
#' Add time to plot
#' @param date_format Character.  R date format to use for the date.
addDateTime <- function(date_format = "%d%b%Y %H:%M"){
  theTime <- Sys.time()
  theTime <- toupper(format(theTime, date_format))

#' Count string lines 
#' Count string lines based on character returns
#' @param string a character vector of length 1.
count_lines <- function(string){
  length(unlist(str_split(string, "\\n")))

#' Count meta lines
#' Function to count the number of lines of meta information
#' @param meta Lines of meta information for a single meta data item.  The function counts lines based on character returns, \code{"\n"} and the number of elements in the vector.  
#' @return numeric. The total number of lines of meta information.
countMeta <- function(meta){
  # lines_in_each_element <- lapply(meta, count_lines)
  # sum(unlist(lines_in_each_element))

#' Count meta lines
#' Function to count the number of lines of meta information
#' @param ... \code{\link{countMeta}} Multiple metadata items to be counted by `countMeta`
#' @return numeric. The total number of lines of meta information.
countMetaMulti <- function(...){
  metaList <- list(...)
  metaCount <- lapply(metaList, countMeta)
  maxMetaCount <- max(unlist(metaCount))

#' Create User & Path String
#' @param userID logical. Should the user ID be included with the path
#' @param path logical or character. If logical, should current working directory 
#' be added as the path. If character, the path to be included.
createUserPath <- function(userID = TRUE, path = TRUE){

  # Convert logical to correct path
  path <- switch(as.character(path), 
                 "TRUE" = getwd(),
                 "FALSE" = "",
  # Combinations of path & userID
  if(userID & path != ""){
    path <- paste(Sys.info()["user"], path, sep = ":")
  } else if(userID & path == ""){
    path <- Sys.info()["user"]
  } else if(!userID & path == ""){
    path <- ""  
andyofsmeg/ggTag documentation built on July 8, 2019, 5:45 a.m.