icon_layer: Icon Layer

icon_layerR Documentation

Icon Layer


Icon Layer


  id = uuid::UUIDgenerate(),
  name = "IconLayer",
  group_name = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  visible = TRUE,
  pickable = FALSE,
  opacity = 1,
  wrap_longitude = FALSE,
  position_format = "XY",
  color_format = "RGBA",
  auto_highlight = FALSE,
  highlight_color = "#00008080",
  icon_atlas = NULL,
  icon_mapping = list(),
  size_scale = 1,
  billboard = TRUE,
  size_units = "pixels",
  size_min_pixels = 0,
  size_max_pixels = 9007199254740991,
  alpha_cutoff = 0.05,
  get_position = position,
  get_icon = icon,
  get_color = "#000000ff",
  get_size = 1,
  get_angle = 0,
  get_pixel_offset = c(0, 0),
  blending_mode = "normal",
  visibility_toggle = TRUE,
  tooltip = NULL

  name = cur_value(),
  group_name = cur_value(),
  data = cur_value(),
  visible = cur_value(),
  pickable = cur_value(),
  opacity = cur_value(),
  wrap_longitude = cur_value(),
  position_format = cur_value(),
  color_format = cur_value(),
  auto_highlight = cur_value(),
  highlight_color = cur_value(),
  icon_atlas = cur_value(),
  icon_mapping = cur_value(),
  size_scale = cur_value(),
  billboard = cur_value(),
  size_units = cur_value(),
  size_min_pixels = cur_value(),
  size_max_pixels = cur_value(),
  alpha_cutoff = cur_value(),
  get_position = cur_value(),
  get_icon = cur_value(),
  get_color = cur_value(),
  get_size = cur_value(),
  get_angle = cur_value(),
  get_pixel_offset = cur_value(),
  blending_mode = cur_value(),
  visibility_toggle = cur_value(),
  tooltip = cur_value()



<rdeck | rdeck_proxy> An rdeck map instance.


Additional parameters that will be forwarded to deck.gl javascript without validation nor processing. All dots must be named and will be camelCased when serialised. A warning is raised when dots are used, warning class rdeck_dots_nonempty.


<string> The layer's identifier must be unique for among all layers of the same type for a map. Defaults to uuid::UUIDgenerate(), but should be explicitly defined for updatable layers in a shiny application.


<string> Identifies the layer on tooltips and legends. It does not need to be unique, but should be brief. Defaults to the deck.gl class name for the layer.


<string> Defines the group that this layer belongs to. Currently only effective on the layer selector, if visibility_toggle = TRUE.


<data.frame | sf | string> The layer's data. Data frames and sf objects will contain all columns that are referenced by the layer's accessors. Strings will be interpreted as a URL and data will be retrieved dynamically in the browser.


<boolean> Determines whether the layer is visible or not; also determines whether any legend elements for the layer will be displayed.


<boolean> Determines if the layer responds to pointer / touch events.


<number> Determines the layer's opacity.


<boolean> Normalises geometry longitudes.


<"XY" | "XYZ"> Determines whether each coordinate has two (XY) or three (XYZ) elements.


<"RGB" | "RGBA"> Determines whether the alpha channel of the colours will be ignored by accessors, making all colours opaque.


<boolean> When TRUE, the current object hovered by the cursor is highlighted by highlight_color.


<accessor | scale | color> When auto_highlight and pickable are enabled, highlight_color determines the colour of the currently highlighted object. If a single colour value is supplied, that colour will be used to highlight all objects in the layer. Per-object highlighting is achieved with a colour scale, or a tidy-eval column of colours.


<string|array> The image sprite containing raster icons. Must be either a string which is interpreted as a URL to an image, or an image bitmap.


<string|list> The image sprite index. Must be either a string which is interpreted as a URL to a json document, or a named-list of icon descriptors. See https://github.com/visgl/deck.gl/blob/master/docs/api-reference/layers/icon-layer.md#iconmapping-objectstring-optional for icon descriptor fields.


<number> The size multiplier.


<boolean> If TRUE, the icon always faces the camera, otherwise it faces up (z).


<"pixels" | "common" | "meters"> The units of the size specified by get_size.


<number> The minimum size in pixels.


<number> The maximum size in pixels.


<number> Discard pixels whose opacity is below this threshold. A discarded pixel would create a "hole" in the icon that is not considered part of the object.


<accessor> The feature positions. A ⁠<point/multipoint>⁠ wk-geometry column with CRS EPSG:4326. Supports tidy-eval.


<accessor> The name of the icon for each feature. Icon name must be present in the icon_mapping.


<accessor | scale | color> The colour of each object. Accepts a single colour value, a colour scale, or a tidy-eval column of colours.


<accessor | scale | number> The size of each icon, in units specified by size_units. Accepts a single numeric value, a numeric scale, or a tidy-eval column of numbers.


<accessor | number> The rotating angle of each icon in degrees. Accepts a single numeric value, or a tidy-eval column of numbers.


<accessor | number> The pixel offset for each object. Accepts a single length-2 numeric vector, or a tidy-eval list column.


<"normal" | "additive" | "subtractive"> Sets the blending mode. Blending modes:

  • normal: Normal blending doesn't alter colours of overlapping objects.

  • additive: Additive blending adds colours of overlapping objects. Useful for highlighting dot density on dark maps.

  • subtractive: Subtractive blending darkens overlapping objects. Useful for highlighting dot density on light maps.


<boolean> Whether this layer will appear in the layer selector.


<tooltip> Defines the columns (and their order) that will be displayed in the layer tooltip, if pickable == TRUE. Supports tidy-select if a data is a data.frame. Geometry columns are always removed.

See Also


Other core-layers: arc_layer, bitmap_layer, column_layer, geojson_layer, grid_cell_layer, line_layer, path_layer, point_cloud_layer, polygon_layer, scatterplot_layer, solid_polygon_layer, text_layer

Other layers: arc_layer, bitmap_layer, column_layer, contour_layer, cpu_grid_layer, geojson_layer, gpu_grid_layer, great_circle_layer, grid_cell_layer, grid_layer, h3_cluster_layer, h3_hexagon_layer, heatmap_layer, hexagon_layer, line_layer, mvt_layer, path_layer, point_cloud_layer, polygon_layer, quadkey_layer, s2_layer, scatterplot_layer, scenegraph_layer, screen_grid_layer, simple_mesh_layer, solid_polygon_layer, terrain_layer, text_layer, tile_3d_layer, tile_layer, trips_layer

anthonynorth/rdeck documentation built on Aug. 11, 2024, 1:40 p.m.