5, 3, 0.05), mgp=mgpVals, tcl=-0.2, labels=rep("", 11))


  legJust(c("(e) LBbiom",
            paste("slope=", signif(hLBNbiom.list[["unNorm.slope"]], 1), sep=""),
            paste("b=", signif(hLBNbiom.list[["unNorm.slope"]] - 2, 3), sep="")),

  # LBNbiom method
       xlab=expression(paste("Log10 (bin midpoints for data ", italic(x), ")")),
       ylab = "Log10 (normalised biomass)",

  if(min(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10binMid) < par("usr")[1]
     | max(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10binMid) > par("usr")[2])
  { stop("fix xlim for LBNbiom method")}

  if(min(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10totalBiomNorm) < par("usr")[3]
     | max(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10totalBiomNorm) > par("usr")[4])
     { stop("fix ylim for LBNbiom method")}

  axis(2, at = 0:3, mgp=mgpVals)
  axis(2, at = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5), mgp=mgpVals, tcl=-0.2, labels=rep("", 3))

  lm.line(hLBNbiom.list[["binVals"]]$log10binMid, hLBNbiom.list[["norm.lm"]])

  legJust(c("(f) LBNbiom",
            paste("slope=", signif(hLBNbiom.list[["norm.slope"]], 3), sep=""),
            paste("b=", signif(hLBNbiom.list[["norm.slope"]] - 1, 3), sep="")),

  # Cumulative Distribution, LCD method
  hLCD.list = eight.results$hLCD.list

       xlab=expression(paste("Log ", italic(x))),
       ylab=expression( paste("Log (prop. of ", values >= italic(x), ")")),
       #xlim=c(0.8, 1000), xaxs="i", ylim=c(0.0008, 1), yaxs="i",

  lm.line(hLCD.list$logSorted, hLCD.list$lm, col="red")

  legJust(c("(g) LCD",
            paste("slope=", signif(hLCD.list$slope, 3), sep=""),
            paste("b=", signif(hLCD.list$slope - 1, 3), sep="")),

  # MLE plot
  MLE.plot(x = eight.results$hLBNbiom.list$indiv$x,
           b = eight.results$hMLE.list$b,
           confVals = eight.results$hMLE.list$confVals,
           panel = "h",
           inset = inset)

##' One figure with eight histograms for each of  MLEmid and MLEbin methods and four binning types
##' The default plot here reproduces Figure 4 of MEPS paper, showing the
##' estimated exponent $b$ for 10,000 simulated data sets, binned using four
##' methods and fitted using the MLEmid and MLEbin methods.
##' @param results.list output list from `MLEbin.simulate()`; see
##'   `?MLEbin.simulate()` for details
##' @param vertCol colour for vertical line at true value of `b`
##' @param vertThick thickness of vertical line at true value of `b`
##' @param xrange range of x values (should change to xlimA for consistency)
##' @param xbigticks.by increment between big tick marks on x-axis (all labelled)
##' @param xsmallticks.by increment between small tick marks on x-axis
##' @param ylimA range of y values
##' @param yBigTickLab.by increment between labelled big tick marks on y-axis
##' @param yBigTickNoLab.by increment between all big tick marks on y-axis
##' @param ySmallTick.by increment between small tick marks on y-axis
##' @param binwidth bin width for histograms; if NA then gets calculated such
##'   that `b.known` is a midpoint of a bin
##' @param cexAxis font size for axis labels
##' @param legLabMid character vector of length 4 for labelling each panel in
##'   the MLEmid column
##' @param legLabBin character vector of length 4 for labelling each panel in
##'   the MLEBin column
##' @param omi,mfrow,mai,xaxs,yaxs,mgp,cex,inset standard options for `par()`,
##'   defaults are for Figure 4
##' @return figure with eight histograms, one for each combination of binning
##'   type and fitting method.
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
MLEmid.MLEbin.hist = function(results.list,
                              vertCol = "red",
                              vertThick = 1,
                              xrange = c(-2.4, -1.1),
                              xbigticks.by = 0.4,
                              xsmallticks.by = 0.1,
                              ylimA = c(0, 7000),
                              yBigTickLab.by = 3000,
                              yBigTickNoLab.by = 1000,
                              ySmallTick.by = 500,
                              binwidth = NA,
                              omi = c(0.12, 0.05, 0.2, 0.0),
                              mfrow = c(4, 2),
                              mai = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3),
                              mgp = c(2.0, 0.5, 0),
                              cex = 0.8,
                              cexAxis = 0.9,
                              inset = c(0, -0.04),
                              legLabMid = c("(a)", "(c)", "(e)", "(g)"),
                              legLabBin = c("(b)", "(d)", "(f)", "(h)"))
  # Extract required components
  MLE.array = results.list$MLE.array
  num.reps = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$num.reps
  b.known = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$b.known
  binTypes = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$binTypes
  binType.name = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$binType.name

  xbigticks = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], by = xbigticks.by)
  xsmallticks = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], by = xsmallticks.by)

  yBigTickLab = seq(0, num.reps, yBigTickLab.by)
  yBigTickNoLab = seq(0, num.reps, yBigTickNoLab.by)
  ySmallTick = seq(0, num.reps, ySmallTick.by)

  # Want b.known (-2 for default) to be a midpoint of the Nth bin, which is yy above the minimum.
  #  Say the 20th bin contains -2, so solve ((N+1)w + Nw)/2 = yy
  #  gives  w = 2 * yy / (2*N + 1). Not flexible yet.
  binwidth = 2 * (b.known - xrange[1]) / ( 2 * 10 + 1)
  breakshist =  seq(xrange[1],
                    length = ceiling( (xrange[2] - xrange[1])/binwidth ) + 1,
                    by = binwidth)

  par(omi = omi,
      mfrow = mfrow,
      mai = mai,
      xaxs = xaxs,
      yaxs = yaxs,
      mgp = mgp,
      cex = cex)

  for(binTypeInd in 1:binTypes)
      hist(MLE.array[ ,binTypeInd, "MLEmid"],
           ylim = ylimA)
      histAxes(yBigTickLab = yBigTickLab,
               yBigTickNoLab = yBigTickNoLab,
               ySmallTick = ySmallTick,
               cexAxis = cexAxis,
               xbigticks = xbigticks,
               xsmallticks = xsmallticks,
               vertCol = vertCol,
               vertThick = vertThick)
             paste(legLabMid[binTypeInd], binType.name[binTypeInd]),

      hist(MLE.array[ , binTypeInd, "MLEbin"],
           ylim = ylimA)
      histAxes(yBigTickLab = yBigTickLab,
               yBigTickNoLab = yBigTickNoLab,
               ySmallTick = ySmallTick,
               cexAxis = cexAxis,
               xbigticks = xbigticks,
               xsmallticks = xsmallticks,
               vertCol = vertCol,
               vertThick = vertThick)
             paste(legLabBin[binTypeInd], binType.name[binTypeInd]),

