Man pages for arcolombo/junk
qusage: Quantitative Set Analysis for Gene Expression

absoluteTestabsolute test homogeneity score
absoluteTest.genePvalsA function to calculate the P values for each gene as...
absoluteTest.genePvalsFASTfunction to calculate the homogeneity P value faster
aggregateGeneSetCalculate Pathway Activation
aggregateGeneSetArmCombine individual gene differential expresseion for each...
approximatedNuNu values approximated, this is a vector holding constants
calcBayesCICalculate pathway Confidence Intervals
calcPCorA function to calculate the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)...
calcVIFCalculate Variance Inflation Factor
combinePDFsCombine PDFs from multiple QuSAGE comparisons
compareTwoDistsFasterCompute p-value of two distributions not centered at zero
eset.fullExample gene expression set
filterGenesFilter out genes with SD lower than a threshold and mean...
fluVaccineGene expression sets from Flu Vaccine trials
GeneSetsExample Gene Sets
getExAbsapproximates Nu values
getXcoordsGet the X coordinates for the points of the PDF
homogeneityScorehomogenity score
makeComparisonCompare Genes Between Two Groups
multi_convfast fourier transform method
newQSarrayThe qusage Array Object
Nihelper funciton to calculate DOF
pdfScaleFactorcalculate a scaling factor to multiply the PDF by (so that it...
plotCIsPlot Pathway Mean and Confidence Intervals
plotCIsGenesPlot Gene Mean and Confidence Intervals
plotCombinedPDFPlot combined PDF for an individual pathway
plotDensityCurvesPlot gene set PDFs
plotGeneSetDistributionsPlot gene and gene set PDFs
pValCalculate p-values for gene set activity
qgenRun qusage while incoprating generalized least squares and...
QSarray-classClass '"QSarray"'
qsTableSummary of QSarray Results
qusageRun qusage on an expression dataset
qusageArmThis file contains the primary code for the qusage...
qusageCutArmThis file contains the primary code for the qusage...
quslmFitLINEAR MODELS used for qusage calls the stats call and...
read.gmtRead in gene set information from .gmt files
arcolombo/junk documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:49 p.m.