
#' The Canonical class.
#' This virtual class represents a canonical expression.
#' @rdname Canonical-class
setClass("Canonical", representation(id = "integer", args = "list", validate = "logical"), prototype(id = NA_integer_, args = list(), validate = TRUE), contains = "VIRTUAL")

setMethod("initialize", "Canonical", function(.Object, id = NA_integer_, args = list(), validate = TRUE) {
  .Object@id <- ifelse(is.na(id), get_id(), id)
  .Object@args <- args
  .Object@validate <- validate

#' @param object A \linkS4class{Canonical} object.
#' @describeIn Canonical The expression associated with the input.
setMethod("expr", "Canonical", function(object) {
  if(length(object@args) != 1)
    stop("'expr' is ambiguous, there should only be one argument.")

#' @describeIn Canonical The unique ID of the canonical expression.
setMethod("id", "Canonical", function(object) { object@id })

#' @describeIn Canonical The graph implementation of the input.
setMethod("canonical_form", "Canonical", function(object) { canonicalize(object) })

#' @describeIn Canonical List of \linkS4class{Variable} objects in the expression.
setMethod("variables", "Canonical", function(object) {
  unique(flatten_list(lapply(object@args, function(arg) { variables(arg) })))

#' @describeIn Canonical List of \linkS4class{Parameter} objects in the expression.
setMethod("parameters", "Canonical", function(object) {
  unique(flatten_list(lapply(object@args, function(arg) { parameters(arg) })))

#' @describeIn Canonical List of \linkS4class{Constant} objects in the expression.
setMethod("constants", "Canonical", function(object) {
  const_list <- flatten_list(lapply(object@args, function(arg) { constants(arg) }))
  # const_id <- sapply(const_list, function(constant) { id(constant) })
  # const_list[!duplicated(const_id)]

#' @describeIn Canonical List of \linkS4class{Atom} objects in the expression.
setMethod("atoms", "Canonical", function(object) {
  unique(flatten_list(lapply(object@args, function(arg) { atoms(arg) })))

setMethod("tree_copy", "Canonical", function(object, id_objects = list()) {
  new_args <- list()
  for(arg in object@args) {
    if(is.list(arg)) {
      arg_list <- lapply(arg, function(elem) { tree_copy(elem, id_objects) })
      new_args <- c(new_args, arg_list)
    } else
      new_args <- c(new_args, tree_copy(arg, id_objects))
  return(copy(object, args = new_args, id_objects = id_objects))

setMethod("copy", "Canonical", function(object, args = NULL, id_objects = list()) {
  # if("id" %in% names(attributes(object)) && as.character(object@id) %in% names(id_objects))
  if(!is.na(object@id) && as.character(object@id) %in% names(id_objects))
    args <- object@args
  data <- get_data(object)
  if(!is.null(data) && length(data) != 0)
    return(do.call(class(object), c(args, data)))
    return(do.call(class(object), args))

#' @describeIn Canonical Information needed to reconstruct the expression aside from its arguments.
setMethod("get_data", "Canonical", function(object) { list() })
anqif/CVXR documentation built on June 30, 2024, 3:34 a.m.