
Defines functions formatSimsOutput

Documented in formatSimsOutput

#list of original bins inside is a list of observations
#inside the list observation is either NULL or a matrix of simulations
#now columns are the replicates and rows are the coins
#'Export simulations of re-binning process from \code{rebin} function
#'@param simulates a list object created from \code{rebin}
#'@param numObs The number of observations that were simulated from
#'@param binLower A vector of the lower cut points of the of the original binned ata
#'@param binUpper A vector of the upper cutponts of the original binnned data
#'@param A scalar that is the the length of the new (less coarse) simulated data bin
#'@param repNum The number of replications carried out
#'@param outputType currently either \code{"list_of_bins} or \code{list_of_draws}. \code{"list_of_bins} returns a list object
#'whose length is the number of simulations in each list there is a matrix of counts of how many objects were places in each bin
#'for each observation. \code{list_of_draws} has a similar data structure but only includes the matrix of draws.
#'@details The idea of this data structure ist that it is similar to an imputation matrix.

formatSimsOutput <- function(simulates, numObs, binLower, binUpper,
                             cutSize, repNum, outputType = "list_of_bins") {
  binNum <- length(binLower)
  listofDf <- list()
  for (obs in 1:numObs) { #reverse the for loops
    for (bin in 1:binNum) {
      if (is.null(simulates[[bin]][[obs]]) ) {
      if(length(listofDf) < obs) { #trick for if list emlement exists
        listofDf[[obs]] <- simulates[[bin]][[obs]]
      } else {
        listofDf[[obs]] <- rbind(listofDf[[obs]], simulates[[bin]][[obs]])
  #different ways to out put data
  rnames <- levels(cut(1,
                       breaks = seq(min(binLower), max(binUpper),
                                    cutSize) ) )
  listofDf <- lapply(listofDf, as.data.frame)
  #listofDf <- lapply(listofDf, factor, levels = rnames)
  outputList <- list()
  if (outputType == "list_of_draws") {
    for (df in 1:repNum) {
      outputList[[df]] <- plyr::ldply(listofDf, function(x) t(x[, df, drop = FALSE]))
  if (outputType == "list_of_bins") {
    toFactor <- lapply(listofDf, lapply, function(x) unlist(factor(x, levels = rnames)))
    tableX <-lapply(toFactor, function(x) sapply(x, table))
    for (df in 1:repNum) {
      outputList[[df]] <- plyr::ldply(tableX, function(x) t(x[, df, drop = FALSE]))
aserlich/gameify documentation built on Sept. 27, 2019, 5:41 p.m.