
hclustPH <- function(Z) {
	n.vertices <- dim(Z)[1]
	data.d <- dim(Z)[2]
	if (data.d >= 9) stop(cat("Data dimension must be 8 or lower\n"))
	# Compute the delaunay triangulation, and extract a matrix with all the edges
	# [NB (a,b) == (b,a)]
	# Construct a list containing the edges, which represents the simplicial complex. 

	# delaunayn comes from the geometry package - uses the QHull algorithm and is
	# well-behaved for sets of points in 8 dimensions or fewer...
	triang <- delaunayn(Z, options="Qt Pp")
	ntri <- dim(triang)[1]
	triang <- matSort(triang, ntri, data.d+1)
	edges <- findEdges(triang, d=data.d+1, n=ntri)
	# find unique edges
	# this is faster
	digits.max <- ceiling(log10(max(edges)))
	edges <- edges[!duplicated(edges[,1]*(10^(digits.max+1)) + edges[,2]),]
	n.edges <- dim(edges)[1]
	# Compute the edge lengths. These are referred to as the edges "birth times" in the 
	# PH literature.
	p1 <- Z[edges[,1],]
	p2 <- Z[edges[,2],]
	ds <- sqrt(rowSums((p1 - p2)^2))
	# reorder the list according to birth times
	ds.order <- order(ds)
	birth <- ds[ds.order] 
	edges <- edges[ds.order,]
	simplices <- lapply(1:n.edges, function(i) return(as.integer(edges[i,])))
	# The following reduction is essentially a sparse implementation of Gaussian
	# elimination over the field Z_2.  If any pair of edges share the same 
	# vertex with highest index, then we eliminate that vertex from the edge with
	# later birth time by modulo 2 addition of the two sets of vertices. This 
	# repeats until no pair of edges meet the condition described.	
	# The order of the edges matters, which is why we sorted by birth time.

	### REDUCTION ###
	# initialise
	top.simplexes <- topsimps(simplices)
	dups <- duplicated(top.simplexes,incomparables=-1)
	indexvec <- 1:length(top.simplexes)
	while (any(dups)) {
		adds <- match(top.simplexes[dups], top.simplexes)
		reps <- indexvec[dups]
		# solve the addition
		# replacement <- mapply(addSimplices,simplices[reps],simplices[adds],SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
		replacement <- addList(simplices[reps], simplices[adds])
		# put the solutions back in the correct place 
		simplices[reps] <- replacement
		top.simplexes[reps] <- topsimps(replacement)
		dups <- duplicated(top.simplexes,incomparables=-1)
	class(simplices) <- "reduced.matrix"

	# the reduced form needs forcing into the right format so that we can plot it
	# using the generic plot.hclust() method
	# hcass <- makeHclustMerge(reduction=simplices, n=n.vertices)
	Y <- matrix(unlist(simplices), nrow=2)
	Y <- apply(Y,2,sort.int)
	left <- as.integer(Y[1,])
	right <- as.integer(Y[2,])
	# in the stats:::hclust Fortran routines, an intermediate form of the
	# clustering result is formed by the "HCLUST" function, which is then
	# converted into the output form by "HCASS2", which is what plot.hclust
	# expects. This function turns our reduced form into the intermediate 
	# form that would come from HCLUST, and then uses the hclustPH copy of 
	# the HCASS2 Fortran code to convert this into the output form.
	ia <- hclustIntermediate(left, right)
	# hcass2 is a copy of the Fortran routine from the base package "stats"
	# it outputs an ordering of the leaves in the plot so that tree branches
	# don't overlap, which is the "order" output, and a different description
	# of the sequence of merges which is used by the plot.hclust() method
	hcass <- .Fortran("hcass2", n = n.vertices, ia = as.integer(c(ia,0)), ib = as.integer(c(right,0)), order = integer(n.vertices), iia = integer(n.vertices), iib = integer(n.vertices))
	# compute the hierachical clustering "heights", which are the birth times of any 
	# edge left in the reduced form
	simplex.size <- unlist(lapply(simplices,length))
	death <- which(simplex.size >= 1)
	# output a list which is compatible with the generic hclust method
	hc <- list()
	hc$merge <- cbind(hcass$iia[1L:(n.vertices - 1)], hcass$iib[1L:(n.vertices - 1)])
	hc$height <- birth[death]
	hc$order <- hcass$order
	hc$method <- "single"
	hc$labels <- NULL  # we could handle this at some point
	hc$dist.method <- NULL
	hc$call <- NULL
	class(hc) <- "hclust"

arnhew99/hclustPH documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:45 p.m.