
Defines functions run_single_hydra

Documented in run_single_hydra

#'Executes Hydra ADMB code
#'Runs the Hydra code
#'@param n Numeric scalar. The seed used for the model run (Default: n = 1)
#'@param exePath Character string. The path to the executable
#'@param datPath Character string. The path to the dat file
#'@param pinPath Character string. The path to the pin file
#'@return Nothing is returned:
#' Output is written to a file for processing

run_single_hydra <- function(n=1,exePath,datPath,pinPath) {

  # form string to execute
  runmod<-paste(exePath,"-sim",n," -ind",datPath," -ainp ",pinPath)  # creates string to be run in shell
  # execute string capture output as R object
  out <- system(runmod,intern=T)

  #system("rm variance fmin.log eigv.rpt") #clean up
andybeet/hydramse documentation built on April 16, 2021, 5:23 a.m.