Man pages for ardeeshany/AFSSEN
Adaptive Function on Scalar Elastic Net

compute_pairwise_integralsIntegral of the pairwise product of functions
covMaternisoCompute the Covariance of a Matern process
generation_kernelDefinition of the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the...
generation_kernel_periodicDefinition of the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the...
Matern_kernel_generationDefinition of the kernel for the Matern Process
norm_matrix_HComputation of the H-norm of a set of functions
norm_matrix_H_derivativesComputation of the H-norm of the derivatives of a set of...
norm_matrix_KComputation of the K-norm of a set of functions
opt_lambdasFinding the neighborhood of best lambda_H and lambda_K
projection_basisProjection on the kernel basis
projection_domainRepresentation on the time domain of a function defined by...
sobolev_kernel_generationDefinition of the kernel for the Sobolev Space
ardeeshany/AFSSEN documentation built on Aug. 28, 2022, 2:22 p.m.