
#' Get mentions for the authenticating user.
#' Returns data on up to 200 of the most recent mentions (Tweets
#' containing a users's screen_name) of the authenticating user.
#' @param n Specifies the number of Tweets to try and retrieve, up to
#'   a maximum of 200 (the default). The value of count is best
#'   thought of as a limit to the number of tweets to return because
#'   suspended or deleted content is removed after the count has been
#'   applied.
#' @param since_id Returns results with an ID greater than (that is,
#'   more recent than) the specified ID. There are limits to the
#'   number of Tweets which can be accessed through the API. If the
#'   limit of Tweets has occurred since the since_id, the since_id
#'   will be forced to the oldest ID available.
#' @param max_id Returns results with an ID less than (that is, older
#'   than) or equal to the specified ID.
#' @param parse Logical indicating whether to convert the response
#'   object into an R list. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param token OAuth token. By default \code{token = NULL} fetches a
#'   non-exhausted token from an environment variable. Find
#'   instructions on how to create tokens and setup an environment
#'   variable in the tokens vignette (in r, send \code{?tokens} to
#'   console).
#' @param ... Other arguments passed as parameters in composed API
#'   query.
#' @return Tibble of mentions data.
#' @details The timeline returned is the equivalent of the one seen
#'   when you view your mentions on twitter.com. This method can only
#'   return up to 800 tweets.
#' @family tweets
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## get most recent 200 mentions of authenticating user
#' mymentions <- get_mentions()
#' ## view data
#' mymentions
#' }
#' @seealso
#'   \url{https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/timelines/api-reference/get-statuses-mentions_timeline}
#' @export
get_mentions <- function(n = 200,
                         since_id = NULL,
                         max_id = NULL,
                         parse = TRUE,
                         token = NULL,
                         ...) {
  args <- list(
    n = n,
    since_id = since_id,
    max_id = max_id,
    parse = parse,
    token = token,
  do.call("get_mentions_", args)

get_mentions_ <- function(n = 100,
                          since_id = NULL,
                          max_id = NULL,
                          parse = TRUE,
                          token = NULL,
                          ...) {
  query <- "statuses/mentions_timeline"
  params <- list(
    count = n,
    since_id = since_id,
    max_id = max_id,
  token <- check_token(token, query)
  message("Getting mentions for ", token_home_user(token))
  url <- make_url(query = query, param = params)
  r <- httr::GET(url, token)
  if (parse) {
    r <- from_js(r)
    r <- as_mentions(r)
    r <- as.data.frame(r)
    if (has_name_(r, "created_at")) {
      r$created_at <- format_date(r$created_at)

token_home_user <- function(token) {
  if (is.list(token)) {
    lapply(token, go_get_var, "credentials", "screen_name")
  } else {
    go_get_var(token, "credentials", "screen_name")

as_mentions <- function(x) {
  structure(x, class = "mentions")

as.data.frame.mentions <- function(x) {
  out <- tibble::as_tibble(
    wrangle_into_clean_data(x, "status"),
    validate = FALSE
  if (has_name_(x, "user")) {
    users <- tibble::as_tibble(
      wrangle_into_clean_data(x, "user"),
      validate = FALSE
    attr(out, "users") <- users
ashoksiri/rtweet documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:55 p.m.