
Defines functions Sigma

Documented in Sigma

#' Period to lose unit probit viability
#' \code{Sigma} calculates the period to lose one probit viability
#' (\mjseqn{\sigma}) under storage at a given moisture content and temperature.
#' \loadmathjax
#' This function computes the period to lose one probit viability
#' (\mjseqn{\sigma}) according to the improved seed viability equation of
#' \insertCite{ellis_improved_1980;textual}{viabilitymetrics} as follows.
#' \mjsdeqn{v=K_{i}-\frac{p}{\sigma}}
#' or
#' \mjsdeqn{v=K_{i}-\left ( \frac{1}{\sigma} \right )\cdot p}
#' Where, \mjseqn{v} is the probit percentage viability at storage time
#' \mjseqn{p} (final viability),  \mjseqn{K_{i}} is the probit percentage
#' viability of the seedlot at the beginning of storage (seedlot constant) and
#' \mjseqn{\frac{1}{\sigma}} is the slope.
#' Germination percentages plotted against storage times yield a sigmoid seed
#' survival curve which is converted to a linear relationship by the probit
#' transformation with slope \mjseqn{\frac{1}{\sigma}}.
#' The slope is determined as follows.
#' \mjsdeqn{\sigma = 10^{K_{E}-C_{W}\log{m}-C_{H}t-C_{Q}t^2}}
#' Where, \mjseqn{v} is the probit percentage viability at storage time
#' \mjseqn{p} (final viability), \mjseqn{K_{i}} is the probit percentage
#' viability of the seedlot at the beginning of storage (seedlot constant),
#' \mjseqn{m} is the moisture content (fresh weight basis), \mjseqn{t} is the
#' temperature and \mjseqn{K_{E}}, \mjseqn{C_{W}}, \mjseqn{C_{H}} and
#' \mjseqn{C_{Q}} are the species-specific seed viability constants.
#' The value of the species-specific seed viability constants can be specified
#' either directly in the argument \code{vcdirect} or as the index value of the
#' required seed viability constants from the \code{\link{viabilityconstants}}
#' dataset through the argument \code{vcindex}.
#' The value of this prediction is appropriate for temperature between -20 to 90
#' °C and seed moisture content between 5 to 25\%. For values beyond this range,
#' a warning will be displayed.
#' @param vcindex An integer value indicating the index of seed viability.
#'   constants to be used from the \code{viabilityconstants} dataset in the
#'   package.
#' @param vcdirect A numeric vector of length 4 with the four viability
#'   constants \emph{viz.}: \mjseqn{K_{E}}, \mjseqn{C_{W}}, \mjseqn{C_{H}} and
#'   \mjseqn{C_{Q}}.
#' @param mc Moisture content.
#' @param temp Temperature in °C.
#' @param years If \code{TRUE}, returns the output period in years instead of
#'   days.
#' @return The period to lose one probit in days or years (according to argument
#'   \code{years}).
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Days/Years to lose unit probit viability for rice seeds stored at
#' # 5 degree celsius and 10% moisture content.
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Fetch the index from viabilityconstants dataset
#' viabilityconstants[grepl("oryza", x = viabilityconstants$Species,
#'                          ignore.case = TRUE),]
#' # Use index 87
#' Sigma(vcindex = 87, mc = 10, temp = 5)
#' Sigma(vcindex = 87, mc = 10, temp = 5, years = TRUE)
#' # Input the viability constants directly
#' Sigma(vcdirect = c(8.242, 4.345, 0.0307, 0.000501), mc = 10, temp = 5)
#' Sigma(vcdirect = c(8.242, 4.345, 0.0307, 0.000501), mc = 10, temp = 5,
#'       years = TRUE)
#' # Warning if moisture content is beyond limits (0-100 %)
#' Sigma(vcindex = 87, mc = 110, temp = 5)
#' # Warning if temperature is beyond limits (-20 to 90 degree C)
#' Sigma(vcindex = 87, mc = 10, temp = 95)
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Days/Years to lose unit probit viability for soybean seeds stored at
#' # -18 degree celsius and 8% moisture content.
#' #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Fetch the index from viabilityconstants dataset
#' viabilityconstants[grepl("glycine", x = viabilityconstants$Species,
#'                          ignore.case = TRUE),]
#' # Use index  59
#' Sigma(vcindex = 59, mc = 8, temp = -18)
#' Sigma(vcindex = 59, mc = 8, temp = -18, years = TRUE)
#' # Input the viability constants directly
#' Sigma(vcdirect = c(7.292, 3.996, 0.0295, 0.000491), mc = 8, temp = -18)
#' Sigma(vcdirect = c(7.292, 3.996, 0.0295, 0.000491), mc = 8, temp = -18,
#'       years = TRUE)
#' # Warning if moisture content is beyond limits (0-100 %)
#' Sigma(vcindex = 59, mc = 110, temp = 5)
#' # Warning if temperature is beyond limits (-20 to 90 degree C)
#' Sigma(vcindex = 59, mc = 10, temp = 95)
Sigma <- function(vcindex, vcdirect, mc, temp, years = FALSE) {