  mtext(expression(paste("Estimate of ", italic(b))),

  mtext("    MLEmid                                                MLEbin",

##' One figure with eight confidence interval plots for each of  MLEmid and MLEbin methods and four binning types
##' The default plot here reproduces Figure 5 of MEPS paper, showing the
##' confidence intervals of the exponent $b$ for 10,000 simulated data sets, binned using four
##' methods and fitted using the MLEmid and MLEbin methods.
##' @param results.list output list from `MLEbin.simulate()`; see
##'   `?MLEbin.simulate()` for details
##' @param vertCol colour for vertical line at true value of `b`
##' @param vertThick thickness of vertical line at true value of `b`
##' @param xrange range of x values (should change to xlimA for consistency)
##' @param xbigticks.by increment between big tick marks on x-axis (all labelled)
##' @param xsmallticks.by increment between small tick marks on x-axis
##' @param legLabMid character vector of length 4 for labelling each panel in
##'   the MLEmid column
##' @param legLabBin character vector of length 4 for labelling each panel in
##'   the MLEBin column
##' @param insetMat matrix of inset values for MLEmid column (Figure 5(e) legend
##'   has to be shifted), each row is the inset for that MLEmid panel
##' @param omi,mfrow,mai,xaxs,yaxs,mgp,cex,inset standard options for `par()`,
##'   defaults are for Figure 4
##' @return figure with eight panels of confidence intervals, one for each combination of binning
##'   type and fitting method.
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
MLEmid.MLEbin.conf = function(results.list,
                              vertCol = "red",
                              vertThick = 1,
                              xrange = c(-2.4, -1.1),
                              xbigticks.by = 0.4,
                              xsmallticks.by = 0.1,
                              omi = c(0.2, 0.05, 0.22, 0.1),
                              mfrow = c(4, 2),
                              mai = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.08, 0),
                              xaxs = "i",
                              yaxs = "i",
                              mgp = c(2.0, 0.5, 0),
                              cex = 0.8,
                              inset = c(0, -0.04),
                              insetMat = matrix(rep(c(-0.01, -0.04),
                              legLabMid = c("(a)", "(c)", "(e)", "(g)"),
                              legLabBin = c("(b)", "(d)", "(f)", "(h)"))
  # Extract required components
  MLEconf.array = results.list$MLEconf.array
  num.reps = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$num.reps
  b.known = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$b.known
  binTypes = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$binTypes
  binType.name = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$binType.name

  #  xbigticks = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], by = xbigticks.by)
  xsmallticks = seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], by = xsmallticks.by)

  #  yBigTickLab = seq(0, num.reps, yBigTickLab.by)
  #  yBigTickNoLab = seq(0, num.reps, yBigTickNoLab.by)
  #  ySmallTick = seq(0, num.reps, ySmallTick.by)

  par(omi = omi,
      mfrow = mfrow,
      mai = mai,
      xaxs = xaxs,
      yaxs = yaxs,
      mgp = mgp,
      cex = cex)

for(binTypeInd in 1:binTypes)
  # confPlot returns a data.frame of intervals, but no need to save them
  #  for each binType.
    res = confPlot(as.data.frame(MLEconf.array[ ,binTypeInd, "MLEmid", ]),
                   legName = paste(legLabMid[binTypeInd],
                   b.true = b.known,
                   xLim = xrange,
                   xsmallticks = xsmallticks,
                   insetVal = insetMat[binTypeInd,],
                   insetVal2 = insetMat[binTypeInd,] + c(0, 0.12),
                   vertCol = vertCol,
                   vertThick = vertThick)

    res = confPlot(as.data.frame(MLEconf.array[ ,binTypeInd, "MLEbin", ]),
                   b.true = b.known,
                   xLim = xrange,
                   xsmallticks = xsmallticks,
                   insetVal = inset,
                   insetVal2 = inset + c(0, 0.12),
                   yLabels = FALSE,
                   legLoc = "topright",
                   yLab = "",
                   vertCol = vertCol,
                   vertThick = vertThick)

  mtext(expression(paste("Estimate of ", italic(b))),
        side = 1,
        outer = TRUE,
        line = 0)
  mtext("Sample number",
        side = 2,
        outer = TRUE,
        line = -1)

  mtext("         MLEmid                                              MLEbin",
        side = 3,
        outer = TRUE,
        line = 0)

##' Make dataframe of results from MLEmid and MLEbin methods and four binning types
##' Makes dataframe to produce Tables S.3, S.4 and S.5 of MEPS paper, showing the
##' statistics from estimating exponent $b$ for 10,000 simulated data sets, binned using four
##' methods and fitted using the MLEmid and MLEbin methods.
##' @param results.list output list from `MLEbin.simulate()`; see
##'   `?MLEbin.simulate()` for details
##' @return dataframe of table with columns `Binning.type`, `Method`,
##'   `Quantile.5`, `Median, `Mean`, `Quantile.95`, `Percent.below.true`, one
##'   row for each combination of binning type and fitting method.
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
MLEmid.MLEbin.table = function(results.list)
  # Extract required components
  MLE.array = results.list$MLE.array
  num.reps = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$num.reps
  b.known = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$b.known
  binTypes = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$binTypes
  binType.name = results.list$MLE.array.parameters$binType.name

  res.table <- data.frame("Binning type" = NA,
                          "Method" = NA,
                          "Quantile 5" = NA,
                          "Median" = NA,
                          "Mean" = NA,
                          "Quantile 95" = NA,
                          "Percent below true" = NA)
  for(i in 1:binTypes)
    for(j in 1:2)
      res.table[2*i + j - 2, ] = c(binType.name[[i]],
                                   qqtab(MLE.array[ ,i,j],
                                         quants=c(0.05, 0.95),
                                         true = b.known)

