
Defines functions server

Documented in server

#' Server function of app
#' Function that listens for user input and responds to user input.
#' This is called by the ui (user interface) portion of the app which is found in \code{\link{runAuthenticate}}
#'@param input Input Object. Values defined by the user when interacting with the app
#'@param output Output object. Values defined by the reactive functions in the \code{server} function
#'@param session session

server <- function(input, output, session) {

  #### log in and logout Modules called and monitored
  # call login module and returns credentials object
  credentials <- shiny::callModule(loginServer, "login",
                                   log_out = reactive(logout_init()))

  # calls logout module. monitored by login module above since its a reactive object
  logout_init <- shiny::callModule(logoutServer, "logout", active=shiny::reactive(credentials()$user_auth))


  # checks credentials
  user_info <- shiny::reactive({credentials()$info})

  # # create a pool in which to grab new db connections when needed
  # pool <- pool::dbPool(drv=odbc::odbc(),dbname="servername",username=user_info()$user,password=user_info()$pass)

  # dummy data used to fill panel
  user_data <- shiny::reactive({
    DBI::dbGetQuery(credentials()$channel,"select * from cfdbs.area")

  # side bar panel
  output$welcome <- shiny::renderText({
    paste0("Logged in as ", user_info()$user)

  # linked to shiny::uiOutput("testUI") call
  # this is where SAGA stuff goes. Wont need DT
  output$SAGAUI <- shiny::renderUI({

        width = 12,
        tags$h2(paste0("Some title")),
        shinydashboard::box(width = NULL, status = "primary",
                            DT::renderDT(user_data(), options = list(scrollX = TRUE))


andybeet/authenticate documentation built on Sept. 24, 2023, 11:28 p.m.