Man pages for arnejohannesholmin/TSD
Read and write in the Time Step Data (TSD) format

ang2rotTransforms from angles in the range [-pi,pi] to angles of...
arr.ind2indTransforms array indexes to vector indexes. For indexes out...
car2globalConversions between cartesian and spheircal coordinate...
catchWarningsIt returns a 2-element list, the first being the value of the...
combine.TSDMerges either (1) TSD files given by 'x', or (2) four...
dim_allReturns the dimension of the object 'x'. If 'x' is a list, a...
do.callUniqueExecute a Function Call, allowing for further arguments given...
evenReturning TRUE at all even or odd values.
extractIndSubsetExtracts a subset of 'x' defined by the index list or vector...
function2characterConverts a function to a string starting with " <- function",...
ind2arr.indTransforms vector indexes to array indexes. The function is...
ind.expandExpands a list of indexes as given to extract() to actual...
info.TSDReads the description of four character TSD file variables.
is.charTSD_elementSimple function for determining whether an element of the...
is.complexTSD_elementSimple function for determining whether an element of the...
is.doubleTSD_elementSimple function for determining whether an element of the...
is.integerTSD_elementSimple function for determining whether an element of the...
is.TSDTests whether the file(s) given by 'x' has the Time Step Data...
labl.TSDReturns the variable names required in echoIBM() and related...
len_allReturns the lengths of the object 'x'.
listOfEqual2array(Internal) Convert a list of equal lengths to an array.
mergeListKeepDimensionsFunciton used for merging data stored in a list, where each...
mergeTextFilesMerges text files given a maximum size
mod(Internal) Returns the modulus of x by y, but keeping y when...
numt.TSDGet the number of time steps.
papplyParallel version of lapply
pathpartsSplits file paths into parts. If only one file path is given,...
prettyIntegersCompressed formating of an integer vector.
read.TSDReads a file using the Time Step Data format and outputs as...
read.TSD_d000_v2lvVector representation of dimension data -> list...
read.TSD_description_tableReads the TSD description table 'x'.
read.TSD_funstring2funSimple function for extracting the function saved as a string...
read.TSD_getindtFirstLastA function for extracting the first and last value of 'indt'.
read.TSD_isnvarFunction identifying whether a sequence of bytes of length...
read.TSD_readAllTimeStepsOfOneVariable(Internal) Read all time steps of one variable in a TSD file.
read.TSDsReads files using the Time Step Data format and outputs as an...
repmMatrix generalization of rep. If 'x' is a vector, the...
rm.naRemoving NAs, returning a vector. Not used since na.omit()...
s2dhmsTransforms seconds to an array of days, hours, minutes and...
setrangeSets the range of the input object 'x' to [a,b] (stretching...
splitSeqIntoBlocksSplits a vector into groups based on the size of one element...
strffReturns TRUE if any of the strings of 'first' occur as the...
TSDRead and write in the Time Step Data (TSD) format
UpdateHeaderTSDUpdates headers of TSD files for which extra rows of zeros...
utim.TSDTransforms time input in TSD format to unix time. If Matlab...
vecRealImaginary2complexConverts to complex from data stored with the real in the...
WinPathRun WinPath(), paste in a Windows file path, hit Enter, and...
write.TSDWrites files using the Time Step Data format.
write.TSD_collapse_stringFunction used for collapsing string vectors, arrays or lists...
write.TSD_d000_lt2vList representation of dimension data as a function of time...
write.TSD_d000_lv2ltList representation as a function of variables -> list...
write.TSD_fun_d000Function extracting the dimensions of the variable (possibly...
write.TSD_fun_lvarFunction extracting the lengths of the variables, if not...
write.TSD_fun_numtFunction to be used for extracting the number of time steps...
write.TSD_get_d000_lvFunction for extracting the dimensions of 'x'.
write.TSD_get_ts(Internal:) Get the 'ts' object, which defines along which...
write.TSD_lvar_d000Simple function for extracting the lengths of the dimension...
write.TSD_modifyd000When 'x' is given with variables in a dissimilar order than...
zeropadPads numerics with zeros at the beginning.
zerosGenerate arrays with the given dimenstions.
arnejohannesholmin/TSD documentation built on April 14, 2024, 5:29 a.m.