##' Plot time series of estimated *b* with confidence intervals
##' Plot time series of estimated *b* with confidence intervals, for
##' data that are analysed year-by-year by a single method. And then
##' fit a linear regression with its confidence intervals (or not if
##' `doRegression = FALSE`).
##' This will get called eight times to produce a comparison figure of
##' the methods.
##' @param bForYears dataframe with columns `Year`, `Method` (optional), `b`
##'   (the estimate of *b*), `confMin` and `confMax` (the 95\% lower and upper
##'   confidence limits) and `stdError` (the standard error of the estimate of
##'   *b*).
##' @param legName legend name for that panel
##' @param method method used to obtain the inputted estimates of `b`
##' @param weightReg  TRUE if doing weighted regression (using standard errors)
##'   or FALSE to not do weighted regression.
##' @param bCol colour for points for *b*
##' @param pchVal pch for points for *b*
##' @param cexVal size of points for *b*
##' @param confCol colour for confidence intervals for *b*
##' @param confThick thickness of vertical line for confidence intervals
##' @param xLim x-axis limits
##' @param yLim y-axis limits
##' @param xLab label for x-axis
##' @param yLab label for y-axis
##' @param xTicksSmallInc increments for where to have small (unlabelled)
##'   tickmarks on x-axis
##' @param xTicksSmallTck tick length for small (unlabelled) tickmarks on x-axis
##' @param yLabels whether or not to label main tickmarks on y-axis
##' @param yTicksSmallInc increments for where to have small (unlabelled)
##' tickmarks on y-axis
##' @param yTicksSmallTck tick length for small (unlabelled) tickmarks on y-axis
##' @param legPos legend position
##' @param newPlot TRUE to create a new plot, FALSE to add to existing
##' @param regPlot TRUE to plot the regression line and conf intervals
##' @param regColNotSig colour for regression line (and its confidence intervals)
##' if the trend is not significant
##' @param regColSig colour for regression line (and its confidence intervals)
##' if the trend is significant
##' @param legExtra extra manually-specified legend (e.g. to distinguish two
##' sets of results)
##' @param legExtraPos position for extra manually-specified legend
##' @param legExtraCol colours (vector) for extra manually-specified legend
##' @param insetVal inset shift for naming the panel
##' @param xJitter value to jitter the x-values by (for comparison plot the
##'   confidence intervals overlap)
##' @param doRegression whether to calculate a regression for the time series of estimates
##' @return if `doRegression` is TRUE (default) then return dataframe of just
##'   one row with columns (else return nothing):
##'   * Method: method used
##'   * Low: lower bound of 95\% confidence interval
##'   * Trend: gradient of regression fit
##'   * High: upper bound of 95\% confidence interval
##'   * p: p-value of regression fit
##'   * Rsquared: r-squared of regression fit
##'   * adjRsquared: adjusted r-squared of regression fit
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
timeSerPlot = function(bForYears,
                       weightReg = FALSE,
                       pchVal = 20,
                       cexVal = 1,
                       confCol = "black",
                       confThick = 1,
                       xLim = NULL,
                       yLim = NULL,
                       yLab = expression(paste("Estimate of ", italic(b)),
                       xTicksSmallInc = NULL,
                       xTicksSmallTck = 0.01,
                       yLabels = TRUE,
                       yTicksSmallInc = NULL,
                       yTicksSmallTck = 0.01,
                       legPos = "topleft",
                       newPlot = TRUE,
                       regPlot = TRUE,
                       regColNotSig = "darkgrey",
                       regColSig = "red",
                       legExtra = NULL,
                       legExtraPos = "topleft",
                       legExtraCol = "",
                       insetVal = c(-0.08, -0.06),
                       xJitter = 0,
                       doRegression = TRUE)
            xLim = range(bForYears$Year)
    if(is.null(yLim))        # just do the yLim for this set of results
        yLim = range(c(bForYears$confMin, bForYears$confMax), na.rm=TRUE)
        }        # For Llin and LT can get only two bins and so NaN for
                 #  conf intervals, so need na.rm.
       plot(bForYears$Year+xJitter, bForYears$b, xlim=xLim, ylim=yLim, col=bCol,
         pch=pchVal, cex=cexVal, xlab=xLab, ylab=yLab)    # yaxt="n")

       legend(legPos, legName, bty="n", inset=insetVal)
           { yTicksSmall = seq(yLim[1], yLim[-1], by=yTicksSmallInc)
             axis(2, at = yTicksSmall, labels = rep("", length(yTicksSmall)),
           { xTicksSmall = seq(xLim[1], xLim[-1], by=xTicksSmallInc)
             axis(1, at = xTicksSmall, labels = rep("", length(xTicksSmall)),
       # Confidence intervals (instead of plotCI from regress2.Snw):
                col = confCol)
                bty = "n",
                col = legExtraCol,
                pch = pchVal,
                cex = cexVal)
       } else    # Add to existing plot
                  col = confCol)

    # Now just fit a linear regression through the points,
    #  and colour code it red if significant trend and grey if not. This
    #  is taken and adapted from regress2.Snw from RBR14 assessment.
      if(weightReg == TRUE){
        lm = lm(b ~ Year, data = bForYears, weights = 1/(stdErr^2))
      } else {
        lm = lm(b ~ Year, data = bForYears)

      yearInc = seq(xLim[1], xLim[2], 0.1)
      p.conf = predict(lm, newdata=data.frame(Year=yearInc), interval="confidence")
      pVal = summary(lm)$coeff["Year",4]
        if (pVal > 0.05) regCol = regColNotSig else regCol= regColSig
        lm.line(xLim, lm, col=regCol)
                 p.conf[ ,c("lwr", "upr")],
      confVals = confint(lm, "Year", level=0.95)

      res = data.frame(Method = method,
                       Low = confVals[1],
                       Trend = lm$coeff[2],
                       High = confVals[2],
                       p = pVal,
                       Rsquared = summary(lm)$r.squared,
                       adjRsquared = summary(lm)$adj.r.squared,
    } else {

##' Call `timeSerPlot()` eight times to create MEPS Figure 1, eight methods
##'  applied to 30 years of data
##' For each of the eight methods in turn, call `timeSerPlot()` to add a panel
##' with the estimated $b$ and 95\% confidence interval for the method for each
##' year of IBTS data, and then fit a regression through the estimates. Called
##' in vignette `MEPS_IBTS_2.Rmd`.
##' @param fullResults.local Results from applying eight methods to a
##'   dataset. Must be in same format as `fullResults` which is for the IBTS
##'   data. Not tested yet with other data sets.
##' @return Dataframe with one row for each of the main eight methods, where
##'   each row is an output from `timeSerPlot()` and so has columns:
##'   * Method: method used
##'   * Low: lower bound of 95\% confidence interval
##'   * Trend: gradient of regression fit
##'   * High: upper bound of 95\% confidence interval
##'   * p: p-value of regression fit
##'   * Rsquared: r-squared of regression fit
##'   * adjRsquared: adjusted r-squared of regression fit
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
timeSerPlot.eight <- function(fullResults.local = fullResults

  par(omi = c(0.14, 0, 0.1, 0.15),
      mfrow = c(4, 2),
      mai = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.08, 0),
      mgp = c(2.0, 0.5, 0),
      cex = 0.8)

  vertThick = 1                  # Thickness for vertical lines

  fullResFive = dplyr::filter(fullResults.local,
                              Method %in% c("LBmiz", "LBbiom", "LBNbiom",
                                            "LCD", "MLE"))
  yLim = c(min(fullResFive$confMin),

  # Each of these plots a panel for one method. Define xLim if the default
  #  (integer-based calculation) is not suitable

  trendResults = data.frame()  # Will have one row of trend results for each method

