
Defines functions check.waveband is.waveband split_bands new_waveband waveband

Documented in is.waveband new_waveband split_bands waveband

#' Waveband constructor method
#' Constructor for "waveband" objects that can be used as input when calculating
#' irradiances.
#' @details Objects of class \code{waveband} are used to store the different
#'   bits of information needed to compute summaries from spectral data by
#'   integration over wavelengths. The wavelength ranges, possible spectral
#'   weighting functions (SWF) or biological spectral weighting functions
#'   (BSWF), their normalization wavelengths and names and labels used for
#'   reporting the results are all stored in waveband objects. This facilitates
#'   the use of functions that compute summaries, as well as ensures consistency
#'   in computations and labelling, as all the bits of information are passed
#'   together. Class \code{"waveband"} is derived from R class \code{list}.
#' @param x any R object on which applying the method \code{range()} yields an
#'   vector of two numeric values, describing a range of wavelengths [\eqn{nm}].
#' @param weight a character string \code{"SWF"} or \code{"BSWF"}, use
#'   \code{NULL} (the default) to indicate no weighting used when calculating
#'   irradiance.
#' @param SWF.e.fun,SWF.q.fun a functions giving multipliers for a spectral
#'   weighting function (energy and quantum, respectively) as a function of
#'   wavelength [\eqn{nm}].
#' @param SWF.norm a numeric value giving the native normalization wavelength
#'   [\eqn{nm}] used by \code{SWF.e.fun} and \code{SWF.q.fun}.
#' @param norm a single numeric value indicating the wavelength [\eqn{nm}] at
#'   which the SWF should be normalized to 1.0; \code{NULL} is interpreted as no
#'   normalization.
#' @param hinges a numeric vector giving the wavelengths at which values in
#'   \code{s.irrad} should be inserted by interpolation before integration is
#'   attempted. No interpolation is indicated by an empty vector
#'   (\code{numeric(0)}), while interpolation at both boundaries of the band is
#'   indicated by \code{NULL}.
#' @param wb.name character string giving the name for the waveband defined,
#'   default is \code{NULL} for an automatically generated name.
#' @param wb.label character string giving the label of the waveband to be used
#'   for labelling computed summaries or plots, default is \code{wb.name}. (This
#'   is usually a shorter character string than \code{wb.name}.)
#' @return a \code{waveband} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' waveband(c(400,700))
#' @family waveband constructors
waveband <- function(x = NULL,
                     weight = NULL,
                     SWF.e.fun = NULL,
                     SWF.q.fun = NULL,
                     norm = NULL,
                     SWF.norm = NULL,
                     hinges = NULL,
                     wb.name = NULL,
                     wb.label = wb.name) {
  if (length(x) == 0) {
    x <- NA_real_
    if (length(wb.name) == 0) {
      wb.name <- "Not available"
    if (length(wb.label) == 0) {
      wb.label <- "NA"
  if (is.generic_spct(x) && is.null(wb.name)) {
    wb.name = "Total"
  x.range <- range(x)
  new_waveband(w.low = x.range[1],
               w.high = x.range[2],
               weight = weight,
               SWF.e.fun = SWF.e.fun,
               SWF.q.fun = SWF.q.fun,
               norm = norm,
               SWF.norm = SWF.norm,
               hinges = hinges,
               wb.name = wb.name,
               wb.label = wb.label)

#' @describeIn waveband A less flexible variant
#' @param w.low,w.high numeric value, wavelengths at the short end and long ends
#'   of the wavelength band [\eqn{nm}].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' new_waveband(400,700)
new_waveband <- function(w.low, w.high,
                         weight = NULL,
                         SWF.e.fun = NULL,
                         SWF.q.fun = NULL,
                         norm = NULL,
                         SWF.norm = NULL,
                         hinges = NULL,
                         wb.name = NULL,
                         wb.label = wb.name){
  # we make sure that hinges is not NULL, as this would cause problems elsewhere
  # if we are not using a SWF then we do not need to add hinges as we will be
  # anyway interpolating raw irradiances rather than weighted irradiances
  if (is.null(hinges)) {
    hinges <- c(w.low - 1e-12, w.low, w.high - 1e-12, w.high)
  if (!is.null(weight) && weight!="none") {
    if (!is.null(SWF.e.fun) && is.null(SWF.q.fun)){
      if (!is.null(SWF.norm)){
        SWF.q.fun <- function(w.length){SWF.e.fun(w.length) *  SWF.norm / w.length}
      } else {
        warning("Warning: either both photon and energy SWFs should be supplied, or a value for the
              wavelength at which the function supplied is normalized should be supplied through SWF.norm")
    } else if (!is.null(SWF.q.fun) && is.null(SWF.e.fun)  && !is.null(SWF.norm)){
      if (!is.null(SWF.norm)){
        SWF.e.fun <- function(w.length){SWF.q.fun(w.length) * w.length / SWF.norm}
      } else {
        warning("Warning: either both photon and energy SWFs should be supplied, or a value for the
              wavelength at which the function supplied is normalized should be supplied through SWF.norm")
    } else if (is.null(SWF.e.fun) && is.null(SWF.q.fun)){
      warning("weight != NULL, but no SWFs supplied")
    if (is.null(wb.name)) {
      wb.name <- paste("range",
                       as.character(signif(w.low, 4)),
                       as.character(signif(w.high, 4)),
      wb.label <- wb.name
  } else {
    weight <- "none"
    if (is.null(wb.name)) {
      wb.name <- paste("range",
                       as.character(signif(w.low, 4)),
                       as.character(signif(w.high, 4)),
      wb.label <- wb.name
  w_band <- list(low = w.low,
                 high = w.high,
                 weight = weight,
                 SWF.e.fun = SWF.e.fun,
                 SWF.q.fun = SWF.q.fun,
                 SWF.norm = SWF.norm,
                 norm = norm,
                 hinges = hinges,
                 name = wb.name,
                 label = wb.label)
  class(w_band) <- c("waveband", class(w_band))

