
Defines functions MVDiffEn

Documented in MVDiffEn

#' Multivariate sample entropy
#' Wrapper for MVSampEn that allows the user to specify an integer scale
#' parameter eps. The time series is coarsegrained, and then the entropy is
#' computed for the specified time scale. Currently being tested, and is not exported.
#' @param mat A pxn numeric matrix containing a p-variate time series.
#' @param M A vector of length p specifying the embedding dimension.
#' @param tau A vector of length p specifying the time lag parameter.
#' @param r The similarity threshold.
#' @param scale If TRUE (default), standardizes the rows of mat.
#' @param fun Function applied to each bin, passed to coarsegrain (default = mean).
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to fun.

MVDiffEn = function(mat, M, tau, breaks = 100, scaleMat = TRUE){

    # Error Handling
    if (!is.matrix(mat))
        stop('mat must be a matrix')

    if (!(is.numeric(M) && length(M) == dim(mat)[1]))
        stop('M must be a vector of length equals to the rows of mat')

    if (any(M <= 0))
        stop('M must be positive')

    if (!(is.numeric(tau) && length(tau) == dim(mat)[1]))
        stop('M must be a vector of length equals to the rows of mat')

    if (any(tau <= 0))
        stop('tau must be positive')

    # Scale data if necessary
    if (scaleMat) mat <- t(scale(t(mat)))

    nVariables <- dim(mat)[1]
    nSamples   <- dim(mat)[2]

    MMax   <- max(M)
    tauMax <- max(tau)
    nn     <- MMax * tauMax

    # Count the number of match templates of length m closed within
    # the tolerance r.
    N  <- nSamples - nn
    A  <- vectorEmbed(mat, M, tau)

    # Do entropy piecewise if too many observations
    k <- dim(A)[1]
    if (k <= 1000){
        d  <- dist(A, method = 'maximum')
        p  <- hist(d, plot = F, breaks = breaks)$counts / length(d)
        p <- p[-which(p == 0)]
        ent <-  -1/(length(p)) * sum(p * log(p, base = 2))
    } else {
        pad <- c(1:k, rep(NA, 1000 - k %% 1000))
        idx <- matrix(sample(pad, length(pad)),
                      nrow = length(pad) / 1000)
        ent <- numeric(dim(idx)[1])
        for (i in 1:length(ent)){
            idx.dummy <- idx[i,]
            idx.dummy <- idx.dummy[!is.na(idx.dummy)]
            dummy <- A[idx.dummy,]
            d  <- dist(dummy, method = 'maximum')
            p  <- hist(d, plot = F, breaks = breaks)$counts / length(d)
            p  <- p[p != 0]
            ent[i] <-  -1/log(length(p), base = 2) * sum(p * log(p, base = 2))
areshenk/MSMVSampEn documentation built on July 22, 2022, 2:09 a.m.