Man pages for artemis-toumazi/dfpk
Bayesian Dose-Finding Designs using Pharmacokinetics (PK) for Phase I Clinical Trials

AUC.estimEstimation of the area under the curve, AUC.
dfpk-packageBayesian Dose-Finding Designs using Pharmacokinetics (PK) for...
dosefinding-classAn S4 class to represent a dosefinding results.
dtoxDose finding method DTOX.
invlogitInverse logistic functions.
nextDoseNext dose determination of a phase I clinical trial.
nsimSimulate a single or n prospective clinical trial(s) using...
pkcovDose finding method PKCOV.
pkcrmDose finding method PKCRM.
pk.estimThe pharmacokinetic's (PK) measure of exposure.
pklogitDose finding method PKLOGIT.
pkpopDose finding method PKPOP.
pktoxDose finding method PKTOX.
plot-dosefinding-missing-methodThe graphical representation of dose-finding results.
plot-scen-missing-methodThe graphical representation of the drug's concentration in...
scen-classAn S4 class to represent a simulated scenarios.
show-methodsS4 Methods for Function 'show'
sim.dataGenerate and store PK and toxicity data.
stan_fThe data stan_f includes all the Stan models that dfpk...
artemis-toumazi/dfpk documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 2:44 a.m.