#' List-of-wavebands constructor
#' Build a list of unweighted "waveband" objects that can be used as input when
#' calculating irradiances.
#' @param x a numeric vector of wavelengths to split at (nm), or a range of
#'   wavelengths or a generic_spct or a waveband.
#' @param list.names character vector with names for the component wavebands in
#'   the returned list (in order of increasing wavelength)
#' @param short.names logical indicating whether to use short or long names for
#'   wavebands
#' @param length.out numeric giving the number of regions to split the range
#'   into (ignored if w.length is not numeric).
#' @return an un-named list of waveband objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' split_bands(c(400,500,600))
#' split_bands(list(c(400,500),c(550,650)))
#' split_bands(list(A=c(400,500),B=c(550,650)))
#' split_bands(c(400,500,600), short.names=FALSE)
#' split_bands(c(400,500,600), list.names=c("a","b"))
#' split_bands(c(400,700), length.out=6)
#' split_bands(400:700, length.out=3)
#' split_bands(sun.spct, length.out=10)
#' split_bands(waveband(c(400,700)), length.out=5)
#' @note \code{list.names} is used to assign names to the elements of the list,
#'   while the waveband objects themselves always retain their \code{wb.label}
#'   and \code{wb.name} as generated during their creation.
#' @family waveband constructors

split_bands <- function(x,
                        length.out=NULL) {
  if (!is.generic_spct(x) && !is.waveband(x) && is.list(x)) {
    x.len <- length(x)
    names.len <- length(list.names)
    if (names.len < x.len) {
      list.names <- names(x)
      names.len <- length(list.names)
    if (names.len < x.len) {
      list.names <- paste("wb", letters[1:x.len], sep=".")
    bands.out <- list()
    for (i in 1:x.len) {
      wb.temp <- split_bands(x[[i]],
                             length.out = length.out)
      bands.out <- c(bands.out, wb.temp)
  if (is.generic_spct(x) || is.waveband(x)) {
    w.length <- range(x)
  } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
    x <- unique(sort(x))
    if (length(x) > 1L) {
      w.length <- x
    } else {
      warning("At least two wavelength values are needed")
  wl.len <- length(w.length)
  if (!is.null(length.out) && is.numeric(length.out)) {
    if (length.out < 1L) {
      warning("'length.out' if non null must be >= 1")
    } else {
      w.length <- range(w.length)
      wl.len <- length.out + 1
      w.length <- seq(w.length[1], w.length[2], length.out=wl.len)
  } else {
    length.out <- wl.len - 1
  use.wb.names <- is.null(list.names)
  bands.out <- list()
  names <- character()
  for (i in 1:(wl.len - 1)) {
    wb.temp <- new_waveband(w.length[i], w.length[i+1],
                            hinges=NULL, wb.name=NULL)
    names[i] <- ifelse(use.wb.names, labels(wb.temp)[[1]], list.names[i])
    bands.out <- c(bands.out, list(wb.temp))
  num.bands <- wl.len - 1

  if (length(bands.out) == 1 && is.null(list.names)) {
  } else {
    if (short.names) {
      names(bands.out) <- paste("wb", seq_along(bands.out), sep="")
    } else {
      if (!is.null(list.names) && length(list.names) >= num.bands)  {
        names(bands.out) <- list.names[1:num.bands]
      } else {
        names(bands.out) <- names

#' Query if it is a waveband
#' Functions to check if an object is waveband.
#' @param x any R object
#' @return is.waveband returns TRUE if its argument is a waveband and FALSE
#'   otherwise.
#' @export
is.waveband <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "waveband")

### I need to add a check.waveband() method and use it in the constructor and
### maybe also add non-functional replacement operators.

check.waveband <-
           byref = FALSE,
           strict.range = getOption("photobiology.strict.range", default = FALSE),
           ...) {
    stopifnot(x[["low"]] < x[["high"]])
    stopifnot(x[["weight"]] == "none" && !(is.null(x[["SWF.e.fun"]] && is.null(x[["SWF.q.fun"]]))))
    stopifnot(x[["weight"]] != "none" && (is.null(x[["SWF.e.fun"]] || is.null(x[["SWF.q.fun"]]))))
aphalo/photobiology documentation built on April 1, 2024, 6:48 p.m.