  # Could make into a loop, but this works
  res = timeSerPlot(dplyr::filter(fullResults.local,
                                  Method == "Llin"),
                    legName = "(a) Llin",
                    method = "Llin",
                    weightReg = TRUE)
  trendResults = rbind(trendResults, res)

  res = timeSerPlot(dplyr::filter(fullResults.local,
                                  Method == "LT"),
                    legName = "(b) LT",
                    yLab = "",
                    method = "LT",
                    weightReg = TRUE)
  trendResults = rbind(trendResults, res)

  res = timeSerPlot(dplyr::filter(fullResults.local,
                                  Method == "LTplus1"),
                    legName = "(c) LTplus1",
                    method = "LTplus1",
                    weightReg = TRUE)
  trendResults = rbind(trendResults, res)

  res = timeSerPlot(dplyr::filter(fullResults.local,
                                  Method == "LBmiz"),
                    legName = "(d) LBmiz",
                    yLim = yLim,
                    yLab = "",
                    method = "LBmiz",
                    weightReg = TRUE)
  trendResults = rbind(trendResults, res)

  res = timeSerPlot(dplyr::filter(fullResults.local,
                                  Method == "LBbiom"),
                    legName = "(e) LBbiom",
                    yLim = yLim,
                    method = "LBbiom",
                    weightReg = TRUE)
  trendResults = rbind(trendResults, res)

  res = timeSerPlot(dplyr::filter(fullResults.local,
                                  Method == "LBNbiom"),
                    legName = "(f) LBNbiom",
                    yLim = yLim,
                    yLab = "",
                    method = "LBNbiom",
                    weightReg = TRUE)
  trendResults = rbind(trendResults, res)

  res = timeSerPlot(dplyr::filter(fullResults.local,
                                  Method == "LCD"),
                    legName = "(g) LCD",
                    yLim = yLim,
                    method = "LCD",
                    weightReg = TRUE)
  trendResults = rbind(trendResults, res)

  res = timeSerPlot(dplyr::filter(fullResults.local,
                                  Method == "MLE"),
                    legName = "(h) MLE",
                    yLim = yLim,
                    yLab = "",
                    method = "MLE",
                    legPos = "bottomleft",
                    weightReg = TRUE)
  trendResults = rbind(trendResults, res)

        side = 1,
        outer = TRUE,
        line = -0.2,
        cex = 0.8)

##' Plot the species-specific bins for all species, as in Figures 6, S.1, S.2 and S.3
##' Wrangles the data and then plots the Figures 6, S.1, S.2 and S.3 showing how
##'  the species-specific length-weight coefficients yield different bins.
##' @param dataBin_vals dataframe in the same format as the saved dataset `dataBin`
##'   -- see `?dataBin` for structure
##' @param postscript If TRUE then save four separate postscript figures, else
##'   just plot the four figures to the active device
##' @param specCodeHighlight Species to highlight in red in Figure 6 (species
##'   127251 for Figure A.4 is done within the function).
##' @return list containing:
##'   * maxWidth: maximum width of any bin
##'   * specNameMaxWidth: species name corresponding to `maxWidth`
##'   * maxRatio: maximum ratio of a body-mass bin to it's minimum, i.e. maximum
##'    value of `(wmax - wmin)/wmin`
##'   * specNameMaxRatio: species name corresponding to `specNameMaxRatio`
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
species_bins_plots <- function(dataBin_vals = dataBin,
                               postscript = FALSE,
                               specCodeHighlight = c(127205, 154675)

  herringCode = dplyr::filter(specCodeNames, species == "Clupea harengus")$speccode
  spratCode = dplyr::filter(specCodeNames, species == "Sprattus sprattus")$speccode
  specCode05 = c(herringCode, spratCode)      # species codes with 0.5cm length bins

  # Just need the species-specific bodymass bins, don't need
  #  Year, length info or Number.
  dataBinSpec = dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(dataBin_vals,
                                 wmax = unique(wmax))

  # Arrange species in order of their max(wmax):
  dataBinSpecWmax = dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(dataBinSpec,
                                     maxWmax = max(wmax))
  dataBinSpecWmax = dplyr::ungroup(dataBinSpecWmax)
  dataBinSpecWmax = dplyr::arrange(dataBinSpecWmax,
                                   maxWmax)   # Species in order of maxWmax
  dataBinSpec = dplyr::ungroup(dataBinSpec)
  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26548495/reorder-rows-using-custom-order
  # Create levels in the desired order
  dataBinSpec = dplyr::mutate(dataBinSpec,
                              SpecCode = factor(SpecCode,
                                                levels = dataBinSpecWmax$SpecCode))
  dataBinSpec = dplyr::arrange(dataBinSpec,

  uniqBinSpecCode = levels(dataBinSpec$SpecCode) # species codes in
                                                 #  the desired order

  # species in the data but with no name (just to avoid
  #  highlighting in figures):
  specIDnoName = setdiff(uniqBinSpecCode, specCodeNames$speccode)
  # species with names but not in data (not so important):
  # specNotInData = setdiff(specCodeNames$speccode, uniqBinSpecCode)

  # max number of bins for any species:
  maxNumBins = max(dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(dataBinSpec,
                                    numBins = length(unique(wmin)))$numBins)

  dataBinSpec = dplyr::mutate(dataBinSpec,
                              wWidth = wmax - wmin,
                              wWidthRatio = wWidth/wmin)
             # wWidth is width of body-mass bin, wWidthRatio is ratio to wmin
  rowMaxWidth = which.max(dataBinSpec$wWidth)
  specCodeMaxWidth = dataBinSpec[rowMaxWidth, ]$SpecCode
  specNameMaxWidth = dplyr::filter(specCodeNames,
                                   speccode ==  specCodeMaxWidth)$species

  rowMaxRatio = which.max(dataBinSpec$wWidthRatio)
  specCodeMaxRatio = dataBinSpec[rowMaxRatio, ]$SpecCode
  specNameMaxRatio = dplyr::filter(specCodeNames,
                                   speccode ==  specCodeMaxRatio)$species
  dataBinMaxRatio = dplyr::filter(dataBin_vals,
                                  SpecCode == specCodeMaxRatio,
                                  wmin == dataBinSpec[rowMaxRatio, ]$"wmin")
                                  # original data row(s) for maxRatio. "wmin"
                                  #  needed since wmin appears in dataBin also

  # Now to create the four figures (split up if want just one). Move these to
  #  function options if want to change them.
  col = c("blue", "lightblue")     # Colours for bins
  colHighlight = c("red", "pink")  # Colours for herring and sprat

  thick = 7                        # thickness of bins

  # Doing 3 figures, each with 135/3 = 45 species. Then a fourth that is
  #  just some of the third one.
  numSpec = 45                   # Number of species in a figure
  specVecStart = c(1,
                   1 + numSpec,
                   1 + 2*numSpec,
                   1 + 2*numSpec)  # start species for fig
  specVecEnd = specVecStart + numSpec - 1
  specVecEnd[4] = specVecStart[4] + 37 - 1
                               # species 126447, as seen in Fig S.2 (not automated)
                               #  is the largest one below 10kg, to make Fig S.3

  smallTicks = c(2, 20, 1000, 200)        # location of small ticks for fig.num
  medTicks = c(10, 100, 5000, 1000)       # location of medium (unlabelled) ticks

  xLimMax = c(10, 10, 10, specVecEnd/numSpec * 10)

  for(fig.num in 1:4)      # doing 4 figures
    specForFig = uniqBinSpecCode[ specVecStart[fig.num]:specVecEnd[fig.num] ]
    xVals = seq(0.2,
                length=length(specForFig))  # xvals for vertical mass bins

    yLim = 1.02*max(dplyr::filter(dataBinSpec,
                                  SpecCode %in% specForFig)$wmax)
                 height = 6,
                 width = 7.5,

    par(xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
    par(mgp=c(2.0, 0.5, 0))    # puts axes labels closer
    par(lend="butt")           # To have butted line caps, need for thick lines.

         ylab="Body mass, g",
         xlim=c(0, xLimMax[fig.num]),
         ylim=c(0, yLim),
         type="n")      # dummy points to set up axes.

