Man pages for arnesmits/DEPstoi
Stoichiometry analysis of label-free proteomics data

DEPstoiDEPstoi: A package for stoichiometry analysis of label-free...
get_stoichiometryRelative stoichiometry
GFPipGFPip - EED protein interactors (IP-MS dataset)
GFPip_ExpDesignExperimental design of the GFPip dataset
GFPip_pepGFPip_pep - Peptides table of the GFPip dataset
iBAQiBAQ workflow
merge_ibaqMerge iBAQ intensities
plot_ibaqPlot iBAQ values versus log fold change
plot_stoichiometryPlot relative stoichiometries
run_appDEP and DEPmulti shiny apps
arnesmits/DEPstoi documentation built on May 3, 2019, 4:31 p.m.