
#' Test if argument is a whole number
#' @param x single value or vector of numbers
#' @return boolean
i_is_whole = function(x){
    as.integer(x) == x

#' Are numbers compatible with being an index?
#' @param x numeric values
#' @param max_length max acceptable values for x
#' @param verbose get warnings?
#' @return boolean
i_is_index = function(x, max_length, quiet = TRUE){
        w = suppressWarnings(i_is_whole(x))
    } else {
        w = i_is_whole(x)

    p = (x > 0 && x <= round(max_length, digits = 0) )

    all(w) && all(p)

#' Get plot boundaries in user sapce
#' @param return_mat boolean. return a matrix? defaults to FALSE
#' @return vector or matrix, depending on return_mat value
i_plot_boundaries = function(return_mat = FALSE) {
    bounds = setNames(par("usr"), c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax"))

    if(return_mat) {
        bounds = matrix(bounds, ncol = 2,
                        dimnames = list(c("min", "max"), c("x", "y")))
annakat/casper_defunct documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:50 a.m.