    # Adding horizontal grey lines:
         at = seq(0, yLim, by=medTicks[fig.num]),
         labels=rep("", length(seq(0, yLim, by=medTicks[fig.num]))),
    # Add extra tick marks:
         at = seq(0, yLim, by=smallTicks[fig.num]),
         labels=rep("", length(seq(0, yLim, by=smallTicks[fig.num]))),
         at = seq(0, yLim, by=medTicks[fig.num]),
         labels=rep("", length(seq(0, yLim, by=medTicks[fig.num]))),
    # Add species codes:
         at = xVals,
         labels = as.numeric(specForFig),
         las = 2,
         tck = -0.005, cex.axis=0.8)
    mtext("Species Code", side=1, line=3, cex.lab=1)
    # abline(h=0)      # works when saving each figure to a file, not so well in
                       #  vignette so use:
    lines(c(0, xLimMax[fig.num]), c(0,0))

    for(ii in 1:length(specForFig))   # loop over species, plot bins for each
        xVal = xVals[ii]         # where to have vertical bars
        if(as.numeric(specForFig[ii]) %in% specCodeHighlight)
            { colSpec = colHighlight } else { colSpec = col}

        segments(x0 = xVal,
                 y0 = dplyr::filter(dataBinSpec,
                                    SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$wmin,
                 y1 = dplyr::filter(dataBinSpec,
                                    SpecCode == specForFig[ii])$wmax,
                 col=colSpec,       # recycles colours
    par(xpd=TRUE)                   # allow plotting outside main region
    if(fig.num == 1)
        points( xVals[which(as.numeric(specForFig) %in% specCode05)],
               -rep(0.015, length(specCode05))*yLim,
               cex=0.96)            # indicate two species in Fig 6

    if(fig.num == 4)
        points( xVals[which(as.numeric(specForFig) == 127251)],
           -0.015*yLim, pch=4, cex=0.96) # indicate one species in Fig S.3
  return(list("maxWidth" = max(dataBinSpec$wWidth),
              "specNameMaxWidth" = specNameMaxWidth,
              "maxRatio" = max(dataBinSpec$wWidthRatio),
              "specNameMaxRatio" = specNameMaxRatio))

##' Recommended plots of individual size distribution and fit for binned data with overlapping bins
##' Plots the individual size distribution and the fit from the MLEbins method,
##' with linear and then logarithmic y-axes, in the recommended way that takes
##' into account the bin structure of the data, as in Figures 7 and S.5-S.34 of
##' the MEPS paper.
##' @param data.year tibble containing columns Year, wmin, wmax, Number,
##'   countGTEwmin, lowCount, highCount, for a single year (or instance) to
##'   show; Year not used, but no need to remove (it is in the results for the
##'   IBTS data). , countGTEwmin is, for a given bin, the total counts greater
##'   than that bin's wmin.
##' @param b.MLE maximum likelihood estimate of *b* (ideally from the MLEbins method)
##' @param b.confMin lower 95\% confidence limits of *b*
##' @param b.confMax upper 95\% confidence limits of *b*
##' @param year year of data to go into legend (use NA if not applicable)
##' @param xlim (soft) limits of x-axis. If NA then automatically uses the minimum
##'   `wmin` and maximum `wmax` for that data set (so it's good to set it globally when
##'   doing multiple years).
##' @param xmin,xmax: values of `xmin` and `xmax` to plot the PLB curve
##' @param yScaling Scaling of y-minimum of y-axis. Axis can't go to zero on
##'   log-log plot, but goes to the proportion `yScaling` (which is less than 1)
##'   of the minimum value of counts greater than the highest `wmin` value. Do
##'   such that can see the right-most bin in all plots.
##' @param MLE.round number of decimal places to show MLE of *b* on the top plot
##' @param xLabel.small which small tickmarks to label on the x-axis
##' @param yBig.inc increment for labelled big tickmarks on the unlogged y-axis
##' @param yBig.max maximum number of desired labelled big tickmarks on the unlogged y-axis
##' @param ySmall.inc increment for small unlabelled tickmarks on the y-axis (if
##'   NA then is set to yBig.inc/4)
##' @param ySmall.tcl length of small y-axis tick marks - only for (a) maybe
##' @param xLab label for x-axis
##' @param yLab label for y-axis
##' @param inset.a how far to inset (a) and (b)
##' @param inset.year how far to inset the year
##' @param seg.col colour for horizontal green lines showing range of body sizes
##'   for each bin
##' @param rect.col colour to fill in the rectangles for each bin
##' @param fit.col colour to plot the MLE curve, and those for the confidence intervals
##' @param fit.lwd line weight for MLE curve
##' @param conf.lty line type for two curves for the MLE confidence intervals
##' @param par.mfrow vector giving the layout of the figures (number of rows,
##'   number of columns)
##' @param par.mai margin size in inches
##' @param par.cex magnification of plotting text and symbols relative to default
##' @param mgp.vals margin line for axis title, axis labels and axis line
##' @param IBTS_MEPS_figs logical, TRUE for exactly reproducing the original
##'   MEPS Figures 7 and S.5-S.34 (which were done before some improvements to
##'   this function)
##' @param x.PLB vector of values to use to plot the fitted PLB curve; if NA then
##'   automatically calculated
##' @return two-panel figure of the recommended plot of binned data and the
##'   fitted individual size distribution, like Figures 7 and S.5-S.34 of the
##'   MEPS paper. See the vignette `MEPS_IBTS_recommend` for explicit example.
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
ISD_bin_plot <- function(data.year,
                         year = NA,
                         xlim = NA,
                         xmin = NA,
                         xmax = NA,
                         yScaling = 0.75,
                         MLE.round = 2,
                         xLabel.small = c(5, 50, 500, 5000),
                         yBig.inc = 1000,
                         yBig.max = 10,
                         ySmall.inc = NA,
                         ySmall.tcl = -0.2,
                         xLab = expression(paste("Body mass (", italic(x), "), g")),
                         yLab = expression(paste("Number of ", values >= italic(x))),
                         inset.a = c(0, 0),
                         inset.year = c(0, 0.04),
                         seg.col = "green",
                         rect.col = "grey",
                         fit.col = "red",
                         fit.lwd = 2,
                         conf.lty = 2,
                         par.mfrow = c(2, 1),
                         par.mai = c(0.4, 0.5, 0.05, 0.3),
                         par.cex = 0.7,
                         mgp.vals = c(1.6,0.5,0),
                         IBTS_MEPS_figs = FALSE,
                         x.PLB = NA
  sumNumber = sum(data.year$Number)

  par(mfrow = par.mfrow)
  par(mai = par.mai, cex = par.cex)  # Affects all figures

    ySmall.inc = yBig.inc/4

    xlim = c(min(data.year$wmin),
             max(data.year$wmax))  # Range of axis

    xmin = min(data.year$wmin)

    xmax = max(data.year$wmax)

