
# Copyright (c) 2024 Andrew Marx. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under AGPLv3.0. See LICENSE file in the project root for details.

#' @include samc-class.R location-class.R

#' Conditional Mean First Passage Time
#' Calculate the mean number of steps to first passage
#' \eqn{\tilde{t}=\tilde{B}_j^{-1}\tilde{F}\tilde{B}_j{\cdot}1}
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{cond_passage(samc, dest)}
#' The result is a vector where each element corresponds to a cell in the landscape,
#' and can be mapped back to the landscape using the \code{\link{map}} function.
#' Element \emph{i} is the mean number of steps before absorption starting from
#' location \emph{i} conditional on absorption into \emph{j}
#' Note that mathematically, the formula actually does not return a value for when
#' \emph{i} is equal to \emph{j}. This leads to a situation where the resultant vector
#' is actually one element short and the index for some of the elements may be shifted.
#' The \strong{cond_passage()} function fills inserts a \code{0} value for vector indices
#' corresponding to \emph{i == j}. This corrects the final result so that vector indices
#' work as expected, and allows the vector to be properly used in the \code{\link{map}} function.
#'   \item \strong{cond_passage(samc, origin, dest)}
#' The result is a numeric value representing the mean number of steps before
#' absorption starting from a given origin conditional on absorption into \emph{j}.
#' As described above, mathematically the formula does not return a result for when
#' the \code{origin} and \code{dest} inputs are equal, so the function simply returns a \code{0}
#' in this case.
#' }
#' \strong{WARNING}: This function is not compatible when used with data where there
#' are states with total absorption present. When present, states representing
#' total absorption leads to unsolvable linear equations. The only exception to this
#' is when there is a single total absorption state that corresponds to input to
#' the \code{dest} parameter. In this case, the total absorption is effectively
#' ignored when the linear equations are solved.
#' \strong{WARNING}: This function will crash when used with data representing
#' a disconnected graph. This includes, for example, isolated pixels or islands
#' in raster data. This is a result of the transition matrix for disconnected
#' graphs leading to some equations being unsolvable. Different options
#' are being explored for how to best identify these situations in data and
#' handle them accordingly.
#' @template section-perf
#' @template param-samc
#' @template param-init
#' @template param-origin
#' @template param-dest
#' @return See Details
#' @example inst/examples/example.R
#' @export

  function(samc, init, origin, dest) {

# cond_passage(samc, dest) ----
#' @rdname cond_passage
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "missing", dest = "location"),
  function(samc, dest) {

    if (samc@clumps == -1)
      warning("Unknown number of clumps in data. If the function crashes, it may be due to the transition matrix being discontinuous.", call. = FALSE)

    if (samc@clumps > 1)
      stop("This function cannot be used with discontinuous data", call. = FALSE)

    if (length(dest) != 1)
      stop("dest must be a single location that refers to a cell in the landscape", call. = FALSE)

    dest = .process_locations(samc, dest)

    if (samc@model$name == "RW") {
      vec = logical(samc@nodes)
      vec[dest] = TRUE
    } else if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      vec = (samc@crw_map[,1] == dest)
    } else {
      stop("Unexpected model", call. = FALSE)

    Q = samc$q_matrix

    q = Q[, vec, drop = FALSE]
    q = Matrix::rowSums(q)
    q[vec] = 1

    Q[vec, ] = 0
    Q[, vec] = 0

    Q@x = -Q@x
    Matrix::diag(Q) = Matrix::diag(Q) + 1

    if (samc@solver == "iter") {
      t = .cond_t_iter(Q, q)
    } else {
      t = .cond_t(Q, q)

    if (samc@model$name == "RW") {
      res = t$fb / t$b
    } else if (samc@model$name == "CRW") {
      pv = samc@prob_mat
      pv = pv[!is.na(pv)]

      res = .summarize_crw(samc, (pv * t$fb), sum) / .summarize_crw(samc, pv * t$b, sum) # Works

    names(res) = samc$names


# cond_passage(samc, origin, dest) ----
#' @rdname cond_passage
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "missing", origin = "location", dest = "location"),
  function(samc, origin, dest) {

    if(length(origin) != length(dest))
      stop("The 'origin' and 'dest' parameters must have the same number of values", call. = FALSE)

    origin <- .process_locations(samc, origin)
    dest <- .process_locations(samc, dest)

    result <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(origin))

    unique_dest <- unique(dest)

    for (d in unique_dest) {
      t <- cond_passage(samc, dest = d)
#      adj_origin <- origin
#      adj_origin[origin > d] <- adj_origin[origin > d] - 1
      result[dest == d] <- t[origin[dest == d]]


# cond_passage(samc, init, dest) ----
#' @rdname cond_passage
  signature(samc = "samc", init = "ANY", origin = "missing", dest = "location"),
  function(samc, init, dest) {

    if(length(origin) != length(dest))
      stop("The 'origin' and 'dest' parameters must have the same number of values", call. = FALSE)

    origin <- .process_locations(samc, origin)
    dest <- .process_locations(samc, dest)

    result <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = length(origin))

    unique_dest <- unique(dest)

    for (d in unique_dest) {
      t <- cond_passage(samc, dest = d)
      #      adj_origin <- origin
      #      adj_origin[origin > d] <- adj_origin[origin > d] - 1
      result[dest == d] <- t[origin[dest == d]]

andrewmarx/samc documentation built on Nov. 1, 2024, 10:10 p.m.