
title: "NPBin" author: "Anthony Aylward" date: "2018-03-20" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}

We will analyze a subset of one of the sample dataset for illustration purposes.

#> data.table
#>   The fastest way to learn (by data.table authors):
#>   Documentation: ?data.table, example(data.table) and browseVignettes("data.table")
#>   Release notes, videos and slides:

minimum_coverage <- 5 # minimum total coverage allowed
n_cores <- 47 # the number of cores to be used, can ONLY be 1 if run on Windows.

dt <- atac
#>  [1] "chr"             "location"        "m"              
#>  [4] "xm"              "winning.chip"    "motif"          
#>  [7] "pval.mat.atSNP"  "pval.pat.atSNP"  "pval.rank.atSNP"
#> [10] "winnig.motif"    "potential_TP"    "potential_FP"
dt.ct <- data.table(dt)[m >= minimum_coverage, ]

for illustration purpose, keep only the 2000 points, remove this line will end up with analyzing the whole data set. It could be slow if only one core is used.

dt.ct <- dt.ct[1:2000, ]
dt.ct[, p_hat:=xm / m]
n <- nrow(dt.ct)


n_breaks <- 11 # number of breaks
spline_order <- 4 # order of splines
breaks <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n_breaks)
pi_init <- hist(
  dt.ct[, p_hat],
  breaks = seq(0, 1, length.out = n_breaks + spline_order - 3),
  plot = FALSE
)[["density"]] # initialized the weights using the histogram of p_hat

estimate the overall model

overall_model_estimate <- emBinBspl(
  dt.ct[, xm],
  dt.ct[, m],
  breaks = breaks,
  k = spline_order,
  pi.init = pi_init,
  ncores = n_cores,
  err.max = 1e-3,
  iter.max = 200

estimate the null model

null_model_estimate <- estNull(
  dt.ct[, xm],
  dt.ct[, m],
  init = NULL,
  iter.max = 200,
  ncores = n_cores,
  ub = rep(log(1e4), 2),
  err.max = 1e-4
  fnp := null_model_estimate[["f"]]
  f0np := null_model_estimate[["f0"]]
  locfdrnp := null_model_estimate[["locfdr"]]
  fdrnp := locfdr2FDR(locfdrnp)
  ranknp := rank(locfdrnp, ties.method = "max")
#>  [1] "pi"               "post"             "bspl"            
#>  [4] "dmtx"             "f"                "ll.all"          
#>  [7] "err.all"          "convergence"      "controls"        
#> [10] "coef.null"        "pi0"              "f0"              
#> [13] "locfdr"           "convergence.null"
#> $shape1
#> [1] 13.41442
#> $shape2
#> [1] 12.97
#> $pi0
#> [1] 0.8604282

Empirical Bayes test using p_hat

pct0 <- 0.45         
empirical_bayes_beta_hat <- ebBeta(
  dt.ct[, xm],
  dt.ct[, m],
  dt.ct[, p_hat],
  breaks = breaks,
  k = spline_order,
  pi.init = pi_init,
  pct0 = pct0,
  init = NULL,
  iter.max = 200,
  err.max = 1e-4,
  ncores = n_cores
  fhat := empirical_bayes_beta_hat[["f"]]
  f0hat := empirical_bayes_beta_hat[["f0"]]
  locfdrhat := empirical_bayes_beta_hat[["locfdr"]]
  fdrhat := locfdr2FDR(locfdrhat)
  rankhat := rank(locfdrhat, ties.method = "max")
#>  [1] "pi"          "post"        "bspl"        "dmtx"        "binmtx"     
#>  [6] "f"           "ll.all"      "err.all"     "convergence" "controls"   
#> [11] "coef.null"   "f0"          "pi0"         "locfdr"      "locfdrnorm" 
#> [16] "null"

null parameters of EBE

#> $shape1
#> [1] 3.427515
#> $shape2
#> [1] 3.341993
#> $pi0
#> [1] 0.9883402

Binomial test

p_binomial <- sapply(
  function(y) binom.test(dt.ct[y, xm], dt.ct[y, m])[["p.value"]]
  pvbin := p_binomial
  fdrbin := p.adjust(pvbin, method = "BH")
  rankbin := rank(pvbin, ties.method = "max")

Evaluate the results using motifs

number of potential TP defined based on motif

dt.ct[, sum(potential_TP)]
#> [1] 42

number of potential FP defined based on motif

dt.ct[, sum(potential_FP)]
#> [1] 2

find the number of TP and FP in top ranked SNPs

  tpnp := rank2nhit(ranknp ,potential_TP)
  fpnp := rank2nhit(ranknp, potential_FP)
#> Error in rank2nhit(ranknp, potential_TP): could not find function "rank2nhit"
  tp_hat := rank2nhit(rankhat, potential_TP)
  fp_hat := rank2nhit(rankhat, potential_FP)
#> Error in rank2nhit(rankhat, potential_TP): could not find function "rank2nhit"
  tpbin := rank2nhit(rankbin, potential_TP)
  fpbin := rank2nhit(rankbin, potential_FP)
#> Error in rank2nhit(rankbin, potential_TP): could not find function "rank2nhit"

plot the accuracy measure as in the main paper. We presented a zoom-in version in the main paper to the top 20%, because usually there are not many ALI SNPs. Note that the default of the demo only select a subset of the data for illustration purposes. Thus the figure may not an exact replica of the one in the paper. To reproduce the results in the paper, please use the whole dataset

cbfpalette <- c(
plotidac <- c(' NPB','EBE','Binom')

anthony-aylward/npbin documentation built on Aug. 22, 2019, 8:08 a.m.