  # x values to plot PLB if not provided; need high resolution for both plots.
    #  First option is just to keep the exact original code used in MEPS
    #  figures,
    #  second option is probably more generally useful (for example, when using
    #  very small size classes like for zooplankton data)
           x.PLB <- seq(xmin,
           x.PLB <- exp(seq(log(xmin),
                            length = 10000))

    #  Need to insert value close to xmax to make log-log curve go down further;
    #   since log(1 - pPLB(xmax, ...)) = log(0) = -Inf   we need to force the asymptopte
    x.PLB.length = length(x.PLB)
    x.PLB = c(x.PLB[-x.PLB.length],
              0.9999999999 * x.PLB[x.PLB.length],

  y.PLB = (1 - pPLB(x = x.PLB,
                    b = b.MLE,
                    xmin = min(x.PLB),
                    xmax = max(x.PLB))) * sumNumber
  # To add curves for the limits of the 95% confidence interval of b:
  y.PLB.confMin = (1 - pPLB(x = x.PLB,
                   b = b.confMin,
                   xmin = min(x.PLB),
                   xmax = max(x.PLB))) * sumNumber
  y.PLB.confMax = (1 - pPLB(x = x.PLB,
                   b = b.confMax,
                   xmin = min(x.PLB),
                   xmax = max(x.PLB))) * sumNumber

  # yRange = c(min(data.year$lowCount), max(data.year$highCount))
  # The above does not work because first val is 0 which is not permissable on
  #  log axis. Which also means that the rectangle that goes to 0 has to be
  #  added manually (below). Picking the y-axis to go down to 0.75 of the
  #  minimum value of CountGTEwmin.
  yRange = c(yScaling * min(data.year$countGTEwmin), max(data.year$highCount))

  # y-axis not logged
       xlim = xlim,
       ylim = yRange,
       type = "n",
       axes = FALSE,
       mgp = mgp.vals)

  xLim = 10^par("usr")[1:2]
  yLim = 10^par("usr")[3:4]

           xLabelSmall = xLabel.small)
  yBig = seq(0, yRange[2], yBig.inc)  # May have to tweak for some years

  if(length(yBig) > yBig.max){
    stop(paste0("The value of yBig.inc will yield ", length(yBig),
    " big tickmarks on the unlogged y-axis, which seems a little excessive.
    Increase the value of yBig.inc in ISD_bin_plot() or ISD_bin_plot_nonoverlapping()
    by X-fold to decrease the number of tickmarks X-fold to a reasonable amount
    (default of yBig.inc is 1000). If you do want more than 10 big tickmarks,
    then set yBig.max to the desired number."))
  # Big labelled:
  axis(2, at = yBig, labels = yBig, mgp=mgp.vals)
  # Small unlabelled:
           by = ySmall.inc),
       labels = rep("",
       tcl = ySmall.tcl,
       mgp = mgp.vals)

  rect(xleft = data.year$wmin,
       ybottom = data.year$lowCount,
       xright = data.year$wmax,
       ytop = data.year$highCount,
       col = rect.col)
  segments(x0 = data.year$wmin,
           y0 = data.year$countGTEwmin,
           x1 = data.year$wmax,
           y1 = data.year$countGTEwmin,
           col = seg.col)
  lines(x.PLB, y.PLB, col = fit.col, lwd = fit.lwd)   # Plot line last so can see it
  lines(x.PLB, y.PLB.confMin, col = fit.col, lty = conf.lty)
  lines(x.PLB, y.PLB.confMax, col = fit.col, lty = conf.lty)

  legend("topright", "(a)",
         bty = "n",
         inset = inset.a)
           legend = year,
           bty = "n",
           inset = inset.year)

         legend = paste0("b=", round(b.MLE, MLE.round)),
         bty = "n",
         inset = 2 * inset.year)

         legend = paste0("n=", round(yRange[2], 2)),
         bty = "n",
         inset = 3 * inset.year)
  box()     # to redraw axes over any boxes

  # y-axis logged
  # empty plot:
       log = "xy",
       xlab = xLab,
       ylab = yLab,
       xlim = xlim,
       ylim = yRange,
       type = "n",
       axes = FALSE,
       mgp = mgp.vals)

  xLim = 10^par("usr")[1:2]
  yLim = 10^par("usr")[3:4]

           xLabelSmall = xLabel.small)

  rect(xleft = data.year$wmin,
       ybottom = data.year$lowCount,
       xright = data.year$wmax,
       ytop = data.year$highCount,
       col = rect.col)

  # Need to manually draw the rectangle with lowCount = 0 since it doesn't
  #  get plotted on log-log plot
  extra.rect = dplyr::filter(data.year,
                             lowCount == 0)
  # if(nrow(extra.rect) > 1) stop("Check rows of extra rect.")
  rect(xleft = extra.rect$wmin,
       ybottom = rep(0.01 * yRange[1], nrow(extra.rect)),
       xright = extra.rect$wmax,
       ytop = extra.rect$highCount,
       col = rect.col)

  segments(x0 = data.year$wmin,
           y0 = data.year$countGTEwmin,
           x1 = data.year$wmax,
           y1 = data.year$countGTEwmin,
           col = seg.col)

        col = fit.col,
        lwd = fit.lwd)
        col = fit.col,
        lty = conf.lty)
        col = fit.col,
        lty = conf.lty)
         inset = inset.a)
  box()       # to redraw axes over any boxes

