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aquaMetrics package

An R package to calculate macroinverebrate metrics

In R: Install the development version from GitHub: install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) install_github("aquaMetrics/macroinvertebrateMetrics")


Calculate all metrics:

all_metrics <- calc_metric(demo_data)
head(all_metrics, 4)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 5
#>   sample_id question     response         parameter parameter_long
#>   <chr>     <chr>        <chr>            <chr>     <chr>         
#> 1 1017980   sample_score 67               WFD_AWIC  WFD AWIC      
#> 2 1017980   ntaxa        7                WFD_AWIC  WFD AWIC      
#> 3 1017980   wfd_awic     9.57142857142857 WFD_AWIC  WFD AWIC      
#> 4 1101214   sample_score 66               WFD_AWIC  WFD AWIC

Calculate specific metrics:

selected_metrics <- calc_metric(demo_data, metrics = c("whpt","awic"))
head(selected_metrics, 4)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 5
#>   sample_id question   response parameter   parameter_long
#>   <chr>     <chr>      <chr>    <chr>       <chr>         
#> 1 1017980   WHPT_SCORE 82.4     WHPT Metric WHPT Metric   
#> 2 1101214   WHPT_SCORE 68.3     WHPT Metric WHPT Metric   
#> 3 1250462   WHPT_SCORE 81.5     WHPT Metric WHPT Metric   
#> 4 1419451   WHPT_SCORE 70.4     WHPT Metric WHPT Metric

Use metric specific function:

specific_metric <- calc_epsi(demo_data)
head(specific_metric, 4)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 5
#>   sample_id parameter_long                           parameter question response
#>   <chr>     <chr>                                    <chr>     <chr>    <chr>   
#> 1 1017980   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensiti~ METRIC E~ EPSI Sc~ 97.3177~
#> 2 1017980   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensiti~ METRIC E~ EPSI Co~ Minimal~
#> 3 1101214   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensiti~ METRIC E~ EPSI Sc~ 94.7977~
#> 4 1101214   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensiti~ METRIC E~ EPSI Co~ Minimal~


To calculate any metric you need:

Input Data

For example:

| sample_id | label | response | parameter | |:----------|:--------------|:---------|:---------------------| | 3201863 | Baetidae | 53 | River Family Inverts | | 3201863 | Hydrobiidae | 2 | River Family Inverts | | 3201863 | Sphaeriidae | 2 | River Family Inverts | | 3201863 | Erpobdellidae | 1 | River Family Inverts |

Here’s the precise definition of each recommended input column see column_attributes:

| name | col_type | require | description | |:---------------|:----------|:--------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | sample_id | character | TRUE | Unique sample id for grouping metric outputs at a sample level | | question | character | FALSE | Question being posed such as ‘abundance’ | | response | numeric | TRUE | Response received to the question | | label | character | TRUE | The ‘label’ sometimes given to question such as species name | | parameter | character | TRUE | Parameter is the method used to respond to the question for instance ‘Family level TL2’ | | parameter_long | character | FALSE | Long name of paramater for example ‘Lab anlaysis to family level Taxa List 2’ |

#> [1] "TL5 River Invertebrate" "River Family Inverts"   "BANKSIDE_INVERTS"      
#> [4] "Work in progress"       "TL3 River Invertebrate"

| metric | parameter | |:---------|:-----------------------| | awic | TL5 River Invertebrate | | epsi | TL5 River Invertebrate | | epsi | River Family Inverts | | epsi | BANKSIDE_INVERTS | | lamm | TL5 River Invertebrate | | life | Work in progress | | psi | River Family Inverts | | psi | TL3 River Invertebrate | | psi | TL5 River Invertebrate | | psi | BANKSIDE_INVERTS | | riverfly | River Family Inverts | | spear | TL5 River Invertebrate | | spear | River Family Inverts | | spear | BANKSIDE_INVERTS | | whpt | River Family Inverts | | whpt | BANKSIDE_INVERTS |

Input Metadata

| name | col_type | require | description | |:----------|:----------|:--------|:---------------------------------------------------------------| | sample_id | character | TRUE | Unique sample id for grouping metric outputs at a sample level | | question | character | FALSE | Question being posed such as ‘abundance’ | | response | numeric | TRUE | Response received to the question | | label | character | TRUE | The ‘label’ sometimes given to question such as species name |

Metric scores

For example:

| | TAXON_NAME | WHPT_A | EPSI_WEIGHT_FAM | SPEAR_SPECIES | |:----|:---------------|-------:|----------------:|:--------------| | 129 | Planariidae | 4.7 | 0.25 | FALSE | | 143 | Dugesiidae | 2.8 | 0.00 | FALSE | | 151 | Dendrocoelidae | 3.0 | 0.01 | FALSE | | 974 | Neritidae | 6.4 | 0.48 | FALSE |

Metric Metadata

| metric | metric_names | parameter | |:-------|:----------------|:-----------------------| | awic | AWIC_A | TL5 River Invertebrate | | awic | AWIC_B | TL5 River Invertebrate | | awic | AWIC_C | TL5 River Invertebrate | | epsi | EPSI_WEIGHT_TL5 | TL5 River Invertebrate |


There are two ways to calculate a given metric, for example WHPT can be calculated using either calc_metric(demo_data, metric = "whpt") or the metric specific function calc_whpt(demo_data). These two function execute the same code except that calc_awic() uses calc_metric() behind the scenes and hard codes the metric = "whpt" parameter to save a little bit of typing.

All metrics follow the same calculation process:

  1. The data input is passed to a calc_metric() function.

  2. Input data is validated in an internal function called validate_data(). This function checks the data is in the correct format and then joins the data to taxonomic table containing metrics values.

  3. The data (now with the metric values attached) is then passed to specific internal metric functions. These metric function calculates the specific metrics. If more then one metric is requested, the calc_metric() function calculates only the requested metrics in-turn and then binds and returns the outputs in a final output dataframe.

aquaMetrics/macroinvertebratesMetrics documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 2:35 a.m.