  # check if both vcindex and vcdirect are given as input
  chk <- c(missing(vcindex), missing(vcdirect))
  if (identical(chk, c(FALSE, FALSE))) {
    stop('Provide only either one of the two arguments\n',
         '"vcindex" or "vcdirect" and not both.')

  # Check if temp is of type numeric with unit length
  if (!is.numeric(temp) || length(temp) != 1){
    stop("'temp' should be a numeric vector of length 1.")

  # Check limits of temperature
  if (FALSE %in% (findInterval(temp, c(-20, 90),
                               rightmost.closed = TRUE) == 1)) {
    warning('"temp" is beyond limits (-20 < "temp" < 90).')

  # Check if mc is of type numeric with unit length
  if (!is.numeric(mc) || length(mc) != 1){
    stop("'mc' should be a numeric vector of length 1")

 #Check limits of moisture content
  if (FALSE %in% (findInterval(mc, c(0, 100), rightmost.closed = TRUE) == 1)) {
    warning('"mc" is beyond limits (0 < "mc" < 100).')

  # Check if argument years is of type logical with unit length
  if (!missing(years)){
    if (!is.logical(years) || length(years) != 1){
      stop("'years' should be a numeric vector of length 1.")

  #If input is vcindex
  if (!missing(vcindex)) {
    # Extract constants from vcindex
    # check if vcindex is an integer
    if (vcindex %% 1 != 0 && length(n) != 1) {
      stop('"vcindex" is not an integer vector of unit length.')

    # check if vcindex is present in viabilityconstants
    if (!(vcindex %in% viabilityconstants$Index)) {
      stop( paste("specified 'vcindex' is not present in the 'viabilityconstants' dataset.\n",
                  "Input a value in the range 1-",
                  max(viabilityconstants$Index), sep = ""))
      vcdirect <- NULL
      vc <- viabilityconstants[vcindex, ]
      Ke <- as.numeric(vc[, 3])
      Cw <- as.numeric(vc[, 4])
      Ch <- as.numeric(vc[, 5])
      Cq <- as.numeric(vc[, 6])

  } else {#If input is vcdirect
    # Extract constants from vcdirect
    # check if vcdirect is a numeric vector of length 4 with Ke, Cw, Ch, Cq
    if (length(vcdirect) != 4) {
      stop(paste0(c('"vcdirect" is not of length 4;', '\n',
                    'All four seed viability constants are not specified.')))
    } else {
      # check if vcdirect is numeric vector
      if (!is.numeric(vcdirect)) {
        stop('"vcdirect" is not a numeric vector.')

    vcindex <- NULL
    names(vcdirect) <- c("Ke", "Cw", "Ch", "Cq")
    Ke <- as.numeric(vcdirect[1])
    Cw <- as.numeric(vcdirect[2])
    Ch <- as.numeric(vcdirect[3])
    Cq <- as.numeric(vcdirect[4])


  if (years == TRUE) {
    sig <- (10 ^ (Ke - (Cw * log10(mc)) - Ch*temp - Cq*(temp^2)))/365
  } else {
    sig <- 10 ^ (Ke - (Cw * log10(mc)) - Ch*temp - Cq*(temp^2))

aravind-j/viabilitymetrics documentation built on May 15, 2021, 9:10 a.m.