##' Recommended plots of individual size distribution and fit for binned data with non-overlapping bins
##' For data in binned form (i.e. bin breaks and counts), plots the individual
##' size distribution and the fit from the MLEbin method (alreadly calculated)
##' with linear and then logarithmic y-axes. This is a simpler version of
##' the recommended plots in Figures 7 and S.5-S.34 of the MEPS paper; simpler
##' because if the bins are not overlapping (i.e. just one set of bin breaks,
##' not differing by species like in Fig. 7) then we do not have the grey boxes,
##' just the horizontal green lines. See vignette `MLEbin_recommend.Rmd`.
##' Bin breaks and counts are input as EITHER a single tibble `binValsTibble`
##'  with each row representing a bin, OR as vectors `binBreaks` and
##'  `binCounts`.
##' This function calls `ISD_bin_plot()` which is the original one for Fig 7 of
##'   MEPS paper.
##' @param binValsTibble tibble of binned data with each row representing a bin
##'   and with columns `binMin` and `binMmax` (min and max break of each bin)
##'   and `binCount` (count in that bin), as in the `binVals` component of the
##'   output of `binData`. `wmin` and `wmax` can also be used instead of
##'   `binMin` and `binMax`. Extra columns are ignored.
##' @param binBreaks vector of bin breaks
##' @param binCounts vector of bin counts
##' @param b.MLE maximum likelihood estimate of *b* (ideally from the MLEbin method)
##' @param b.confMin lower 95\% confidence limits of *b*
##' @param b.confMax upper 95\% confidence limits of *b*
##' @param ... further arguments to be passed to `ISD_bin_plot()`
##' @return
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
##' @examples
##' @donttest{
##' @
##' @}
ISD_bin_plot_nonoverlapping <- function(binValsTibble = NULL,
                                        binBreaks = NULL,
                                        binCounts = NULL,
    "Need binValsTibble OR both binBreaks and binCounts to be NULL" =
    (!is.null(binValsTibble) & is.null(binBreaks) & is.null(binCounts)) |
    (is.null(binValsTibble) & !is.null(binBreaks) & !is.null(binCounts))

  # Create a tibble with the desired columns, to go into ISD_bin_plot:
    # Adapt the existing tibble into the required form:
    ifelse("binMin" %in% names(binValsTibble),
      binTibble <- dplyr::select(binValsTibble,
                                 wmin = binMin,
                                 wmax = binMax,
                                 Number = binCount),
      binTibble <- dplyr::select(binValsTibble,
                                 Number = binCount)),
    # Else no tibble, so create one from the vectors binBreaks and binCounts:
    binTibble <- dplyr::tibble(wmin = binBreaks[-length(binBreaks)],
                               wmax = binBreaks[-1],
                               Number = binCounts))

    # Have to do not with dplyr:
    wmin.vec <- binTibble$wmin
    wmax.vec <- binTibble$wmax
    num.vec <- binTibble$Number

    # Here, highCount and countGWEwmin will be the same since only one set of
    # bin breaks; but do them both to save adapting ISD_bin_plot()
    countGTEwmin <- rep(NA, length(num.vec)) # to do a manual count
    lowCount <- countGTEwmin
    highCount <- countGTEwmin

    for(iii in 1:length(countGTEwmin))
      countGTEwmin[iii] <- sum( (wmin.vec >= wmin.vec[iii]) * num.vec)
      lowCount[iii] <-     sum( (wmin.vec >= wmax.vec[iii]) * num.vec)
      highCount[iii] <-    sum( (wmax.vec >  wmin.vec[iii]) * num.vec)

# When having working, check if can just to mutate here; think can: - can't,
#  but there is another command
    binTibble <- cbind(binTibble,
                      "countGTEwmin" = countGTEwmin,
                      "lowCount" = lowCount,
                      "highCount" = highCount)
    binTibble <- tibble::as_tibble(binTibble) # This is one of the desired input for
                                         #  the plotting function below
  ISD_bin_plot(data.year = binTibble,
               b.MLE = b.MLE,
               b.confMin = b.confMin,
               b.confMax = b.confMax,

##' Biomass size spectrum plot for binned data demonstrating uncertainties
##' Biomass size spectrum plot for binned data, showing the bin widths
##' explicitly and the normalised biomass in
##' each bin (with resulting uncertainties). So extending MEE Fig. 6 for already
##' binned data, using a new approach motivated by MEPS Fig. 7. Should probably
##' then be recommended to replace MEE Fig. 6. Axes are logged, and labelled as either
##' logged or (more intuitive) logged values. See vignette `MLEbin_recommend.Rmd`.
##' Bin breaks and counts are input as EITHER a single tibble `binValsTibble`
##'  with each row representing a bin, OR as vectors `binBreaks` and
##'  `binCounts`.
##' @param binValsTibble tibble of binned data with each row representing a bin
##'   and with columns `binMin` and `binMmax` (min and max break of each bin)
##'   and `binCount` (count in that bin), as in the `binVals` component of the
##'   output of `binData`. `wmin` and `wmax` can also be used instead of
##'   `binMin` and `binMax`. Extra columns are ignored.
##' @param binBreaks vector of bin breaks
##' @param binCounts vector of bin counts
##' @param b.MLE maximum likelihood estimate of *b* (ideally from the MLEbin method)
##' @param b.confMin lower 95\% confidence limits of *b*
##' @param b.confMax upper 95\% confidence limits of *b*
##' @param plot.binned.fitted if TRUE then also plot the estimated normalised
##'   biomass in each bin for the MLE of *b* and it's confidence limits
##' @param log.xy Which axes to log, for `plot(..., log = log.xy)`. So "xy" for
##'   log-log axes, "x" for only x-axis logged, "" for both axes unlogged.
##' @param xLim
##' @param yLim
##' @param rect.col
##' @param logLabels
##' @param xLab
##' @param ""))
##' @param yLab
##' @param x.PLB vector of values to use to plot the fitted PLB curve; if NA then
##'   automatically calculated
##' @param legend if TRUE then add legend
##' @param leg.pos position of legend, from "bottomright"', '"bottom"',
##'   '"bottomleft"', '"left"', '"topleft"', '"top"', '"topright"', '"right"'
##'   and '"center"'.
##' @param inset inset distance vector for legend
##' @param leg.text text for legend
##' @param ... further arguments to be passed to `plot()` and
##'   `plot_binned_fitted()`
##' @return TODO should return a tibble of results
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
##' @examples
##' @donttest{
##' @
##' @}
LBN_bin_plot <- function(binValsTibble = NULL,
                         binBreaks = NULL,
                         binCounts = NULL,
                         plot.binned.fitted = TRUE,
                         log.xy = "xy",
                         xLim = NA,
                         yLim = NA,
                         rect.col = "grey",
                         logLabels = FALSE,   # log marks labelling or unlogged                         # tick marks
                         xLabel.small = c(2, 5, 20, 50, 200, 500),
                         yLabel.small = c(5, 50, 500),
                         xLab = expression(paste("Body mass ", italic(x), "(g)")),
                         yLab = "Normalised biomass",
                         x.PLB = NA,
                         legend = TRUE,
                         leg.pos = "topright",
                         inset = c(0,0),
                         leg.text = "(a)",

#Maybe extra options to add, as for MLE.plots.recommend:

