pBiomassBinsConfs: Wrapper to call 'pBiomassBins()' for three values of b (MLE...

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pBiomassBinsConfsR Documentation

Wrapper to call pBiomassBins() for three values of b (MLE and conf limits)


pBiomassBinsConfs(..., binValsTibble, b.MLE, b.confMin, b.confMax)



extra arguments passed to bBiomassBins(): b, xmin, ⁠xmax, ⁠n'.


tibble of binned data in the form required for pBiomassBins()


maximum likelihood estimate of b (ideally from the MLEbin method)


lower 95\


b.confMaxupper 95\ binValsTibble with extra columns estBiomassMLE and estBiomassNormMLE for the estimated biomass and normalised biomass for b.MLE, extra columns estBiomassConfMin and estBiomassNormConfMin for the same but using b.confMin, estBiomassConfMax and estBiomassNormConfMax for b.confMax. Only takes a tibble as the input data (unlike pBiomassBins() and pBiomass(). Currently needs wmin, wmax and Number as columns. Andrew Edwards

andrew-edwards/sizeSpectra documentation built on June 28, 2023, 7:09 p.m.