#' Title
#' @param data.surv
#' @param penaFG.submodels
#' @param cause
#' @return
#' @export
#' @importFrom crrp crrp
#' @importFrom riskRegression FGR
#' @examples
LMsurv.penaFG <- function(data.surv, penaFG.submodels, cause = 1){
model.penaFG <- list()
data.surv.omit <- na.omit(data.surv[,!(names(data.surv) %in% "subject")])
data.surv.X <- model.matrix( ~ ., data.surv.omit[,!(names(data.surv.omit) %in% c("time.event","event"))])[,-1]
data.surv.Y <- data.surv.omit[,c("time.event","event")]
# lasso penalisation
crrp.FG.fit <- crrp::crrp(time=data.surv.Y$time.event, fstatus=data.surv.Y$event, X=data.surv.X,
penalty="LASSO", failcode = cause, cencode = 0,
lambda = 10^seq(log10(0.05), log10(0.0002), length = 50), eps = 1E-6)
if (any(penaFG.submodels %in% c("GCV"))){
# find the tuning parameter with GCV for a lasso penalisation
beta.GCV <- crrp.FG.fit$beta[, which.min(crrp.FG.fit$GCV)]
beta.GCV<- as.matrix(beta.GCV)
FGcoef.GCV <- Matrix(beta.GCV, sparse=TRUE)#transforme en sparse pour pouvoir recuperer les noms de colonnes qui nous int?resse
FGactivVar.GCV <- FGcoef.GCV@Dimnames[[1]][FGcoef.GCV@i+1] # keep variables with non zero coefficients
newformula.GCV <- reformulate(termlabels = FGactivVar.GCV,
response = "Hist(time.event,event)")
# with riskRegression to be able to use the FG prediction function of riskRegression
riskReg.FG.GCV.fit <- riskRegression::FGR(formula=newformula.GCV, data=data.surv.omit, maxiter=0, init=FGcoef.GCV@x, cause=cause)
model.penaFG[["GCV"]] <- riskReg.FG.GCV.fit
if (any(penaFG.submodels %in% c("BIC"))){
# find the tuning parameter with BIC for a lasso penalisation
beta.BIC <- crrp.FG.fit$beta[, which.min(crrp.FG.fit$BIC)]
beta.BIC <-as.matrix(beta.BIC)
FGcoef.BIC <- Matrix(beta.BIC, sparse=TRUE)#transforme en sparse pour pouvoir recuperer les noms de colonnes qui nous int?resse
FGactivVar.BIC <- FGcoef.BIC@Dimnames[[1]][FGcoef.BIC@i+1] # keep variables with non zero coefficients
newformula.BIC <- reformulate(termlabels = FGactivVar.BIC,
response = "Hist(time.event,event)")
#with riskRegression to be able to use the FG prediction function of riskRegression
riskReg.FG.BIC.fit <- riskRegression::FGR(formula=newformula.BIC, data=data.surv.omit, maxiter=0, init=FGcoef.BIC@x, cause=cause)
model.penaFG[["BIC"]] <- riskReg.FG.BIC.fit
return(list(model = model.penaFG, surv.name = "penalized-FG"))
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