#                                inset = c(0, -0.04),
#                                mgpVals = c(1.6, 0.5, 0),
#                                yBigTicks = 0:3,
#                                ySmallTicks = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5)

    "Need binValsTibble OR both binBreaks and binCounts to be NULL" =
    (!is.null(binValsTibble) & is.null(binBreaks) & is.null(binCounts)) |
    (is.null(binValsTibble) & !is.null(binBreaks) & !is.null(binCounts))

    "log.xy must be xy, x or empty (all in double quotes) -- see ?sizeSpectra::LBN_bin_plot()" =
      log.xy %in% c("xy", "x", "")

  # Create a tibble with the desired columns:
    # Adapt the existing tibble into a standard form, similar to for ISD_bin_plot():
    ifelse("binMin" %in% names(binValsTibble),
      binTibble <- dplyr::select(binValsTibble,
                                 wmin = binMin,
                                 wmax = binMax,
                                 Number = binCount),
      binTibble <- dplyr::select(binValsTibble,
                                 Number = binCount)),
    # Else no tibble, so create one from the vectors binBreaks and binCounts:
    binTibble <- dplyr::tibble(wmin = binBreaks[-length(binBreaks)],
                               wmax = binBreaks[-1],
                               Number = binCounts))

  binTibble <- dplyr::mutate(binTibble,
                             lowBiomass = wmin * Number,
                             highBiomass = wmax * Number,
                             binWidth = wmax - wmin,
                             lowBiomassNorm       = lowBiomass / binWidth,
                             highBiomassNorm      = highBiomass / binWidth)

    xLim <- c(min(binTibble$wmin),

    yLim <- c(min(binTibble$lowBiomassNorm),
              max(binTibble$highBiomassNorm))          # may need pull

  # Was going to include option to have logs on tickmarks, but stick with just
  # unlogged values
  #  if(is.null(xLab)){
  #    ifelse(logLabels,
  #           xLab <- expression(paste("Log10 (body mass ", italic(x), ")")),
  #           xLab <- expression(paste("Body mass ", italic(x), "(g)"))
  #           )
  #  }
  #  if(is.null(yLab)){
  #    ifelse(logLabels,
  #           yLab <- "Log10 (normalised biomass)",
  #           yLab <- "Normalised biomass"
  #           )
  #  }

  # Calculate the fitted estimates of biomass in each bin, for b, b.confMin and b.confMax
  binTibble <- pBiomassBinsConfs(binValsTibble = binTibble,
#                                 xmin = min(binTibble$wmin),
#                                 xmax = max(binTibble$wmax),
#                                 n = sum(binTibble$Number),
                                 b.MLE = b.MLE,
                                 b.confMin = b.confMin,
                                 b.confMax = b.confMax)

  plot(binTibble$wmin,         # not plotted, just need something
       log = log.xy,
       xlab = xLab,
       ylab = yLab,
#       mgp = mgpVals,
       xlim = xLim,
       ylim = yLim,
       xaxt = ifelse(log.xy %in% c("x", "xy") , "n", "s"),
       yaxt = ifelse(log.xy == "xy", "n", "s"),
       type = "n",            # empty plot

  if(log.xy == "x"){
             yLim = NULL,
             xLabelSmall = xLabel.small)

  if(log.xy == "xy"){
             xLabelSmall = xLabel.small,
             yLabelSmall = yLabel.small)


         inset = inset)

#  axis(2, at = yBigTicks,
#       mgp = mgpVals)
#  axis(2, at = ySmallTicks,
#       mgp = mgpVals,
#       tcl = -0.2,
#       labels = rep("", length(ySmallTicks)))

  rect(xleft = binTibble$wmin,
       ybottom = binTibble$lowBiomassNorm,
       xright = binTibble$wmax,
       ytop = binTibble$highBiomassNorm,
       col = rect.col)

    x.PLB <- exp(seq(log(min(binTibble$wmin)),
                     length = 10000))   # values to plot the MLE fit,
                                        # encompassing data

  # Option to plot binned version of fitted curve (do first to then overlay the
  # straight lines of biomass density)

  # Biomass density for each value of x, from MEE equation (4), using the MLE for b.
  B.PLB <- dPLB(x.PLB,
                b = b.MLE,
                xmax=max(x.PLB)) * sum(binTibble$Number) * x.PLB


  # Add lines at limits of the 95% confidence interval of b:
             b = b.confMin,
             xmin = min(x.PLB),
             xmax = max(x.PLB)) * sum(binTibble$Number) * x.PLB,

             b = b.confMax,
             xmin = min(x.PLB),
             xmax = max(x.PLB)) * sum(binTibble$Number) * x.PLB,

  # Go through this and tidy up. Could also do nonlogged version.
  #   And add red and (uncertainty) pink rectangles for ranges expected by the
  #   fitted distributions

##' Add horizontal bars and shaded rectangles to `LBN_bin_plot()`
##' These are to show the estimated normalised biomasses in each bin, based on
##' the MLE value of `b` and it's confidence limit values.
##' Each horizontal bar spans a bin (default colour is red), with it's vertical value indicating the
##' expected normalised biomass based on the MLE of `b`. The height of the
##' shaded rectangles (default colour pink) show the range of expected
##' normalised biomass based on the 95\% confidence interval of `b`.
##' @param binTibble tibble of values calculated in `LBN_bin_plot()`; this
##' function adds to that plot
##' @param bar.col colour for the horizontal bars representing the MLE values of
##' normalised biomass in each bin
##' @param bar.lwd thickness of horiztonal bars
##' @param rect.shading colour for shading of rectangles corresponding to the
##' normalised biomasses estimated from confidence intervals of `b`
##' @param shorter fraction shorter to make the rectangles, so can see them
##' overlapping with grey rectangles; may not work exacly as planned (won't be symmetric) when x-axis
##' not logged, but that's not going to be a useful plot anyway
##' @return
##' @export
##' @author Andrew Edwards
##' @examples
##' @donttest{
##' @
##' @}
plot_binned_fitted <- function(binTibble,
                               bar.col = "red",
                               bar.lwd = 3,
                               rect.shading = "pink",
                               shorter = 0.05

  # Rectangles corresponding to confidence interval ranges, it doesn't matter
  # that sometimes we'll have ybottom > ytop (I think it might almost be guaranteed
  # to happen for at least one bin).m
  rect(xleft = (1 + shorter) * binTibble$wmin,
       ybottom = binTibble$estBiomassNormConfMin,
       xright = (1 - shorter) * binTibble$wmax,
       ytop = binTibble$estBiomassNormConfMax,
       col = rect.shading)

  # Horizontal bars corresponding to MLE values
  segments(x0 = binTibble$wmin,
           y0 = binTibble$estBiomassNormMLE,
           x1 = binTibble$wmax,
           y1 = binTibble$estBiomassNormMLE,
           col = bar.col,
           lwd = bar.lwd)

andrew-edwards/sizeSpectra documentation built on June 28, 2023, 7:09 p.m.