Man pages for aramette/otu2ot
Calculate oligotypes for aligned FASTA sequences

CalcEntropy.seqcalculates the entropy for a nucleotide sequence provided as...
CalcEntropy.wordcalculates the entropy for a concatenated nucleotide sequence
Check.entropy.nseqCheck for a subset of FASTA sequences provided as a list,...
Count.BrokenStickApplies the Broken Stick model to a vector of count data.
GetEnvironmentDatafromFileRParse the FASTA headers to retrieve the sample information.
HGB_0013.fastaFASTA alignment corresponding to OTU...
ImportFastaAlignmentImport a FASTA alignment from a file
MEDMinimum Entropy Decomposition
MEDMatMinimum Entropy Decomposition
mock.fastamock data for testing the oligotyping pipeline.
OnePassProfilingProvides oligotyping based on a one-pass entropy profiling,...
OnePassProfilingMatProvides oligotyping based on a one-pass entropy profiling,...
otu2ot-packageThe package implements the oligotyping procedure in R.
plotEntropyPlot the entropy profile for a matrix of sequences
plot.lm.ciplots a x,y plot with the result of a linear regression model...
SampleXOT_Tablecreates a Sample-by-OT table.
aramette/otu2ot documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:46 p.m.