char_Social_Class: Social class

Description Usage Format Details


A dataset containing the chances of being in each social class




A data frame with 5 rows and 9 variables


item Class. Name of each class item Tribal. Upper bound on roll to be in each class for Tribal people item Viking. Upper bound on roll to be in each class for Viking people item Feudal. Upper bound on roll to be in each class for Feudal people item Imperial. Upper bound on roll to be in each class for Imperial people item Elf. Upper bound on roll to be in each class for Elf people item Dwarf. Upper bound on roll to be in each class for Dwarf people item Hobbit. Upper bound on roll to be in each class for Hobbit people item Gnome. Upper bound on roll to be in each class for Gnome people

aol-statsols/rm-char-create documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:39 p.m.